New Costumes of Last Round

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Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Not exactly true. TN claims, the new skin shader makes the girls' skin softer and gives more muscle definition to the guys:

Based on this, it's most likely that they improved the models for the entire cast.


Well-Known Member
Topless males won't get in the way of topless females. If that's what you are worried about. If anyone is genuinely worried about topless men appearing in DOA... I mean... That's beyond the scope of what I'm willing to discuss. That would potentially derail this whole thread... again lol!

Furthermore, the male cast does need some basic upgrades. Both sexes MUST look finished. Weird angles mean they aren't finished and it reflects poorly on TN; in all honesty this should have been done when the game came out. Remember, just because some of us want to see the males constructed on a professional level does not say anything about sexuality or sexual orientation.
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Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Lol, nobody cares about how the guys look. They have no use for the new engine TN is implementing.

I disagree, and it's one of the things I do give credit to Hayashi for. In the initial Famitsu article about the Soft Engine, Hayashi was trying to get it off topic of the breasts. The "reporter" though kept asking sexist question though. If you look back at the interview you'll see he keeps asking about the girls and their breasts. When Hayashi brings up the soft engine it's the reporter who says "I bet that makes their breasts even better to look at it" (paraphrased), and Hayashi initially responds with "Well, it not only helps in that way but also helps the Males too in their skin deformations and musculature. So all of our characters take advantage of this Soft Light." (paraphrasing).


Premium Donor
Rig has always looked bland to me. Nothing about him stands out.
The thing that bugs me about rig is how one eye is slightly more narrow than the other. Nothing wrong with eye assymetry, but im used to perfectly even eyes in DOA. Other than that, i think he's a pretty cool character.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
I disagree, and it's one of the things I do give credit to Hayashi for. In the initial Famitsu article about the Soft Engine, Hayashi was trying to get it off topic of the breasts. The "reporter" though kept asking sexist question though. If you look back at the interview you'll see he keeps asking about the girls and their breasts. When Hayashi brings up the soft engine it's the reporter who says "I bet that makes their breasts even better to look at it" (paraphrased), and Hayashi initially responds with "Well, it not only helps in that way but also helps the Males too in their skin deformations and musculature. So all of our characters take advantage of this Soft Light." (paraphrasing).
Team Ninja is doing a great job with this new engine! Can't wait to see what cool stuff they have up their sleeve for DOA6.


Well-Known Member
I disagree, and it's one of the things I do give credit to Hayashi for. In the initial Famitsu article about the Soft Engine, Hayashi was trying to get it off topic of the breasts. The "reporter" though kept asking sexist question though. If you look back at the interview you'll see he keeps asking about the girls and their breasts. When Hayashi brings up the soft engine it's the reporter who says "I bet that makes their breasts even better to look at it" (paraphrased), and Hayashi initially responds with "Well, it not only helps in that way but also helps the Males too in their skin deformations and musculature. So all of our characters take advantage of this Soft Light." (paraphrasing).

lol Come on Wah, every Hayashi game has focused almost exclusively on the girls. If you look at NG Sigma 1 and 2, the biggest difference is he added more boobs to them. If TN would ever respond to me on twitter I'd ask them why they even bother keeping the guys around, because frankly I feel they're only doing it because they feel they have to (and they don't). I imagine there would be some groups crying sexism if a series suddenly went female-only, but I highly doubt sales would suffer.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
We get it. You identify as a straight male. What is it with alpha-male posturing? It's just an online forum lol
I don't identify as straight, because I am bisexual. I appreciate a good looking male, but the males in DOA don't look attractive to me. The females just look better in every way possible. Not to mention, they're way more interesting characters than the males, who are basically just there supporting the females and their goals.


Well-Known Member
I don't identify as straight, because I am bisexual. I appreciate a good looking male, but the males in DOA don't look attractive to me. The females just look better in every way possible. Not to mention, they're way more interesting characters than the males, who are basically just there supporting the females and their goals.
My bad; some of those posts just came off that way (to me - not in general).

Honestly, that was like a side thing to my post. I didn't intend it to be a thing. Like I wasn't trying to make any sort of assumption about your sexuality. I quoted you just so I could remember what you said. I'm not trying to accuse you of anything lol. Even though, in hindsight, I obviously am accusing you! :(
I've become an a-hole. I will remove that portion.

