
Darn it!
I hope all the 360 gamers get the PS4 cause its way better than the XBOX one e_e. I want to fight the top players too :/
You and me both, but he's xbox only
Nah nothing noteworthy tonight. I was too tired to give it my all. I hope to have a real set with both Master and Mr.Kwiggle soon enough though, that's sure to be hype.
If any look good, please do share 'em. I love watching the two of you go at it.
You'll figure it out if you just chill.
He doesn't drop it as often as you think. I fought him again tonight and he landed it every single time. I honestly think he was feeling the pressure during our set here. He was much more in his element during my matches with him tonight. It was a mistake to fight him after such a long and tiring day.
But how much fun are you really having if you're dropping the same move 85orso% of the time?
@Brute I think he's just having fun. Online doesn't really matter to him. Yea he's making sure to give Zeo his all but I think at that point he's just playing the game. Styling, if you would.
Yea I feel you, there are some moves that I just won't do online but will do offline
I have a boatload of combos/set-ups that I practice and use offline that I never attempt online. Lag simply hates them too much. Becomes impractical to attempt them.
well all that practicing offline you have to put it into effect online lol
Offline practice makes perfect.

Online attempts make a cocktail of luck and skill.
Me gusta. Especially the Lost World one. It was interesting to see you guys' positioning and combos in relation to the environment and how you'd change things up to utilize that.

Man, I know he's Master and has a reputation for making the improbable probable, but I have no idea why he risks that Izuna->33P4->Shoho Izuna combo online. The timing is so sensitive and he's missing out on big damage quite frequently by continuing to attempt it. Landed it one time out of the 10 or so attempts across the 3 matches.
I got mad respect to Zeo for doing well against a high level player.
Hype set music goes well especial that first match.
dude you GOTTA show me where you find these awesome songs... if its not too much to ask could you PM me the songs used in this video?