Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • GBFVR got me thinking; ppl shat on GBFV for being an easy mode fighting game due it's low execution and characters you can figure out and optimize in a day

    Yet when MK11 and MK1 does the same thing every1 praises it for it's accessibility, where's the consistency?
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    I was wondering when the day would come that MK is no longer part of the FGC
    Rising has the BP system which is about the most anti-scrub system i've seen in the last 20 years. Nobody can say shit about it.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Rising's BP system is amazing, the fact that game punishes you for playing like a moron is just beautiful, definitely would like to see it in more fighting games
    dude how does Eliot have the best hellstab when he's not even a wrestler
    Then again hellstab being wrestler exclusive hasn't been a thing since DOA4 but still :/
    bruh i am getting so sick of reading manga where a character is an undisputed villain for 900 chapters but then in chapter 901 they reveal that "oh no they weren't evil, they were just playing the role of the bad guy for the good of humanity", like dude, not every bad guy needs to be Itachi, but I guess that's where we're at now :/
    heh, if you're a fan of badass old man characters in your fighting games then rejoice, cause you're getting two of them in the form of Victor in T8 and Omni-man in MK1!
    Sonic Superstars is fun but I can't in good conscience recommend it when its being sold at 60$ full price, wait for a sale if you're curious about it

    Also avoid the Steam version at all costs, get it on console if you can
    hopped into DOA5 PC ranked for the first time in years, it was nothing but a bunch of low tier Kasumi players just mashing jab strings and 66p in lag :/
    However I did run into a rather infamous Alpha player from back in the day (who will remain unnamed) which was equal parts nostalgic and upsetting lol
    You should tell me when you get on next time. I need character variety in my match vids, and Bass doesn't get much love.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    when you play so much Bass that everyone forgets that you're actually a Nyo main lol

