What are some of your general DOA7 expectations?


Active Member
What are some of your DOA7 expectations in terms of
  • story (plot, new interactions, character development and arc resolution)
  • gameplay (general mechanics)
  • stages
  • roster (new characters debut, comeback of characters from previous games, new guests)
  • costumes (new attire, return of costumes from previous games or DLC, redesign of classic costumes)
  • cosmetic (new customization options (makeup, color palette), new hairstyles)
  • game modes


Well-Known Member
For the game being available only in Japan & Asia (No Worldwide releases like US or EU for example), Fanservice to be 100% in line with DOA5LR & DOAXVV (these are games with right amount of sex appeal in terms of costumes & features like touching mechanics), Games budget & resources to be low (stuff like Tag Team & Interactive Stages from DOA5LR had to be cut), Game should cost $99.99 along with Season Pass $140.99, More Venus Vacation Girls being added as DLC (for example Luna, Kanna, Shizuku, Nagisa, & Fiona).


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I feel kinda tired of having expectations. I just want it to be at least as satisfying as DOA2, 2U, 3, 4, or 5U in as many ways as possible. The only thing I personally really want back from DOA6 is the new moves for Tina & Lisa and Tina's ponytail... (they can leave out her pigtails for all I care tho, lol).

Basics: Good gameplay, cool and sexy costumes for everyone, as much of the cast so far as possible, some big multi-tiered stages, tag, good netcode. And Tina's blue DWA outfits.
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Premium Donor
Basically for the casual side I want what DOA6 introduced but refined and not tied to that Zack dollars system:

-Additional hairstyles, universal hair and hats for all outfits like 6 had later on, and make the hair color change thing something that doesn't cost real money. I wouldn't mind three additional colors or so for outfits like DOA6 introduced

-Additional characters, some original and maybe some girls from Venus Vacation added in alongside Tamaki. Some more guests would be cool too, maybe add Naotora in again but with an additional SW character and maybe an additional male KOF to join Mai and Kula.

-Add the scrapped tag mode and add in the additional menu dialogues we would have had, and also that unused gallery mode, and all songs from older DOA games including remixes. And make the main menu backdrop stage selectable. Also it'd be nice to also have the story mode stages selectable by default.

-For the game system, they should definitely refine the meter system if they intend to keep it, and also buff characters who weren't strong in DOA6's final months and better balance characters who were particularly strong. Also they should add in the heavy force techs from DOA5LR since I think the way the ground system is now would greatly be enhanced with that added element rather than the light force techs we were left with.

-Major visual overhaul. DOA6 looked great but it was very obvious that they reused alot of stuff and just upped the texture quality, like with the hair and cloth. They need to remake the hair models and body models so that way they look fresh.

-Soft engine should stay in and also they can revamp the sweat and dirt and bruises since they were nicely done, but I think a new DOA could take that further.

-For the story, they need to go all out and either do a reboot or have something lengthy and meaningful. DOA6 story felt at times like a gacha and alot of stuff was unresolved or left ambiguous


Well-Known Member
I don't think KT suddenly giving a huge budget to TN for a new game

I think TN will go to DOA6 plus on japanese arcade first

Maybe a year or two we will get limited release on console

If it make money maybe we got DOA7


Premium Donor
Removing counter and hi counter revisions is already an awful idea, it would defeat the purpose of the triangle system which DOA literally is centered on. Grabs with lower damage would be useless, especially since throws are already vulnerable to strikes which make up about 80% of what occurs onscreen. It would also make grapplers basically useless too since that's the strength that helps them deal with quicker fighters

If every linear strike in DOA resulted in a sidestep evade, it would get super repetitive and would be garbage when dealing with quick strikes with fast recovery. And it would be awful when a comeback is needed

If the game had any of those ideas I'd definitely think it'd be less than well received.


Well-Known Member
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News Team
I don't think KT suddenly giving a huge budget to TN for a new game

I think TN will go to DOA6 plus on japanese arcade first

Maybe a year or two we will get limited release on console

If it make money maybe we got DOA7

I think what is most interesting is not really the budget (KT has a lot of money) but more so the production time. Because DOA technically sold better than mostly everything KT produces in totality. Especially when you bundle in DOAXVV and DLC.

I don't really have expectations of how Team NINJA develops Dead or Alive because I've enjoyed every entry in the franchise. While DOA6 was likely the least satisfying game due to the BH, it was still a fun game to play. They did a great job of tweaking characters to make them the most fluid they have ever been. Nothing about DOA6 felt stiff to me.

IF they made a DOA6 Ultimate and fixed a few minor things; it could possibly redeem shortcomings fans originally had. Though there are some that didn't like ANYTHING about DOA6 which is really what started the division in the first place.