What is one factor that will save DOA in it’s current state?

Everything will ride on TN’s next move that will determine DOA’s fate because they need to learn from what they have done up to until now that they at least know what is missing from the previous DOA games that made them flopped.

Learning from what time constraints, effort, meeting deadlines, and seeing room for improvement can they take this current period as a good opportunity of where they should go instead or rushing things.

Though I wonder if the years after DOA4’s release really did put an effort into making DOA5 just for nothing with DOAD as a recap/remake a year before. The same thing happened years after DOA5’s constant milking that led to DOA6 happening and still there has not been improvements.

Sometimes after seeing an entry being a lackluster, it is always a good excuse to not make a new game just to prevent the same mistakes from happening in order to bide time and rebuild strategies, planning and thinking of what should be the best decision.

TN can take as many long years as they want before it is time they make the best decision to proceed.

Though if DOA flops again, the franchise I can see will still not end due to the popularity of the characters and they are the core of why the game is still appealing.

Staff changes every now and then and we can see that the changes will be lucky that the right staff can lead DOA in the direction we’ve all wanted to see.

If one factor can save DOA from it’s rough times, then DOA can see to it’s light at the end of the day that will change everything in the world of DOA even putting them back at the center of the world stage of gaming.

After reviewing this many mistakes, improvements, and directions DOA has gone through, what is one thing that will save DOA for good?


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There are many; MANY naysayers and while I get it, I also don't think they should be surprised. After all we haven't even passed the wait from 4-5.

3D fighting games are among the hardest games in the world to design. Let's give them time to do it. There are a lot of interesting developments going on at Team NINJA and plenty of rumors; but I don't think they are cancelling the franchise together or they would have said they are doing so.