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  • Bleach is getting a new game (another gacha one it seems) that is looking like a better version of Soul Resurrection. Brave Souls is a pretty fun gacha game where there are a lot of original versions of the anime/(yet) manga characters but the game becomes a grind fest once you have the necessary characters to clear like 85% of the content in the game, this new game that comes out next year seems to have potential.
    The 2000s saw an assload of Bleach video game adaptations.
    Weren't most of them Japan-only?
    Eh, Blade Battlers 2nd had some depth to it and with items it is a chaotic, casually very fun game for an arena game but yeah, that was pretty much the only one, there was a mediocre hack and slash, an acceptable turn-based rpg and the prequel to Battlers 2nd showed its age. The Heat the Soul games also seemed pretty decent for psp games.
    Tbh, a Musou style or DMC-esque Bleach game would be the best type of game that they could create for it imo.
    It seems that Casey Edwards also contributed to the MK1 soundtrack, which is pretty good, Cage Mansion, whether it was done by him or not, is on par with Quan Chi's Fortress from DA and Deception and Slaughterhouse from Deception. We might get a soundtrack for an MK game that'll be pretty decent this time around.
    I've heard Max with the YoVideogames crew talking about how there's not too much of a chance for Soulcalibur to get a sequel anytime soon due to sales not being that good or not being as good as T7's and how Okubo put his job on the line to make SCVI a thing in the first place which makes me wonder, was Tekken Revolution and SC: Lost Swords Bamco's way of gauging interest towards their fighting games back in the day?
    I'd have to hear him talking in context because that information is largely incorrect. SC6 outsold expectations wildly. They weren't even aiming for a million units and they moved two and a half.
    I dunno why you would take anything Max says as an absolute fact, he gets stuff wrong like all the time.
    It was from one of their streams but I can't find the specific part where they're talking about it for a minute or two. Tbh, I don't believe it either because: 1. For a fighting game it did sell very well (even if iirc it sold less than SCII and IV) and 2. It got a decent amount of post launch support. I definitely think that we'll get SCVII, probably not in the near future but maybe in like 3-4 years.
    One thing that I like about the Tekken 8 trailers is that the characters feel more unique both in pre-battle cutscenes, the attacks they are able to perform and the rage arts. Asuka might be the best example to that since she seems to have a more personal spin of the fighting style that she's been using up until now that goes very well with her personality, which Tekken 7 wasn't able to achieve/emulate too well imo.
    I personally think them adding more personality with the new fresh voice clips helps alot too, I felt alot of the added spins to the styles in T7 felt artificial since the reused stuff and presentation lacked impact. Now it's definitely seeming more like a new title rather than a plain Jane expansion
    Asuka is also especially more vocal and expressive, which I could see soem finding annoying but it's cool hearing a more vocal Asuka imo
    @KasumiLover It would've been ok if they had more intros and win poses, Tekken 7 had fewer than some of the previous titles for most of their characters and the very short character specific story modes didn't really highlight the full personality of the characters imo. So far Tekken 8 seems to be a bit more promising as a video game than 7 was.
    Crazy to think about how Strive, the game that was praised for its online, has unplayable servers right now. People have been saying that it has been the work of hackers messing with the R-Code and that its not only Strive where this has been happening as well (mainly Strive though). Would like to buy the game soon but I'd like to wait until everything's back to normal with it.
    Since the Crossplay/Xbox patch, GG Strive's online has been trash. Still give the game a go though. I could play some matches with you since the in-game netcode isn't an embarrassment on the otherhand.
    Seeing Narmaya's gameplay in Relink makes me think just how much of an influence Vergil has on many characters in video games. Many of her moves are resembling or are straight up Vergil's moves.
    What do you all think about the current situation regarding fighting games? Hype levels outside of people waiting for Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8 seem to be quite low and this might become a trend from now on since making games requires more time and resources/money plus it is more beneficial for these companies to make dlc/season passes instead of moving on to make another game that they'd release 3-4 years later.
    and I agree about the 420 characters.
    I liked T7 more than T6, at least, but not as much as T5DR or TTT2. I'm honestly not hyped for any FG right now, but I'll probably get T8 on day 1 since I've played pretty much every Tekken since T2. I'm more interested and hoping to see the next Soul Calbur and to see how the next Garou turns out.

    And yeah, the character limit here has annoyed me many times, lol.
    I don't think any FG developer has the guts to move the FG genre forward, they just keep screwing around with things they don't need to screw around with. Genre is gonna get stale/dormant again at this rate.

    Then again, SF6 might revitalize the genre, but... the character designs just really turn me off, can't help it. Since it's coming to Xbox, I might actually play it tho. I'd have played SF5 if it was on Xbox.
    Character designs for Tekken 8 looking kinda neat......with Paul's exception, even if you'll be able to customize his hair, that default hairstyle has to go, otherwise the outfit's not bad. Hopefully the designs for the upcoming characters are going to be just as good as they were for the character's in this new trailer.
    Question for those who have been playing the 6++ mod in EU. How many players have switched to and are playing this version of the game instead of the normal one? While I do believe that the mod is quite nice I'd rather play the normal/meter version of the game if it has more players on it online.
    Around the same-ish tbh. The playercount on Steam is hanging between 20-100 on average or so, with spikes probably occurring due to the mod (German player here)
    The whole fiasco with Bayo's original VA reminds me of how PlatinumGames sort of, fell off. Iirc they haven't made or developed anything interesting or good since Nier: Automata, with them wanting to make even more games that are going to most likely fail like Babylon's Flop did.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I don't know if fallen off is the word i'd use but Platinum's always been super inconsistent, they have their great games like Bayo 1+2 and Metal Gear Rising. then they have their just okay games like Wonderful 101 and Astral Chain. Then they have their horrendous flops like TMNT out of the shadows and Babylon's Fall, just never know what your gonna get with this dev lol
    Yeah, Nier is still alive with Replicant and the gacha game and Bayo 3 despite all that happened will probably do fine, Rising is really the one that hasn't and probably won't get a sequel (in the near future at the very least) with the main franchise also being dead because of Konami. One thing's for certain, PG isn't as great of a company as many people were making it out to be.
    I never actually thought of it that Platinum has produced anything meaningful since Nier Automata. Astral Chain was ok, but it honestly felt held back by the Switch's power. Would've loved to play it at 60fps on another platform. Babylon's Fall was a considerable blow to their reputation. Around the time of Bayonetta or Vanquish, Platinum's games were fire!
    My day started with me finding out that rollback is coming to REV and REV2. I was expecting them to put it in after they were done with Strive, so this is quite the surprise. Finally, can't wait to not drop 50% of my I-no combos.
    From the amount off stuff that is shown/revealed about Street Fighter 6, it looks promising as a video game, which is something that I wasn't able to say about a fighting game in a long time, this might end up making it better than Tekken 8, but that also depends on what Bamco's going to reveal about its fighting game later down the line.
    When a trailer for a future game in the series, be that a fighting game, rpg, anything else, makes you want to play the current game more often then I can say that the trailer did a good job to hype its players up. Tekken 7 could've been the biggest fighting game if it wouldn't have been for Season 3, if Bamco plays its cards well, then Tekken might become the biggest fg out there (or close to Strive at least).
    I wish the other 3D fighters could step up too. A SoulCalibur or Dead or Alive in Unreal Engine 5 could be immense like how Tekken 8 looks.
    Agreed. I feel that SC could be a pretty good looking game with UE5 and a bigger budget, while DOA would be the best looking one once TN would learn how to properly use UE5.
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