Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


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I don't think everything falls on Shimbori. Not only did Team Ninja change, but the industry also did. Multiple ways were developed to basically exploit the gamers. It became a way for publishers to make additional money. And for every system like loot boxes or costumes or whatever else that was developed, it took away from other things in the games. So basically games got worse, got more expensive if you wanted to have everything, and people still bought them... There was no incentive to stop doing it, where it escalated to a point where people had no choice but to notice...

Developers basically had no choice. Their publishers wanted additional income/revenue, and not complying would mean a studio close down or not having a publisher at all. Publishers didn't know what else to do either, because increasing the price of games was always in poor taste in the eyes of gamers.

Hopefully, with the introduction of things like Gamepass, these shenanigans of exploiting players can take a back seat, and developers can focus on the actual game...

All the best for Shimbori. I have no doubt he did the best he could. Sometimes, that simply is not good enough, and it can be entirely out of someone's hands.
I still think we have not gotten to the potential that DOA has. Including PC was a step in the right direction (although messing up DOA5 on it wasn't great).

I think this is true. From what I heard, one DOA stage developed costed like $400,000+. Games are in fact getting more expensive because the technology behind it keeps rising and more demanding, so corporates do tend to exploit it to make more gains in the end, at times for the wrong reasons.

Games literally have the same exact tech that movie & film producers use now. It suddenly turns into one giant pachinko machine on the eventual moment on who produces the highest looking game at the cost of overall quality of what makes a game actually good.
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Matt Ponton

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Well, I don't think DOA franchise is "dead". It's now just in life support according to this tweet from Shimbori.(Similar to the way it was during DOA 4 and 5)

I take his words here to be moreso along the lines of, "The team stepped up eventually after DOA4. So I'm sure one day they'll do the same and step up eventually after DOA6." So while not on life support in my eyes, it's certainly been put on the shelf like NG was (and continues to be) for the past 9 years.


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I'd like to throw in my 2 cents on the situation. With regards to Shimbori I wish him nothing but the best for his future endeavours. If I were to garner a guess, I'd say that he cared about DOA moreso than anyone else at Team NINJA (and definitely Koei Tecmo). I didn't envy him at all with having to both promote and defend that product that DOA6 was at launch (and yes it was pretty painful: no lobbies, ridiculous costume grind, bugs, etc.). I'm going to say straight up that anyone who disrespected Shimbori with regards to his retirement message is a cunt.

On a different note, I find that a lot of people don't really appreciate the things that DOA/DOA6 does do well. There is quite frankly no modern FG that comes close to the overall quality of DOA6's stages for instance (and no 3D fighter touches the graphically/visual quality of the character models either). I feel that some people can take these types of things for granted a bit too much, especially considering that the game can technically be played for free if you wanted too.

On one hand, it is completely fair to call out bullshit like the hair colour scheme, which did feel downright predatory for instance, but constant complaining about everything else is exasperating for almost everyone and is a big reason why people stay away from DOA and continue to stay away. No one wants to be surrounded by negativity (well, besides negative people of course). Although, there are a lot of aspects of DOA6 that I find unfavourable, I still appreciate what it does well, or tries to do well as opposed to dwelling on the negative.


Well-Known Member
I see three ways of developing the situation:
1. Hayashi takes everything into his own hands (if not already) and during this year we will receive a hint / teaser or possibly an announcement, next year there will be a full-fledged development with a release in late 2022 or early 2023
2 By the end of this year we will get the announcement of Ninja Gaiden 4, they will develop it for 1.5-2 years, release it and then we will get the announcement of Dead or Alive 7.
3. We will not get any news about DOA and NG, so the developers will be busy with their new projects, then of course they will announce the sequel to Nioh and gradually leave for their new projects, and we may not see any news on DOA or Ninja Gaiden at all, or the news will not be very soon


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DOA6 only happens because of the successful season pass sell in DOA5. Not esport not your nostalgia playing previous game. When fans cut that money cash flow. The game died too. Who's going to make the game with cheap season pass , free update..keep dreaming
A game can do well without making a seasonpass almost twice the price of the full game. The price is ridiculous for the content you get. You only get a few themed copy paste costumes for the girls and 1 character. That’s not worth $90. New players are scared of these prices and keep them away from the game.


Well-Known Member
A game can do well without making a seasonpass almost twice the price of the full game. The price is ridiculous for the content you get. You only get a few themed copy paste costumes for the girls and 1 character. That’s not worth $90. New players are scared of these prices and keep them away from the game.
yes, the price is ridiculous because that's how they make profit but you're saying new players are scared to these prices are wrong because the game have free version and there's no lobby restriction for costume. If you say ridiculous, try playing gatcha game that you will not guarantee getting the costume even you pay it. at least in DOA6 , you pay and you get the costume


