Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • In terms of disruptive fighting game mechanics
    SF6 Drive parry > SC6 Reversal edge
    At least you can punish mf's big time when you callout Reversal edge, you callout Drive parry in SF6 and whats your punish? Neutral throw, lame :/

    Oh and happy new year y'all
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    That and Drive Impact are reasons I don't play SFVI anymore.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I have faith that Capcom will do something about Drive Mechanics, ain't no way they're gonna let the version 1.0 of this mechanic rock with no changes
    To think we could've had a Doronjo inspired character in the mainline Mario cast, but I guess that idea was too cool for Nintendo to entertain :(
    Black Lagoon hasn't aired a new episode in over a decade, and yet in recent months; BAM! Taimanin Action guest appearances, BAM! PSO2 collaboration events, BAM! Mobile game outta nowhere

    a S3 would be much appreciated, but i'll take what I can get
    They went ahead and gave Shaheen wind powers, so now my man is literally Rashid from Street Fighter :/ as if the two weren't similar enough already
    Still doesn't make him any less invisible in the roster to most players... go get 'em, John Cena!

    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Yeah, poor Rashid, he's a strong character but unfortunately he's duller than dishwasher so no one gives him a chance :<
    The only reason I feel that he made it in the base roster is because a. They wanted him in due to maybe representation, story reason or because of his fighting style and b. They knew that unless he'd be broken af he'd probably not sell well. Imo, there were a LOT of characters that could've taken Shaheen's place in the base roster.
    Never played Azur Lane a day in my life...until they collabed with Senran Kagura, now I have a bunch of ninja-ship-girls on a fresh account and nothing to do with them lol

    At least the art is nice
    Samsho 2019 rollback update is live and ppl are actually playing the game! let's go!!11!!11!
    The main thing that held people (especially the Samsho ones) from playing the game online was that very lackluster delay based netcode, with a good one at least the Samsho people will start playing the game online some more. The ps4 version gets rollback a bit later iirc, so those who want to play that version of the game online have to do so on delay based netcode for the time being.
    while the Sega reveal was...interesting, Visions of Mana definitely stole the show for me
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    Reactions: deathofaninja
    "Interesting"? Sega literally just trolled every fighting game content creator by getting all their hopes up for a game they knew wasn't gonna be shown there.

    That's the lowest of the low.
    GTA6 Base price: 100$
    GTA6 Special Edition: 250$
    GTA6 Enhanced Edition 500$ + an arm and a leg
    Fingers crossed Sega's big announcement on Thursday is VF related, ppl are saying its going to be but this is Sega we're talking about, it could be anything from a VF6 reveal to a Sonic 3D Blast pachinko machine, Sega's full of surprises
    100$ for the SF6 costume 3 dlc? what in the Team Ninja monetization is going on here????
    VF3 is such an odd choice for a re-release, it's like that weird middle game in the franchise that ppl know about but don't really talk about (like Soul Calibur 3), but hey whatever it takes to keep VF in the conversation im down for
    Yeah. In Japan, the Japanese VF community created a league specialized for VF3tb events. It's been going on for years, and it's quite popular in Mikado Arcade.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    ah, so it's one of those "big in Japan and nowhere else" type deals, so even less chance of this coming stateside, oh wells, guess nothing to do 'cept bide our time with VF5US

    actually why am I complaining? I friggin' own this game on Dreamcast and I can't be bothered to play it lol
    Also, Virtua Fighter 3tb is one of the games coming to Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth as well. And it's based on the Model 3 Arcade port.
    looks like Zenless Zone Zero is getting some backlash for it's censoring of it's mascot character Nicole, and while normally I chastise nerds who get all huffy about this, this is the one time I have to agree that the censoring is kinda bs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    For the past year this characters'....assets have been litterally shoved in our faces, in marketing, during beta tests, trailers, everywhere. so the fact that right before official release they would go ahead and censor the poor does girl does seem like false advertising, which is kinda grimey

    Yeah but at the same time Mihoyo/Hoyoverse might be forced to do these changes in some of the cases, for instance Rosaria's breast have gotten smaller and smaller with subsequent patches/updates as well as the outfit "changes" for Amber, Jean, Mona and Rosaria that we can freely choose between but CN players can't do that (which is ok I guess, they were upgrades for Amber and Jean imo).
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    ur probably right, CN does have strict rules about sexualization, although they appear to enforce these rules at complete random but that's another discussion, honestly I don't mind the redesign, but they shouldn't have advertised her like that for a year if it wasn't going to be in the final product, even if their hands were forced the timing of it all is just too suspicious
    it's been 5 years since this beta test, but this menu music still stays in my head...
    definitely prefer it over the release version
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    It's the same track in the final. Just stay highlighting either Battle or Network.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    U sure its the same? The track used in the final release sounds alot more orchestral, like it has more percussion and brass and comes off as more bombastic, granted its close to the beta version but the beta sounds way more subdued

    Or maybe I'm just trippin' lol
    It's the same song, its just there are 3(or 4) different versions of it when you highlight a mode in the menu.
    5 months into SF6 and i'm still hopping between classic and modern controls; classic feels the most natural but to deny the advantages of modern would be incredibly short sighted
    No kidding, like Haitani has been playing Modern Chun since like the start of the game (or a few weeks after it came out)? Its honestly surprising how good it is and how for some characters it is easier or very good to use modern controls over or compared to classic.
    Everyone talking about how Reina = Hehachi, but im ngl, first time I saw Reina I immediately thought of NiCO

    Both control lightning and Reina has moves that looks suspiciously similar to some of NiCO's (4h+k, 5kp, 4p+k to name a few), even though both practice completely different styles
    hmm and she's got that christie psychopathic demeanor
    They are nothing alike.

    Reina has more in common with Karai from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... particularly her incarnations from 2012, IDW Comics, and MAYBE Tournament Fighters.
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    Reactions: Rob
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