Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • congratulations Iroha fans, your character is top tier af
    She's gunna get nerfed unless SNK wants everyone to embrace the tittiez.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    she really is built like a street fighter character, it's kinda nutty; if i was convinced she was gonna stay this strong i would pick her up in a minute, but the practice of making dlc/newcomers stonk on release and then hitting them with the nerf hammer down the line is all too common so i wouldn't get too attached to this version of Iroha
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    but she is a ton of fun and is a nice deviation from the usual roster, heck this whole season of characters was like this; ppl joke about this being the waifu character pack, but it's more like the zoner character pack, like SNK looked at samsho and said "we want to diversify our roster with some actually effective zoner types, cause wu ruixang aint cutting it"
    Using your thumb to block, strike, and throw is not optimal in the slightest :/
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i agree, im keeping P and K as face buttons, but really the buttons im really interested in rebinding are T and H, it kinda just hit me that having both T and H as face buttons actually makes my throw punishes slower, and it'd be better to just have throw/block bound to a non face button or train myself to use directionals to block while keeping T as a face button, still figuring out how im gonna do this though
    I wouldn't hold back as it isn't normal for a 3D FG. Tekken has back to block to just make things harder 2 block than it already is. If J Wong says he can't block lows he reads, it'd be better if it was a button. It reads buttons just fine 'cause it's all people want 2 press. I wish they'd allow crushes to happen from OKI. In VF, I'm notorious 4 crushing lows n even mids on reaction but a simple hopkick over a low?
    lol Good luck since just because people are plus 100 in Tek, they suddenly start beating out strikes with throws and people crouching under throws too as well as WR moves that already were ducking highs, still get beat out 'cuz framez
    Ghost of Tsushima is pulling a Bayo 1 port where they have a Japanese voice track but the lip sync and dialogue are originally in English; it looks weird af
    I know Tamaki's built in OH's are fuzziable, but I have hard time dodging it consistently, both offline and online, anyone else having this problem ?
    trying to dodge tamaki was your first mistake
    If you liked Skullgirls or Marvel 3 I heartily recommend Them's Fightin' Herds, yeah it's technically a MLP inspired fan game but don't let that dissuade you, it's the real deal
    so, Iroha came out in Samsho and peep this, on stages where there's a rain effect, she's the ONLY character whose clothes will get soaked and her skin gets wet and glistening :cool:
    Sega recently filed 4 trademarks related to Sakura Taisen, guess that means the reboot was a success and we'll be seeing more from this franchise in the future, sweet
    Not even mad to see Smash ultimate get dropped from the line up, I love Smash but golly it's online is a next level of terribleness
    Smash U is indeed a shitshow online, though so are majority of the "main games" at EVO this year. I'm more interested in the side tournaments: KI & Skullgirls.
    Its the worst game when it comes to online performance/netcode, game would've been put on a blast if there would've been an online EVO tournament for it.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I agree, I'm sure smash players might feel some type of way but I for one am relieved, and hey, there's always next year
    been playing Mai for a minute now, and I have to say her im not a fan (heh, fan) of her damage, feels very low, but then again i do play heavy hitters on the regular so maybe it's just that
    oh snap, i forgot about Bankotsubo's old 236k, minus 70 on block! but hey you could finish the string with a low that knocked down which was pointless cause knockdowns weren't sh1t back in doa2, BALANCE!
    ppl say Honoka is struggle tier in this game but I don't see it
    • Haha
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    lol, that's definitely one of her faults, if your opponents decides to play the lame game it can be an uphill battle for Honoka, leaving her to use movement and overshoot with moves like running p+k, 46p, and 3h+k to get offence started, but if you're opponent knows how to deal with these moves it's not gonna be ez. but here's the kicker,
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    DOA players don't know how to play lame effectively, so even though she can have a bad MU depending on their play style, most players wont properly take advantage of this weakness, so she's doesn't have much to worry about :p, they'll just get in your face and press buttons and suddenly all those range problems don't mean a thing
    Her short reach is overly exaggerated. End of the day its a minor thing to a character that has guard breaks all over the place, is super safe, fast, and has an insanely good throw reset and very good crushes and oh right a 4 fucking frame throw.
    How do you feel about jumping in fresh into legacy fighting games? You think its worth playing if you're likely to get bodied by players who've been at it for 15-20 years?
    It was kinda like when I started playing JJBA/Super Turbo on Fightcade... more than half the people on there were insanely good at those games like they've been playing for decades but I kept learning and having fun even though I was getting steamrolled (I still suck though lmaoo).
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    oh my gosh fightcade,I used to play ST and 3rd strike on it, I can say with confidence that I have never won a single set verses anyone on fightcade, those dude are serious!!! but then again i was one of those posers who tried his hand at old street fighter after getting into SF4 so victory was never meant to be mine lol
    If you are worried about losing in a legacy game it shouldn't really matter, You have to start somewhere great thing about legacy games is a ton of info can be found.
    been playing Ninja Gaiden Black for years now, and I still don't have a strategy versus Awakened Alma, other than spamming lvl 2 fire ninpo and getting lucky with UT's when she's grounded :/
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    Flying Swallow is an option to knock her down to the ground, you can pretty much go ham on her for a bit after iirc.....unfortunately FS won't always work, 50-40% of the times you are going to get a jump triangle/Y attack but its still an option that is at your disposal.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    naw, flying swallow doesn't do dick, you just ricochet off her the majority of the time, you can damage her with it but it's so inconsistent it's not worth going for; that's my beef with Awaken Alma, you can dmg her in a variety of ways but alot of it is super inconsistent, you can running slash her when she's flying, but it's inconsistent, you can hit her with forward jump heavy slash, but it's inconsistent, etc etc
    Damn, you're right, forgot that FS does ricochet like that and doesn't knock her down, happened to me many times too. There are way too many inconsistencies with this boss fight, definitely the worst out of all the boss fights in every reboot Ninja Gaiden game.
    Not throwing shade at Brad Wong players, but y'all really learned your one double bound combo during week 1 and said "welp, I guess this is the only conversion I need to succeed at this game!"
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    granted it's a good conversion; works on all weight classes, doesn't wallsplat so you can do it anywhere, can either choose to cash out for respectable damage or go for okizeme, but golly i am so sick seeing that sequence from every Brad I've fought since release
    Lemme guess, the ender in the sequence you're referring to (the last three hits): 2H+K, 6H+K and the last hit is (feet facing forward) 8H+K. If so, guilty as charged. Also, as a Brad player, I'm guilty of spamming the fuck out of 2H+K on normal hit too. xD
    Forgot to mention that the 2H+K is done with the back facing, the 6H+K is done with the head facing the opponent, and of course the 8H+K is feet forward in which Brad sounds like a pirate in the english version ("YO HO!").
    hold up, Aftermath dlc is 40 bux? oof, that's like a whole used game right there :/
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    Yeah, that isn't cheap, even if you get everything that they've just shown in the trailer, its kind of much. A 30$ price for it would've been somewhat better, best price would've been 20-25$ imo, the price that a season pass usually when it comes to other fighting games.
    the real kicker is the stand alone version is $60 and includes not just aftermath but also the whole of KP1 which previously cost $90 or whatever
    In mk9 Scorpion had to fight to defend his hatred towards teddy bears, in mk11 he hugs a teddy bear during his friendship; what a great character arc
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