"Did not play" is the best character in DOA
Yes! It's sure I'll be in next London's PL. Then I'm going to do my best for ROF.Are you going there?
Good luck to you in those tourneys! Is it going to be streamed?Yes! It's sure I'll be in next London's PL. Then I'm going to do my best for ROF.
It's very likely PL will be recorded but I don't know if it will be streamed. I'll let you know when I get the info. Same about ROF.Good luck to you in those tourneys! Is it going to be streamed?
Big props to @LightSonic for Ein rep. very rare to see.
Lightsonic's Ein rules.
Top 8
1st: MC Kwiggle
2nd: RG Sonic Fox
3rd: AFD Requiem
4th: Jaeger
5th: BBoy Dragon
5th: FC Blackburry
7th: Ninjaguy446
7th: Repoman
Participants (25 Players)
AFD Requiem (Leifang, Helena)
BBoy Dragon (Kasumi)
Blackula (Leifang)
C.O.R.N|LuCky (Kasumi, Ayane, Hayate)
FC Blackburry (Christie, Kokoro, Rachel)
Jaeger (Sarah, Rig)
Jin (Tina)
Kain (Ayane)
KP Darkstar (Rig)
Lightsonic (Momiji, Kokoro, Ein)
Lithy (Ayane)
MC Kwiggle (Christie, Rachel)
Miss Maia (Leifang)
Ninjaguy446 (Helena)
Orpheus (Hitomi)
Repoman (Hayate)
ReSe Immerwolf (Bayman, Hayate)
RG Sonic Fox (Christie, Rachel)
Shade Swifteye (Kasumi, Hayate)
Sly bass (Akira)
ToNyY (Did Not Play)
UGS Gill Hustle (Ayane)
WAM Liberation Maiden (Kasumi)
WAM Sloth Facts (Ayane)
XZero264 (Did Not Play)
Characters Played
5 Ayane
4 Hayate
4 Kasumi
3 Leifang
3 Christie
3 Rachel
2 Helena
2 Kokoro
2 Rig
1 Akira
1 Bayman
1 Ein
1 Hitomi
1 Momiji
1 Sarah
1 Tina
The archive isn't available for about a week. If you want to pay 5 bucks for early access, then yes.Is there a stream?
Is there a stream?
Thanks!some matches are already on youtube