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yes, the price is ridiculous because that's how they make profit but you're saying new players are scared to these prices are wrong because the game have free version and there's no lobby restriction for costume. If you say ridiculous, try playing gatcha game that you will not guarantee getting the costume even you pay it. at least in DOA6 , you pay and you get the costume
I hate to say it but there are 2 issues: #1: $90+ for a season pass is too much. Issue #2: Having a $93 season looks really bad for your game from the outside and did scare off people from wanting to try DOA6 (or DOA5LR to a lesser extent). Capping the season pass at $40-$45ish would've been much better even if it contained less content because it doesn't look as "bad" to people looking from the outside.
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Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but there are 2 issues: #1: $90+ for season pass is too much. Issue #2: Having a $93 season looks really bad for your game from the outside and did scare off people from wanting to try DOA6 (or DOA5LR to a lesser extent). Capping the season pass at $40-$45ish would've been much better even if it contained less content because it doesn't look as "bad" to people looking from the outside.
that's the same price like in DOA5LR. The price can't go down because it will set a new precedent. Just like the shark cards in GTA5 ..doesn't change price since 2012. That's how company makes money

i think the price will pique the interest of new players if they knew about the free version. if they got hook to the game they upgrade to the full version or if they thought the game is boring just uninstall it.


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Is it a frequent thing for developers to use the departure of a previous director to promote a new game with a new fresh vision & reputation ?

I guess that's a frequent thing from what you mentioned, but I feel like that's up to KT at this point in general. Can't see the point of a new vision & reputation if there's no weight and support behind it really.

You still have other people in there such as Nakamura so the thought of continuing might still be a thing, it's just that Shimbori was a pretty big deal because he was the only one that stepped up to have DOA on the map again and technically the only one that actually cared really. Guess they really have to find someone to step up.
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There is a chance that he left because of this that he got tired of just working on DOA games.(I mean, lots of talented developers hate making sequels.)


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True, though I don't think he was tired of working for DOA (?) least... I... don't think so because he worked on multiple games. I still think it's just being overworked in general and where he worked at so he kinda needed this as a person even if he was called off.

Some few members from TN left to Square Enix awhile back because some always wanted to work there and not for actual bad reasons. One of the guys who use to do the costume contests for DOA was one of them.
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Well-Known Member
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yes, the price is ridiculous because that's how they make profit but you're saying new players are scared to these prices are wrong because the game have free version and there's no lobby restriction for costume. If you say ridiculous, try playing gatcha game that you will not guarantee getting the costume even you pay it. at least in DOA6 , you pay and you get the costume
Nobody gives a fuck about Gacha games. Dead or alive 5 and 6 are fighting games. Having these prices for costumes in a FIGHTING GAME, is ridiculous. Let’s not compare the soft porn,bikini gambling, slot machine game aka DOAXVV to an actual fighting game.

$90-93 is just too much for just costumes in a fighting game. If the prices were $30 per seasonpass like in Tekken it would’ve been perfectly fine. Having a seasonpass cost almost twice the price of the base game which contains way more content the season has to offer is ridiculous. You’re looking really stupid for trying to defend these types of prices. If the seasonpasses contained a lot of content... And no I don’t mean fetish wear for the girls. But ACTUAL content like stages, music, game modes, costumes for every character and new characters, I could understand the pricing. It still would’ve been way too expensive for a seasonpass but with that amount of content I could’ve at least understand.
that's the same price like in DOA5LR. The price can't go down because it will set a new precedent. Just like the shark cards in GTA5 ..doesn't change price since 2012. That's how company makes money

i think the price will pique the interest of new players if they knew about the free version. if they got hook to the game they upgrade to the full version or if they thought the game is boring just uninstall it.
just because that’s how they always did it, doesn’t mean it’s good, it also doesn’t mean it should stay that way.

Shark cards are different though. You’re comparing a free world RPG to a fighting game. Stick to the genre instead of trying to pick games from other genres where these types of pricings are more common. GTA5’s sharkcards were just easy ways to get money, but you didn’t need it to earn a lot of money since there were many different ways you could make money. Wanting an exclusive Kasumi costume and hiding it behind a $90 paywall is not it. For fighting game standards and I repeat FOR FIGHTING GAME STANDARDS, THIS PRICING IS RIDICULOUS AND SHOULDN’T BE THIS WAY. No other fighting game has had these prices. The DOA5 argument also is a load of shit, they already got backlash with the first seasonpass in DOA5 with its ridiculous pricing. If it’s gonna be that expensive fans should be able to expect more than some lazy fetish wear for the girls. It’s only reasonable.
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Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
that's the same price like in DOA5LR. The price can't go down because it will set a new precedent. Just like the shark cards in GTA5 ..doesn't change price since 2012. That's how company makes money

i think the price will pique the interest of new players if they knew about the free version. if they got hook to the game they upgrade to the full version or if they thought the game is boring just uninstall it. you even PAY attention to the FGC's reactions to the DOA's season pass prices? Because I can easily tell that you don't. EVERYONE hated DOA's season pass price tag.


Well-Known Member
Actually there's a proof that their brand new IP won't be revealed any time soon. And still they're working on something else except Ninja Gaiden MC.

P.S. Actually one tweet they replied was deleted,so idk what kind of question was it or about what. Person could ask about anything.

