Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • maybe it's cause I main a character with a 14 frame jab and an i15 6p, but when ppl talk about characters like Ryu and Tamaki being "too slow" all I can do is laugh hysterically
    Ahtena's new look seems to have a very Chinese spin on it, I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent SNK/Tencent collaborations or if it's just a coincidence
    What's cool about Athena though is that she's one of the few characters that aesthetically changes in attire with each new iteration she gets appeared in, sometimes slightly, sometimes a lot.
    I can't believe y'all are falling for this shit!

    Don't y'all see the monster within? The sinister grin as she waves her giant pink ball of death upon her hapless victims?

    She's pure evil, dammit!
    I haven't fallen for it, never did. I saw the monster within. I still believe her hype is a bit of an exaggeration still. But hey, people like those types of characters I guess.
    :/ <- the face you make when all your normal ppl friends are playing Strive and you're out here struggling to get a match in (insert obscure airdasher here)
    Sigma 2's MN mode feels like a meme difficulty mode, everything kills you in 1 or 2 hits! can't believe im saying this but it almost makes me miss Vanilla NG2 MN mode and getting bum rushed by IS ninjas with every step
    Both are pretty awful, but at least Sigma 2 MN doesn't lag like a motherfucker with IS ninja's chucking a billion IS's at you. I hate to say it but if you're fighting bosses, don't get hit by their throws or big moves, they're generally pretty telegraphed.
    NG2's mission mode was way better than NGS2's if only for the weapon survival challenges alone.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    meh, never been a fan of the extra modes in NG games

    that said, Eternal legend is alright and chapter challenges can be interesting, but rest can go in the bin
    dayum, really thought the Inazuma update would be the thing to get me back into Genshin, but nope, not even a new region and a gaggle of japanese themed waifus are revitalizing my interest :/
    Doesn't matter what game you play, DOA, VF, Tekken, the Ranked match experience is trAsh
    Yup in VF, Game never gives enough opponents that’s why people have a lot of games whom are Dragonfang. People even at level 22 are having trouble getting consistent opponents or even more than 1-2 opponents. Hoping that they aren’t laggy that is.
    Back on 360 believe it or not, our top players didn’t have the biggest ranked because it died even quicker then. We all mostly do player matches amongst eachother. The highest ranked player (PSN?) was a dude who was a flowcharting scrub. So, you understand how the rest of us really see ranked at this point
    @WAZAAAAA byakko is one of the stormblood trials. lol
    I never knew Alloy was such a popular character, this chick has popped up in Monster Hunter World, Fortnite, Death Stranding and now Genshin? seems weird but fck it
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    Surprised that no one did a "but we have Ganyu at home" meme yet with this. I'm super curious about the way mihoyo will handle her gameplay-wise, also, does this mean that there is a chance for us to get more interesting/unexpected collab characters later down the line? Imagine Cloud in a game like Genshin.
    Don't know much about her or her game but damn is she oogly LOL!! Whoever did her face in her original game needs to be slapped cause......
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    @ChaolanLegacy I'd say Cloud is too expensive for Genshin but after looking the amount of money Genshin makes off mobile alone, anything's possible

    @SaihateDYNAMO dayum, i wouldn't say she's Oogly oogly, but yeah she definitely has a face that looks like Ham Porter in a wig, so I definitely appreciate the anime makeover lol
    anyone else think Vegeta's new form looks kinda...stupid
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    Reactions: ChaolanLegacy
    Originally SSJ3 was suppose to be the final Saiyan form (in DBZ), and then any other new final form will use that as a basis for Saiyans (like what Vegeta did just now did but easier to draw) but because Dragon Ball Z and Goku is too popular to let go, they have to devise a way to bring new forms without SSJ3 being in the picture. Which is easy with the writers.
    Like Super Saiyan Blue actually: "Here is SSJB. Easy to draw, less expensive, more modern new effects, we'll use SSJ1 as base, and we will say that it's stronger than SSJ3 with plot. Everyone is now happy".

    I heard that during the Buu saga vs Kid Buu, artists and key animators spent 8 hours for a particular scene because of Goku's hair for SSJ3. That's kinda wild.
    Yeah, outside of a few episodes the animators that did DB Super didn't bother with SS3 for a reason. During the ToP Goku "accidentally" used it because of him getting excited to fight Kale and Caulifla for like 10 seconds before going into another form, prior to that I think it was only used in the movie episodes, I heard countless times how much of a nightmare it is to draw and to animate SS3.
    Fought a player who was using Bayman like he was a keepaway character; it didn't work, manz lost the set 1:5 but it was a bizzare experience
    Sigma 2's answer to balance was to decrease enemy numbers but give them more health, looks good on paper but when I land a full blown Izuna drop on a ninja with a lvl 3 Dragon Sword and they just spring right back up, something has gone terribly wrong
    What 3D fighters have played that have a sizeable amount of polarizing match ups? Only ones that comes to mind are the 3D era MK games but surely there's more
    Welp, Strive might not be the best fighting game, but it gave the casuals absolutely nothing to complain about so they had to play it, which is noteworthy in it's own right
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    Lack of competition in the FG spaces helped out Strive too. VF5US unfortunately screwed the pooch. SEGA needs to stop fucking around and just make VF6.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I guess thats true as well, there aren't any big fighting games doing shit right now so it was the perfect time to release lol
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