The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Nothing against Leon, he's the strongest man in the world, but Ryu's not exactly human.

Pretty much. I think it's honestly best to disqualify Ryu and Rachel because they are technically Fiends in Human Form at this point(YES, I know they are Half-Fiends, but that's still a hell of a lot more than normal to begin with).

I motion the strongest man to be Leon and the Strongest HUMAN Ninja is Kasumi in first(because it's implied sometimes Ayane may not be a full human either)


Well-Known Member
Careful there
relax, not hitting on them, just sayin its more understandable and less awkward.
And what would that be? Because I can recall Ryu sending someone a good 20 meters in the fucking air with only one arm, and I have yet to see Leon block a deathswing from a 100-meter-tall pseudo-God.
that's because the pseudogod knows better than to try! He'd get pimplapped into submission! also nearly all of Leons attacks, most of which send the opponent flying, use only one arm.


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Pretty much. I think it's honestly best to disqualify Ryu and Rachel because they are technically Fiends in Human Form at this point(YES, I know they are Half-Fiends, but that's still a hell of a lot more than normal to begin with).

I motion the strongest man to be Leon and the Strongest HUMAN Ninja is Kasumi in first(because it's implied sometimes Ayane may not be a full human either)
Only Rachel is half-fiend. Ryu is just a superninja


Well-Known Member
Pretty much. I think it's honestly best to disqualify Ryu and Rachel because they are technically Fiends in Human Form at this point(YES, I know they are Half-Fiends, but that's still a hell of a lot more than normal to begin with).

I motion the strongest man to be Leon and the Strongest HUMAN Ninja is Kasumi in first(because it's implied sometimes Ayane may not be a full human either)
Agreed. that said, I still think Leon could disrupt and possibly reverse Ryus Izuna. have you SEEN his headbutt?
Only Rachel is half-fiend. Ryu is just a superninja
still a freak all the same.


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Isn't the "strongest man in the world" just some cheesy title Leon's deceased lover Lauren gave him (which he now desperately tries to achieve for her)? He isn't actually the strongest man/human in the world of DOA...


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The "part-fiend" thing is really hard to pin down, because a LOT of humans have fiend blood. Anyone who is susceptible to the curse is descended from the fiends. The Hayabusa ninjas were also blessed by the ancient dragon deities, and it may be possible that this has given them superhuman advantageous. But, none of this is proven. In other words, we don't know what abilities Ryu/Rachel exhibit from some sort of genetic advantage and what abilities they simply learned through rigorous training/exposure to proper instruction (Momiji being no different, for the record). The same argument could also be made for the Mugen Tenshin ninjas. We really don't know what abilities are inherited through their clan and which ones they are simply disciplined enough to use, if there is any disctinction at all. Thus, calling them the "human ninjas" may be premature, as they may be no more human than Ryu. The possibility that the Mugen Tenshin carry fiend blood is quite high, considering how many people appear susceptible to the curse. Furthermore, the Mugen Tenshin may have additional "superhuman" advantages, much like the Hayabusa's "Dragon Lineage."

All things said and done, it's sorta vague and ambiguous where our hero's powers come from. Only one thing is certain: Hayabusa has the most of them and he kicks everyone's ass.


Well-Known Member
Okay, why was I even arguing with Argentus? XD He obviously sometimes types faster than he thinks.
okay sorry, I have to make something clear. my opinion on this stems from the fact that I am a firm believer that teenagers should be considered and treated as what they are: Young adults, not children. at the ages when they are (or should be) driving, working, having sex, they are most certainly not children. sso if they want to dress like grown women, feel free. I was just saying when they have the body of a grown woman, its less awkward than when a late bloomer tries it. and for the record, of someone well into highschool is still considered a "child", their parents should be arrested for abuse and neglect.


Well-Known Member
okay sorry, I have to make something clear. my opinion on this stems from the fact that I am a firm believer that teenagers should be considered and treated as what they are: Young adults, not children. at the ages when they are (or should be) driving, working, having sex, they are most certainly not children. sso if they want to dress like grown women, feel free. I was just saying when they have the body of a grown woman, its less awkward than when a late bloomer tries it. and for the record, of someone well into highschool is still considered a "child", their parents should be arrested for abuse and neglect.

Okay, fair enough. However, it's a common misconception that teenagers are young adults -- objectively speaking, it's false. According to studies conducted in Berkeley and Dartmouth (I think they published these studies on their webpages, not sure haha) the brain is still developing at that age -- teenagers are biologically still bread dough. For most it takes till age 25. It's a complex issue but I think it's safe to say... if you're over 25, it's not healthy to be treating someone under 18 like an adult (especially in terms of physical intimacy). Biologically speaking, (again, I know this is a long-winded answer haha) ideally parents should be treating their adolescent offspring as a mixture of child and adult. Most developmental experts would strongly advise against treating them like young adult. One should treat teenagers closer to child rather than adult on the child-adult spectrum.

It's just not conducive to their development at that point.
Long story short, if their young enough to be parented, her eyes are on her head... not her torso. Eyes up here! haha

Hyabusa is way stronger and hotter than Leon.
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Well-Known Member
Okay, fair enough. However, it's a common misconception that teenagers are young adults -- objectively speaking, it's false. According to studies conducted in Berkeley and Dartmouth (I think they published these studies on their webpages, not sure haha) the brain is still developing at that age -- teenagers are biologically still bread dough. For most it takes till age 25. It's a complex issue but I think it's safe to say... if you're over 25, it's not healthy to be treating someone under 18 like an adult (especially in terms of physical intimacy). Biologically speaking, (again, I know this is a long-winded answer haha) ideally parents should be treating their adolescent offspring as a mixture of child and adult. Most developmental experts would strongly advise against treating them like young adult. One should treat teenagers closer to child rather than adult on the child-adult spectrum.

It's just not conducive to their development at that point.
Long story short, if their young enough to be parented, her eyes are on her head... not her torso. Eyes up here! haha

Hyabusa is way stronger and hotter than Leon.
unfortunately, studies rarely reflect reality. put em to work, they learn how to work. tteach em to drive, they learn how to drive earlier and less chance of an accident when they get their license. don't talk down to them as if they were dumb kids, treat em normal, if they can't handler it, they aren't underdeveloped, they're just a dumbass in that particular area. they are gonna get horny, its natural quit trying to demonize it and make them embarassed. so on and so forth. But that comes down to nature vs nurture. and no, I'd go gay for Leon lol.
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Well-Known Member
Heheheh okay
its true. most studies I've ever seen, that one he just brought up being a great example, simply don't apply to real life. "treating them like a child" is how you wind up with spoiled brats who can't handle living in the real world, and don't know about or how to do anything. iI've seen it over and over. kids who are treated normally and shown how to do things and out to work grow up more mature and capable, while those whose parents try to treat them like babies all the way up past highschool, coddle, and try "developmental advice" they got from parenting books and surveys and studies, almost always resulted in the kid being developmentally stunted and immature. sstop treating em like little kids and most of the time they'll stop acting like one. theyll still be naive, but that's not the same as immature.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure Ryu, being part of the dragon lineage, is unique in that he is descended from dragons. I think him and his father are the only living descendants. The rest of the hayabusa clan are just ordinary ninjas. I'm not totally sure about all this though.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
So a little off topic. Anyone remember this likely fake screenshot hinting Tengu in the game on April 1?

Even if it's most likely fake, with this recent DLC bundle Ayane now has 29 outfits and Marie Rose has 10 so it is matching up pretty well (when this was released Ayane had 27 and MR had 9 and I said I doubted Ayane would get 3 more outfits and MR only 2).

Still makes me wonder...
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