His_Reverence vs. Sonicfox5000

I just commented to remind u of how different we play now :p lool
Good Game Reverence, Nice Battle you came up from 2 - 0 to 2 - 2 And the Last Battle Was Just Plain Awesome lol
lol I'll pay you 10 bucks for a DVD clay. MOF 7 bucks because I should get a friendship discount. :D
In other news, I saved 15% on car insurance by switching to Geico... and I finally got DVDs of Bianca Beauchamp. :3
Lmao clay you came in on page 3. This should have calmed down after your comment.
Of course it needed 6 pages of nonsense. It was the only way I could tell if Ghidorah was getting himself into trouble or not. He's my buddy, and I don't like it when he's in trouble. Otherwise I would've seen it as just another video. At any rate, I hope he understands nobody's scolding him.
It's not really online vs offline elitism. Maybe some pricks are like that and try to use it as an excuse for why they lost but on the real Dead or Alive online is a completely different game than dead or alive offline. You have moves that are safe or even punishable on block becoming frame advantage etc online. That said It was a GG and so rev was giving respect. This vid really didn't need 6 pages of comments over nonsense.
Also king he doesn't use helena seriously lol. Christie and rachel are his mains. But way to judge his play based on online match videos lol
Dude sonic fox has beaten people like black mamba rikuto caliburbladez kwiggles etc. OFFLINE. somewhere you've never been. Give respect where respect is due.
You obviously haven't been around all that long if you believe I have a bad rage problem. And I will go wherever I please, if you have a problem with that too bad.
Let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty that is DOA.
Everyone claims they quit. No one actually quits DOA.
I have my moments, I'm sure everyone does - but certainly not on your level.
Havent you quit the game for the millionth time? Why not chill on a Tekken site?
Acting like a bitch? Real fucking cute, playing it off as if you don't at any point. Get the fuck out.
Well I've seen SonicFox play offline before, so I know he's legit.


Jan 8, 2014 at 12:34 AM
Posted by His Reverence
I lost this one but, my God, was this an incredible match. Credit where credit is due, SonicFox5000.
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