    Sure 'ting man, just shoot me an invite if you see me on the game and i'll gladly play
    Players who gatekeep tech in dead fighting games are so annoying; like bruh, there are no tournaments, there's no money or prestige to had, why are you holding onto secrets just to have an advantage over the 5 ppl who still play your game?
    this whole time playing MK1 I thought Kitana sucked, turns out that's not the case at all; poor girl just doesn't have any kameos that synergize with her kit, fingers crossed she gets at least one perfect kameo down the line lest we Kitana players spend the next 4 years playing unoptimal teams :/
    Make note of it on TwitterX to the devs.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    sadly NRS is not in the business of buffs, they mostly nerf whoever the normies complain and balance by bringing the power ceiling down :/
    MK1 owners on Switch can now download a 30 GB patch that is supposed to fix the graphical and performance issues of the game, but unless that patch comes with an actual miracle that 30 gigs ain't gonna fix shit :/
    Despite having all the tactical depth of a pachinko machine, DOA4 really is the prettiest looking DOA game, back when the franchise still had color in it's cheeks and a decent lighting engine
    DOA4 is the best overall DOA game. It's an incredible shame that Itagaki did everything in his power to flush its balance down the toilet.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    ugh, DOA4 balancing, while I do think it is true to the Itagaki vision (i.e Ninjas rule, everyone else drools) it certainly did more harm than good
    If only there was a way to access the X05 build to see firsthand how DOA4 could've played, had Itagaki not insisted on meddling with the gameplay balance so aggressively.
    Huh, just found out that today is Wyclef Jean's and Eminem's birthday, well, Happy Birthday to 2 rappers I really used to like 20 years ago lol
    Decided to check out the Ruroni Kenshin anime reboot with much trepidation, but turns out its largely a scene for scence adaptation of the original show but with faster pacing and a higher budget, which is fine I guess :/
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Despite my qualms with the reboot, still want this show to succeed, so we can FINNALY see the final arc of the manga in anime form (we've gotten ovas and movies but they're super condensed and leave out alot)
    Project Bokuho
    Project Bokuho
    I'm enjoying it so far. It's much closer to the manga than the original (though the original was great as well).
    So...DragonBall Babies, thoughts?
    On the other hand, I am worried that the series takes on this huge cocaine of making everything extremely lighthearted yet again to appease a crowd that isn't big enough to carry the series for what it is and the quality style downgrades yet again (which was my main issue with Super despite it still being relatively good).
    Not just artistic quality, but atmospheric quality as well. The Frieza Saga for example was pretty adventurous traveling to another planet, but it carried that ominous suspense in the air that there's this great evil and you are going through encounters to reach it. The Goku Black Saga tried to do something like it but failed flat because the lighthearted quality just doesn't mesh well with it.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I also enjoy OG DragonBall, but this looks like its trying to appeal to OG, Z, GT, and Super fans simultaneously, so my biggest fear is that it'll spread itself too thin and just be bland across the board, but u make a good point, with a depowered goku and vegeta maybe some other characters will FINALLY get some shine
    In DOA2 we're led to believe that Ayane is the one who killed Helena's mother, DOA4 reveals the truth but even b4 that it made 0 sense for Ayane to be the killer 'cause Helen's mom died by sniper rifle, tf kind of ninja is killing ppl in the doaverse with a sniper rifle?
    Imagine a universe where 6 point holds were the standard instead of 4 point holds
    Between Lies of P and Elden Ring, I think I might be done with Souls games, it's been a fun 10+ years on the Fromsoft train but there are only so many times you can enjoy re-skinned Dark Souls
    It's a very tired genre. I enjoyed Code Vein and the Nioh games, but got tired of FromSoftware-like games after Demon's Souls. The difficulty is basically an excuse for tedious grinding. It was a cute novelty at first, but loses its appeal with each given game. At least Armoured Core 6 is something different.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Code Vein and Sekiro were the last soulslikes that did something for me, everything after that I just makes me sigh when I hit the inevitable bs difficulty wall, but like u said thank goodness AC6 isn't just Dark Souls but robots, not that AC was ever that but its nice to see Fromsoft do something else
    I just downloaded Lies of P from gamepass. Seems decent so far, but still grinding Starfield.
    dude, we're only 4 days into October and I'm already seeing mf's in costume roaming the streets at night; I understand getting a jump on the Halloween season but this is ridiculous
    welp, no rollback update for Samsho 2019 for the time being (it was supposed to drop last month), SNK says the delay is for quality reasons, and I guess that's fair, no one cares to play a game with crappy rollback
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    I get that implementing rollback for the first time is hard (especially retrofitting), but it really shouldn't be taking this long unless they're fumbling the execution.
    Seems that ArcSys is the only company who can successfully rollbackify their older fighting games (well, with the exception of DBZF but that might be because of issues arising between them and Bamco or that they might just end up giving DBZF the Rising treatment) out of all of these companies. Anyhow, the chances of us getting a new Samsho soon is slim due to 15 getting dlc and Garou being in the works.
    So for now we can just hope that implementing rollback into Samsho will go as smoothly as possible from now on for SNK.
    woot woot, finally got my hands on MK1, time to see if it lives up to the hype, especially since I've yet to hear major complaints about the game (beside the P1 advantage bug and having to unlock half the roster)
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    so it's only 4 kharters that aren't unlocked from the start? ppl made it sound like it was alot more, I also heard some kameos also require cleariing single player kontent to unlock so that also sound annoying but w/e, do it once and i'll never think about it again
    Yeah, Kameos like OG Scorpion and Sub-Zero are unlockables in Invasion Mode. But it's only 21 characters and about 10 Kameos as the default.
    Most of the Kast is playable from start. It's the Kameo's that need to be unlocked (which is fairly easy). The only gripes I have is online (not the netcode itself, netcode is good). Online modes/support is not up to par in comparison to SFVI or Tekken. No online training, no connection type filter, no open lobbies(well there's KOTH...), no multi match lobbies. Offline modes are fun as hell.
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