Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • Tomb Raider Remastered goes through all the trouble of adding HD graphics and modern controls and my ass out here playing it with OG tank controls and classic graphics XD
    this is gonna sound like a silly question, but how do you go about seeing the "YOU LOSE" animations in DOA6? I need Honoka's lose pose for a video, only to realize that I have no clue how to trigger them, losing in single player only gives me a winner screen for my opponent so I am completely lost as to how to see losing screens
    Ask KahreeEdwards
    Pressing the right bumper switches the perspective to the losing character in their *ahem* "defeated pose".
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Thanks for the information fellas

    Update: ok so turns out the doa6 losing animation doesn't even have the part i need; in doa5 when honoka loses she falls to the ground saying "ur too strong"but in doa6 they just loop the part when she's on ground, i can't use that! Oh well, still thanks for the info
    Tomb Raider 1-3 Remaster comming out in less than week! on Valentines Day actually; I always find it funny when companies release geek shit out on Valentines, as if to say "we know you nerds ain't got shit planned so you might as well got out and buy our game day 1"

    I mean they ain't wrong...
    anyone else notice how Kazuya announced the King of Iron Fist Tournament in T8 was eerily similar to how Helena announced the 5th DOA tournament in DOA5?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i.e hijacking every screen world wide to announce a martial arts tournament while a major city is getting destroyed

    curious to know if that was a product of Shimbori lol
    There are quite a lot of "Shimbori-isms" sprinkled throughout the story mode, but I didn't want to say anything until the time was right.
    Anyone else notice how the way Kazuya announced the King of Iron Fist Tournament in T8 was eerily similar to how Helena announced the 5th DOA tournament? I'm curious to know if that was a product of Shimbori. lol
    Yes and no. Yes, there's a parallel between the two games, but Kazuya is unhinged while Helena isn't. Also, Shimbori didn't write the story.
    State of Play yesterday was kinda meh, turns out that Sonic Generations remaster was real (with extra Shadowthe Hedgehog), and Stellar Blade wins the award for the most miscast voice acting in a video game!
    Project Bokuho
    Project Bokuho
    Yeah...I was definitely NOT a fan of the english voices. I'm going straight to the JPN or Korean dub.
    The whole trailer I was like "Why is she bri"ish?", It will probably grow on me though, I still get weirded out by how british Xenoblade games are too like why are the catgirls welsh? why does Rex sound like he lives 5 minutes down the road from my aunt in Yorkshire? etc etc.
    Saying that though the game has really stepped up visually and despite being PS5 exclusive it still has a lot of sexy outfits with a great focus on her butt. Maybe "Soyny" as some people refer to them are toning down their huge fanservice hateboner now
    Recommend me a solid tactical JRPG (that's not Fire Emblem)
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    @samuraihachi the chibi Persona spinoff that came out last year, forgot that even came out lol

    @DestructionBomb been a while since I messed with Disgaea, didn't even play that last 2 main games, might be time for a revisit

    @Force_of_Nature fun fact, it's 2024 and I still have never done a Golden Deet run in FE 3H :p
    Bro... Claudes the best!

    ...Also his route is the most relevant to the over-arching story of FE3H (I.e. the real enemies).
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I can't stand Claude, his whole "I'm a sweetalker who constantly speaks in half truths who's actually alot more story relevant than I let on" shtick annoys me, and his class has the least interesting students imo, with the exceptions of Lysithia who's quite entertaining and Marianne who's constant depression is hilarious
    The fact that Eliza's trademark dive kick got ctrl+c ctrl+v'ed into Reina's moveset probably means no vampire lady for Tekken 8 :,( oh well, still got Devil Jin and (Legal) Devil Kazuya
    I like how GoW 4 is available on Steam, but not GoW 1,2,3, or 5. Have fun piecing together that narrative if you never owned a PlayStation lol
    The 4th phase
    The 4th phase
    yeah that makes zero sense lol, if you port over one game. might aswell port over the rest lol. still you can always emulate 1-3 on a ps2 emulator. 5 your fresh out of luck unless your have a playstation though.
    I do not know what NRS was thinking with the Khameleon Kameo, variation switching is cool, but having it attached to a countdown timer you have little control over makes using her wildly inconsistent, guess my search for Kitana's perfect kameo kontinues :/
    no joke, the T8 opening song sounds like a track that belongs in a Sonic Adventure game lol
    also glad Eddy is back, not glad that he's rocking the same haircut that every black male character in modern videogames apparently has to have by law but w/e
    Been playing hella DOA2 lately trying to be a low tier hero, and woo boy, it is struggle when you lack basic things like damage, mix, viable launchers, a decent stun game, etc. No wonder why everyone defaults to Ryu, Ein, and Gen Fu (and the occasional Jann Lee and Ayane)
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    Reactions: Derock
    Which version? Original, 2HC or 2U?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    playing both Vanilla and LE, although It think character balance wise the games are the same, dont quote me on that though
    It's the same. Only difference is that LE has more content, story scenes and Kasumi's high ponytail debut (though pics not consistent).
    So to no one's surprise, the Spy X Family x SF6 collab is just avatar only costumes and a new theme for the Battlehub; like I get that casuals love World Tour mode and will eat this shit up np but the fact all of SF6's collabs have had 0 impact on the core fighting game part of the game is wild to me
    Zack was a 9 framer in DOA2??? that's so wild, I always thought Kasumi was the only one but apparently not, of course this was before 9 framers were scary so he still sucks regardless, but still cool to know
    oh snap, Tomb Raider I-III Remaster is coming out next month, fingers crossed this leads to more classic TR down the line, Reboot TR was all fine and dandy but a return to form would be much appreciated
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