I come off as a d-bag when I post sometimes. I respect everyone's opinion on this board even if it seems like I don't. I hate text. And what's worse... English is not my native language. I'm fluent and all.. but most of my phrases come from American T.V. shows that I watch to keep me... hip. It's why I try my best to incorporate memes into my posts. Most of the time.. I'm just oversharing, enthusiastically - like right now lol!
I appreciate you sharing with me though. I'm sorry that you felt the need to from my post. I totally came off as a douche. But I swear I didn't mean to lol!
Also, TN better come out with a new trailer soon. I really want to see Helena and Rachel.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Not to mention, [the females are] way more interesting characters than the males, who are basically just there supporting the females and their goals.
Mila's only goal is to worship Bass. Ayane's goal is to sleep with her brother before her sister can. Hitomi's goal is to sleep with Ayane's brother. Christie's goal is to serve Donovan. Helena's goal is to get the head ninjas to fix her problems for her. Leifang's goal is to get Jann Lee's attention. Tina's goal is nothing (until she decides to be a Mayor simply to ellicit a response from Bass). Kokoro doesn't have a goal. Lisa has too many goals. Kasumi's goal is to kill Alpha.

Hayate's goal is to stop MIST. Jann's goal is to be the strongest fighter alive. Rig's goal is elusive, but it's clear he has one. Bass' goal is to look out for his daughter (in his own way). Bayman's goal is to get revenge. Eliot's goal is to challenge himself. Brad's goal is to support Eliot (not a girl!). Zack doesn't have a goal. Hayabusa's goal is to stop MIST, protect Kasumi so that she can kill Alpha, train Hayate to become a capable leader, put idiots in their place and generally save the world, as usual.

I dunno, man. Sounds like you got that ass-backwards, to me.


Well-Known Member
but back to the costumes before brute comes in and hits us with some selena gomez gifs and lock us out the thread.

any speculations on whose new LR fight they'll reveal next? it seems random while they seem to release the bikini posters in a certain order.

edit: nevermind~


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Mila's only goal is to worship Bass. Ayane's goal is to sleep with her brother before her sister can. Hitomi's goal is to sleep with Ayane's brother. Christie's goal is to serve Donovan. Helena's goal is to get the head ninjas to fix her problems for her. Leifang's goal is to get Jann Lee's attention. Tina's goal is nothing (until she decides to be a Mayor simply to ellicit a response from Bass). Kokoro doesn't have a goal. Lisa has too many goals. Kasumi's goal is to kill Alpha.

Hayate's goal is to stop MIST. Jann's goal is to be the strongest fighter alive. Rig's goal is elusive, but it's clear he has one. Bass' goal is to look out for his daughter (in his own way). Bayman's goal is to get revenge. Eliot's goal is to challenge himself. Brad's goal is to support Eliot (not a girl!). Zack doesn't have a goal. Hayabusa's goal is to stop MIST, protect Kasumi so that she can kill Alpha, train Hayate to become a capable leader, put idiots in their place and generally save the world, as usual.

I dunno, man. Sounds like you got that ass-backwards, to me.
Nice way of trying to undermine the female characters just to make the male characters seem interesting. Sexism at its finest. But that's not what this topic is about is it?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
but back to the costumes before brute comes in and hits us with some selena gomez gifs and lock us out the thread.

edit: nevermind~
I actually wanted to let that play out, as Jyakotu was being accused of homophobia and if I ended things at the wrong point, he wouldn't have a chance to clear the air, and that wouldn't have been fair.


Well-Known Member
I very much care what the guys look like because it's just unfair really...

Like, okay, we get it, the females are the main people of DOA, but shafting the guys in terms of actual design is just lazy and gross. I mean, I still don't understand how Jann Lee's nipples are almost invisible. Hayabusa's face is just completely bleh compared to pretty much all other games he's been in. Everyone's muscles just look like nasty pasty dirt on their ugly skin textures. I really hope a lot of this is changed for LR at least somewhat.
Nice way of trying to undermine the female characters just to make the male characters seem interesting. Sexism at its finest. But that's not what this topic is about is it?
Not really, I mean, those are pretty much their goals minus Ayane's, I think they tried to fix that storyline because it was gross anyway.
Other than that, everything he said is pretty spot on and simplified.


Well-Known Member
I actually wanted to let that play out, as Jyakotu was being accused of homophobia and if I ended things at the wrong point, he wouldn't have a chance to clear the air, and that wouldn't have been fair.
No no I accused him of alpha-male posturing... which I find sexy! @Jyakotu, I find you sexy. I apologize for being a woman of ill-repute ;) . Get it? lol

There we go lol. Ok someone start speculating about costumes before we get locked out. I feel the window of opportunity closing.

Who was the person that created the gray rose Helena submission in the first contest? I want that person to win so bad! I really think that and the braids would look awesome.
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