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my thoughts on a few characters after getting back in to doa6 on steam. nicoh is a solid character, she limited flaws lol. tina was a plain fun to use, but the idea of learning a grabbling character is daunting. i still leifang is an hard character to learn, the combo challenges reaffirmed my thought process. honoka and kasumi are goated lol
if u wanna go full tier-whore go Tina or Kasumi
The 4th phase
The 4th phase
tina is fun i will admit. but i am not one to care about tiers tbh. been using kasumi since i started the series. i switched to honoka as i enjoy the playstyle,. its hard and whiffs happen alot but its fun lololol
bought Onechanbara Origins during Steam sale thinking it was just gonna be some cheesecake fanservice anime fun, friggin first boss in the game was actually beating my ass and had me quitting to main menu, humbled me real quick lol
The Benoit Was Framed group on Facebook revealed some disturbing photos using Google Pixel. I don’t know if I’m being pranked or what but it was messed up to see.
really wish Lollipop Chainsaw got remade instead of remastered, the game still looks and sounds great but the combat and minigames are just as frustrating as they were 10 years ago :/
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For me, its not the gameplay but the frame rate and bugs. I've had really weird bugs in the remaster that never happened to me on original that caused me to restart levels. The frame rate is atrocious. Even on PS5 I've seen it drop below 30FPS, which is unacceptable to me. I hope Shadows of the Damned Remaster this month will be good. Granted that remaster is run by Suda51 directly, so I'm confident it will be great.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
oh wow I didn't know that Shadows of the Damned was getting remastered, will definitely give that a shot, but yeah Repop could have used more polish, If I recall there should be a patch coming soon to iron out some of the problems so hopefully that helps with framerate and bugs
the ultimate question- what's coming first?
DOA7 or GTA 6?

...being real here, probably GTA 6 still. I feel like DOA7, if it's even going to be a thing, would only either be announced or released at around 2026-2028 or something.
Is this a "fresh look on historical game series" promised by Yasuda? Jk, that's really cool. Seems we still have a Q1 release from Team Ninja this time too. But it makes me think like we would have one more reveal this year by Team Ninja (probably TGA) or we'll get reboot news in q2 2025 or later
makes me think reboot will be region lock too
Not just DOA, but no VF fighting game announcement either at TGS. It's disappointing, but I'll continue to press on by playing and supporting what I have. This is no time for me to despair.
so, we've gone from the "guys! Venus is being used to fund the next mainline DOA game!" copium to "guys! Prism is a playtest for the new engine that'll certainly be used for the next mainline DOA game!" copium

I mean it MIGHT be true, but still can't help but roll my eyes at the whole situation :/
Yes, it is very understandable to roll your eyes at the situation, but I'm quite pleased that there is still a conversation that people are willing to have because when there isn't; it's hard to tell if existing would even matter.