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  • The more gacha games I'm playing the more I'm realizing that it is better to play them casually no matter how grindy the game is, trying to be even semi competitive in them is just going to kill your passion towards said game, as well as your wallet if you don't know where the limit is.
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    Reactions: samuraihachi
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    casually playing gacha as a f2p truly is the way to go, you don't get burnt out, your wallet stays full, and you get to have fun at your own pace, currently doing this with Echoes of Mana and it''s very fun

    only thing that sux is that every now and then a unit that catches your eye will show up and not being able to to guarantee them with your meager resources can cause a bit of FOMO
    Pretty much how I play as well with Action Taimanin. Its just not worth putting in money to compete with the whales who throw hundreds of dollars each day to grind. I just play the game for fun.
    People are making fun of the current DNF patch and I'm here like: Things' been a kusoge day 1 (and the devs probably intend to keep it that way), they thought that things are going to change drastically and they would balance characters accordingly? If we got a laundry list of changes then balance would still be thrown out of the window regardless.
    It seems that the PS4 might be the last Sony console that I'll buy if they continue with the (for the most part) bad business decisions that they've been making for the past 2 years or so. Get your shit together, Sony.
    The Bleach x Disney memes that happened with Disney's acquisition of the streaming rights for Bleach (I guess only the upcoming TYBW stuff?) have gotten out of hand to the point where there's a "Bleach in Kingdom Hearts 4" meme now. Even if it'll never happen, imagine the interactions, Ichigo and Sora, Kairi and Orihime, Riku and Renji/Byakuya, it would be kinda nice ngl.
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    Oh it's gets worse from here: Disney rumored to acquired Dragon Ball (live-action only).
    Granblue's got to hold that L right now. Online tournaments in NA/EU/Asia that are only going to be playable in Asia more or less with the delay-based netcode. I kind of felt that weren't getting a rollback or Season 3 announcement. Its the same thing with MK, IP's way too big in Japan, the announcements are going to be reserved for either Granblue Fes (most likely) or during/after the Winter tournament.
    Not surprised about the P4AU rollback announcement but the "new" Samsho getting rollback as well? I thought that they weren't going to upgrade that game because they'll be making a new one in a few years and just put rollback into that one day 1 instead of coming back to their current game 1 year after they were done with the updates and dlc characters. Well, this came out of nowhere for sure but I'll gladly take it.
    Dottore is giving me mad Relius vibes, kinda hoping that he's going to be playable later down the line unlike Signora.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    ngl, none of the harbingers did it for me, not even night mode Eula, (childe does look fly in his harbinger outfit though) and frankly none of the Dendro characters are doing it for me either,

    Only thing im looking forward to is whether Dendro will make Electro good, my 1000 EM Lisa wants to play the game!
    I'm going to pull for Collei for sure and I kind of want Tighnari as well, plus I'll be pulling for the Archon on that game file as well for the looks mainly but from what I heard so far it seems that Dendro could become meta changing with EM playing a huge role in Dendro reactions so characters like Yae and Kuki might see more playtime after 3.0, which would include your Lisa in that case as well.
    However, as nice as the Harbingers look, yea, won't be pulling for too many of them, Scaramouche, Dottore (if he'll be playable), Pantalone (same thing), Arlecchino (if some theories about her being a Genshin version of a Honkai character ends up being true) and maybe Pierro are the ones I'll be pulling for, the rest seem very uninteresting to me.
    We have Dendro archon leaks (or at the very least rough sketches on how she'll look) and some people are disappointed because she doesn't look great/Archonlike, looks like a child and isn't tan (80-90% of the players repeating themselves regarding point 1 because most of them for sure said the same about Ei/Shogun) even though there's a pretty good, actually multiple, reasons why she'll be roughly looking that way.
    Took me some time to find working links for the Honkai version. There are facial and hairstyle similarities, the hairpin/hair decoration, they are both older than they look, the Honkai version can potentially become a Herrscher, which is the Honkai's version of an Archon and from what I've heard regarding the CN dub they both share voice actors.
    The skin color situation mainly happened after the character leaks and I do agree, they could've made some/most of the upcoming playable characters tan or black, well, maybe they'll do it with the npcs but judging from the Sumeru npc's that we've met so far, it might be unlikely. I don't mind the Archon's looks at all, since it resembles a character's that I know and like, so I'm fine with it.
    Another Summer Sale, another lackluster deal on most of KT's games (except DOA6, nice, I'll be able to pick up the game finally).
    Street Fighter 6 looks promising, character models don't look bad, supers look/feel impactful, story mode might be handled the same way like how it was handled in MK Deception/Armageddon, which could be nice if executed well. The roster leak is kind of unfortunate but this can be turned around if their gameplay's going to be interesting. If Capcom doesn't mess things up then ArcSys might have a competitor again.
    Giving a free roam world from the get-go nice considering that SF5 barely had any offline/casual modes in the start. Bunch of new characters isn't exactly a bad idea if its executed well, its not like 3rd Strike where only Ken, Ryu and Chun were the returning characters, however, this feels like something Capcom would do though, present plenty of new characters in a game only for them to never return save for a few.
    Apparently this game "takes place in Metro City" or something... if that's the case, I'm REALLY hoping those free roaming bits we saw are part of a Final Fight style mode.

    ...but then the lack of returning Final Fight characters hurts my theory, lol. (C'mon, it's about time Haggar was a SF character!)
    Well, DLC exists, we can get Poison, Cody or other Final Fight characters later down the line.
    What would you all think of a new Ninja Gaiden game that wouldn't be a numbered title and it'd feature Ayane or Rachel as the protag/main character? Some of the characters in older NG games are playable only for a couple of missions (ik that RE did things differently but still) but it would be nice if they'd get their own NG game imo.
    Heavenly Sword is a surprising game to me, mainly from the gameplay perspective, haven't imagined myself enjoying its combat as much as I do. Feels like offense and defense were thought out quite well and all 3 forms of the sword that the protag gets serve their purpose nicely. If only it had a juggle system somewhat similar to DMC's, that would've boosted its gameplay from good to great for sure.
    Been wanting to grab up DOA6 for a while now but either the discount on the Deluxe edition is not enough or the money has to go elsewhere during the month, maybe this time during the summer sale on Steam I'll finally be able to get it.
    Now that I have a better PC, I've been looking into emulating some older Xbox games and I wanted to try DOA3 for a long time. Got the JP/3.1 version to work on Xemu but I'd also like to "install the 3++ patch" but I've only seen Cxbx mentioned in the DOA3 forum (unless I accidentally scrolled past the Xemu stuff). Is it possible to get 3++ working on Xemu or it can only work on Cxbx for the time being?
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    Reactions: samuraihachi
    3++ works on Xemu, but you'll need to create the XISO that Xemu uses on your own. Cxbx can just launch the game with the files as they are, so it's less of a hassle.
    Yeah, got it working now, bit of an extra work with it but it wasn't anything too difficult. Thanks for the information.
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