I have 3 questions I would like everybody who reads this thread to answer
1. Is Gen Fu the best character in Doa5 Ultimate? (was he in any other game?)
2. Is he cheap?
3. If so, ...why?
1. Best? No. But I could argue 3 other characters who are at an equal level if he's not above them.
1. a. Yes, he was the best character in DOA3.
1. b. Yes, he was one of the three best characters in DOA4.
1. c. No, he was the 2nd best character in DOA1
1. d. No, he was the 3rd or 4th best character in DOA2.
2. No.
He has always been a very very solid character who never gets touched or nerfed much because no one starts off to main him. He tends to start getting mained at the end of the game's life when players just want to pick the best character with most if not all of the options. The guy is a well-rounded beast, in every version of DOA. The only thing he tends to lack is a long range game, but luckily DOA doesn't play long range.