So...first and foremost congrats to VincentRayne for making top 8 since I'm pretty sure he's been working at that goal for a while now.
Congrats to Hajin and Adon for getting 5th. Special props to Adon since I know this tournament held special significance to him. Grats to Steady for 2nd.
As always congrats to my MR idol, SonicFox for getting 3rd......even if he did switch to Rachel......and even if he did only get 3rd.........
Aaaaand Kwiggle is not allowed to return to the USA if he doesn't win the DOA Festival in Japan.........
Moving on....
Good games to everyone that I played in Vegas.
Much thanks to Tenren for getting me in to Evo.
I'd like to thank Alex Nichols and Tenren for helping me keep it together when I got knocked into losers right off the bat by Alex himself (lol). Managed to end up doing 3-2 instead of choking my ass off and ending the night feeling salty.
I got completely eliminated demolished by Brute, I think each match was 3-0. But still happy. As Adon said, I just need to play more to understand some matchups and the nuances of this game.
Good games to NerdUnemployed, our match came down to the wire and I was lucky enough to stay composed long enough to stay alive. Honestly felt like I lucked out and dodged a bullet here, you've been playing much longer and you've done much more for the DOA community than I could ever hope to so yea...GGs once again.
Much thanks to Hajin for giving me some new tech/ ideas to work with.
Good games and nice meeting you to Catz/Cats (sp?) and Dustin.
Much thanks to Evan for having us over at his place for casuals.
I've been semi-absent/ away from DOA and my attendance at Evo was last minute for various reasons, Hajin, Adon, and Madian (sp?) know what I mean.
So my only goals for Evo this year were to 1) see if I've leveled up my character and 2) level up while at Evo and to a limited extent 3) test my tournament nerves. I'll let you guys decide if I've done so.
But yea good times all around. Even with Tekken 7 out and the current installment of DOA nearing the end of its tournament relevance, I'm sure that I will continue playing the game until 6 because flat out......despite being a Tekken player, a lot of times I just have more fun playing DOA.
And now back into hiding I go.