
I'm not worshipping shit. I'm merely giving credit where its due, rather than acting like a bitch when I lose.
From what I'm seeing Ghidorah, it doesn't look like Rev is kissing his ass. SonicFox is legit; he's been doing very well in the offline majors he's been to, consistently placing top 8, at that. I believe the point Rev is trying to get across that he's not trying to knock him down a peg with these videos, which most people would otherwise try to do if they had the chance given his reputation, which IMO is a bitch move. He's merely giving respect where it's due.
This seems very childish.
You cut it out, seriously. It's like you're running a cult that worships the ground this kid walks upon.
He's over selling the child a bit much. He's decent at best.
Awesome match dude! If I'm not mistaken SonicFox is a prominent offline player.
You said it yourself a while ago, this offline to online elitism needs to stop. If you prefer offline then play offline, no one is forcing you to deal with said "online bullshit." Sonic is a decent player, both online and off. You need to get off the kid's back.
I sort of zoned out while writing that first bit. If offline was trash then fuck...
"offline is bullshit and straight up trash."
I'd give no credit cause offline is bullshit and straight up trash. Anyone can get away with anything.

I think I threw up in my mouth just thinking about it.