The Online Pass topic


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
While there have been some great comments here, both for and against the online pass concept (in particular matsu and Riizch, but really every post has been pretty good), this all boils down to one key concept:



Well-Known Member
While there have been some great comments here, both for and against the online pass concept (in particular matsu and Riizch, but really every post has been pretty good), this all boils down to one key concept:

MC Hammer is attached to Online Pass. 100 Million Copies in the first 24 hours SOLD. Breaks record of players online in day 1. Most used character is MC Hammer with 100% usage data.


Hah! Well, I'm sure they're not the only ones at fault, but hell...fuck 'em anyway!

I honestly couldn't see the retailers refusing to stock a studio's games for making them pay an extra second hand sellers' license though. With what has happened to GAME group here in the UK, it's pretty evident that the retailers can't be too choosy about what they do or don't sell. I mean, for example, can you really see ANY retailer refusing to stock a CoD title for ANY reason..? Their losses would be astronomical.

Ultimately, we, the consumers, have the ultimate power. If we decided that enough is enough with disk-locked content, online passes or whatever, and simply stopped buying the games all together, they'd have no option other than to rethink their strategy. Can't see that ever happening though.

I'm feeling all the MC Hammer love, though. It's beautiful, how he's brought this community closer together. Can't wait to play him.


Master Ninja
Staff member
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Ah I can't resist even trolling my own serious topics LOL.

Anyway, Gamestop is powerful enough in the states to prevent extra fees for selling used. The only way to get them to acquiesce to something like that is to get the Big 3 on board (MS, Sony, Nintendo) since Gamestop wouldn't have business if they played hardball. Smaller publishers and developers that self-publish? They can't handle it. Just advertising in GameInformer is a massive headache that is significantly more expensive and less flexible than any other mag, and I've heard that from four different publishers now.


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There goes my alternate account frenzy.

No matter. Things aren't the same as they were years ago, so my previous insecurities won't be an issue anymore.

Arnell Long

Active Member
1. Buy the game new with the online pass.
2. Buy the game used and buy an online pass separate.
3. Do either one of those top 2 options and bitch about it.
4. Do either one of those top 2 options and not bitch about it.

I'm buying the game new with the absence of acting like a female on her period after being cheated on by her ex or a man who can't satisfy his woman in bed because his best friend set higher standards.


Forlorn Penguin

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Nobody is making much of a ruckus for TTT2 having an online pass, I don't see why the same can't apply here.


Master Ninja
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TTT2 doesn't have an online pass. It has a free pass to access the World Tekken Federation, which is basically extra stat tracking and features that enhance the experience overall. The online play itself is not locked away on TTT2.


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TN doesnt have nearly the same amount of funding as Namco,i see this as a way to catch up if not sales wise then at least profit wise


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected. Harada replied to a bunch of tweets saying the online was free and that's what I was remembering. Going back and re-reading, he did specifically mention an "online pass" so I'm not sure why that didn't click. Ah well.

WTF is free, but only with an online pass, lol. Namco uses the word free in the most weirdest of ways.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Well they are giving out a ton of free content, to be fair.

Regardless, I'm definitely eager to see how TN/TK does with the DLC support for DoA5. Paid or free, I don't care, I'll get anything of substance. It'd be cool if the online pass guarantees some free DLC but we'll have to see.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
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I'm definitely eager to see how TN/TK does with the DLC support for DoA5. Paid or free, I don't care, I'll get anything of substance. It'd be cool if the online pass guarantees some free DLC but we'll have to see.

Tengu, please. Realistically though, it'll probably just be costumes and maybe some music. We might even get stages, but I doubt it.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Stages would be very nice, as would music. Costumes I'm a little less pumped about since I only really play Hayabusa, but I'd likely grab the packs to support the game if they go that route. They're making the game for us so the least we can do is vote with our wallets to ensure we get more down the line.