So at least we know that they are working on existing titles

Its a kind of positive thing if we count only their own titles (not Nintendo ones)

Can be NG4 or .....
Since they decided to make rest for Nioh. What's more Yasuda said there's no concrete plans for NG4 and everything will depend on sales and reception, i feel that they have at least early concepts of new Ninja Gaiden.

So, my guess is we will hear something about DOA during this year

Of course I don't know actually their situation



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Well-Known Member you even PAY attention to the FGC's reactions to the DOA's season pass prices? Because I can easily tell that you don't. EVERYONE hated DOA's season pass price tag.
I hated it too dude but 10 guys in japan loves it at the same time. You're fighting an uphill battle . You get it. Now all the whales invest in doax. We got nothing


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I hated it too dude but 10 guys in japan loves it at the same time. You're fighting an uphill battle . You get it. Now all the whales invest in doax. We got nothing

The "10 guys in Japan" that like the season pass DLC, will buy whatever crap KT churned out. It wasn't even necessary to promote the season pass to these whales. They would just hop on their platform's online store and eat it up. DOA6 promoting a $93 season pass on Day One was beyond stupid. KT was basically just doing that to appeal to its shareholders. It was not in the interest of the gamers at all. Whales investing in DOAX isn't my problem, I pay no attention to that game series. If more effort was put into promoting DOA6 properly, they wouldn't have to be as reliant on "Whale" money.

I was really disappointed when DOA6 announced a $93 season pass at launch because it came off to me as if KT was like, "YES! We got away with this nonsense with DOA5LR, so let's do the exact same nonsense with DOA6!".


Well-Known Member
Hi all fans of DoA. I decided to return from my hiatus because I really wanted express a few words for Shimbori's departure from TN. I truly hoped to discover that it was just an April fools' joke...

(As always the usual premise never changes: sorry for my bad English)

I'm really sad for it. The DoA series it's always been a work of a team, but to my eyes until the fourth title Itagaki and Shimbori were a sort of representatives of the soul of it. And today both of them are no more part of it.

I'm never been a competitive player but it was just following the users of this forum that I started to get a glimpse of the competitive side behind the game and I discovered, and recognized, the figure of Shimbori and the importance that he got for this part. I always assumed, starting maybe with his partecipations to the DoA in Dallas events, that Shimbori was one of the first and most important connection between the competitive USA players and the Japanese team. I loved it because I think that it's always great to see that your feedback as a fan and passionate of the series are, if not always followed, definitely listened.

Maybe can appear presumptuous that me, a really no one between the players, is talking about things that are not related to me but rather to the veterans fans as Mr.Wah, Rikuto, Master and so on... but I'm sincere, one of the things that I always loved most of this community was the connection that I felt between the team and the fans. Even during the times of DoA5, put me a smile on the face seeing the behind the scenes of the tournaments with the photos of the TN members together with Mr.Wah cosplaying as Bass, or having a dinner with Emperor Cow, or just reporting to have discussed about the gameplay aspects of it.

The reason because in the past I was so active on twitter or facebook adding my voice to the ones of the other fans for petitions and partecipating to the initatives of the team for the causals it was just this one. I thought that from the other side there were good people trying to do their best for giving a great product to the fans and not just selling it. But of course the things are never so easy and there are other factors that come in play (rightly, but sadly often doing it in the wrong way).

I can't hide that DoA6 is truly the first DoA game that really doesn't give me so much fun and interest to play it. But my love for the rest series it's always here (I play almost all the days DoA5 online on Pc) and this is also thanks to the efforts of Shimbori. Indipendently from what were his responsibilites behind the last release failure, it would be unfair to associate his figure only to it. The majority of the users of this forum wouldn't be here without - also - Shimbori's work, since DoA3 through DoA5.

I really thank him so much for having made his part in giving the life to what is definitely the series of games that I played the most in my life, me that I'm not particularly fond of fighting games but that for some reasons I always seen something special in this series.

I truly wish best luck for Shimbori's future career and I hope the same even for the future of DoA. I want believe that we will see a DoA7 and that also without Shimbori (and under KT) it will be capable to find a perfect balance between the aspects of the competitive and the casual sides.
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Well-Known Member
I think, there is a lot of worrying factors here when it comes to the future of DOA as a fighting game series:

1 - Shimbori, the one name that we know that kept fighting for the series inside Team Ninja being gone.

2 - The playerbase not being there for DOA 6 because of how the game is perceived, and not being there for DOA5LR either, means that there isn't a whole moviment of people showing numbers and bringing doa into the spotlight as a series.

3 - Venus Vacation being the absolute success that it is and bringing more "fans" to that side of the series.

If DOA was one of those series were the players kept the scene alive while the series is on life support, I could see Koei eventually greenlighting something, but it is not the case, Koei policies and how doa 6 turned out, turned people off the series in a major way.

EDIT: in case i'm not being clear, I'm not bashing anyone, i just feel that the series is in a bad space both from the company side, and the playerbase not being very much active in it, there are some people out there working on keeping the scene alive and they deserve more support.