Thats not a very accurate way to view the potential of a character. If a player can with a character on tournament level where money is at stake and where theres no input lag then that character deserves a higher placing on the tier list because that players shows the tools a character has in particular match ups against certain reactions and a variety of playstyles and movements in relation to the characters chosen in high stakes realistic situations showing the effectiveness of the player's gameplay in correlation with the effectiveness of the characters tools essentially turning theory into practicality. If Naotora won 15 tournaments that would make her an incredible character. Does that mean anyone else can pick her up and repeat the same results? No but it just shows how effective that character is in the use and analysis of her tools and that some of those strategies can possibly be replicated by other players and the results would speak for themselves making that character a higher tier because of the possible threat she brings
That's just it, even with no lag there's still gonna be bad characters. Here's some examples:
☆Phase 4- Great combo damage and scary when she TPs but is very unsafe, hardly any tools to open up her opponent and slow neutral. Basically a stronger but less versatile version of Kasumi.
☆Eliot- Has the tools like you stated but is still pretty linear, average in speed, and overall there are characters who can outdo him with similar tools, specifically his master Gen Fu.
☆Naotora- Great Damage and combos but is way too linear and slow up close to be a threat...she can win if played defensively and carefully, but it requires a lot of mind game and thinking/technicality, in the long run it's not worth the effort when there are better characters than her for damage output and pressure.
☆Alpha 152- High damage output and possesses the most damaging throw in the game, but is a glass cannon who can't WU kick and has crummy no damage holds(Aside from the two that have to be made on a good read and guess outside a stun).
In tournament settings, yes these characters can win, but it doesn't take aways from the fact that they are still bad. I myself don't care much about tiers as I use whoever I like, but still generally speaking the only way to determine how high a character places is by tools and match ups, tournament wins don't necessarily dictate who is the best. Tira from SC and Lili from Tekken have won tournaments at one point or another, but that doesn't sugarcoat the fact that they are very situational and weaker tier characters, it just can't be helped.