The Official NorCal Thread

YES! As a matter of fact I am planning on going to NCR. But that all depends if I can hitch a ride with someone. I'm only about an hour away from where it's gonna be. Are you going too? Do you live nearby?
I am going, though personally I live in the bay area and have no car. That said, hit me up with a PM because I'm really quite sure we can figure out a ride up to NCR, easy.


Well-Known Member
Sounds perfect. Just give me notice. We'll try and figure out the ride situation in the Sac area in the future; all of us closer to SF have been spoiled to death by the very efficient public transit.

Found a ride there for both of us just a way back is the problem my ride doesn't wanna make 2 trips
Found a ride there for both of us just a way back is the problem my ride doesn't wanna make 2 trips
Alright... hm. I'm sure we could figure that one out somehow. Let me ask to see if someone could get you guys back after we're done. (Not actually driving at all myself, I am a little reliant on others right now)

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
I apologize that I had to cancel my showing to San Mateo the last min. I had some personal health issues get in the way. Hope those who attended had fun. I will be at the Sacramento gathering and at Paul's definitely.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear that your still gonna show up to Sac. I'm hyped about it been in training everyday. Trying not get rusty with the lack of no internet.


New Member
Thanks for picking up the torch on the casual hangout, Shadow! My weekend turned out to be less busy than I thought, so I went after all.

My favorite part of the Gamecenter hangout is when we were playing on the cab with sticks and my buttons didn't work properly. I could only punch, throw and use P+K (both throw and P+K were set as one button each haha). K and H were broken.

But weirdly enough, it seemed to be the perfect three buttons to teach about counter-striking, spacing and punishing. Still sucked though, since Nai just used Akira and mashed his damned one-frame knee and I couldn't really punish it hahaha


my buttons didn't work properly. I could only punch, throw and use P+K (both throw and P+K were set as one button each haha). K and H were broken.

If the buttons go out, let the staff know next time. They're really good about fixing issues and making the arcade a good place to play. They even opened up an extra setup for us, and we would have had three running if we had copies of the game.
If the buttons go out, let the staff know next time. They're really good about fixing issues and making the arcade a good place to play. They even opened up an extra setup for us, and we would have had three running if we had copies of the game.
Yeah. We actually had two set ups this time for practice if needed, generously. I'm very happy with that location.

Also; I secured a ride for people who will need it out, but they will have to leave a little early.


Well-Known Member
Sounds perfect. Just give me notice. We'll try and figure out the ride situation in the Sac area in the future; all of us closer to SF have been spoiled to death by the very efficient public transit.

So I am able to borrow my cousins van this saturday so I got a ride for Galen and I oh and Accurate is coming too gonna pick him up


Well-Known Member
Chessus Christ roams around here a few times. He even tried starting a doa online league, but failed miserably in terms of getting an attendance. Not sure if he's saving up his money to go to NCR.


I shall be at the Sac session this weekend. hitomi for lyfe! also... paulstone is coming up. cant wait!!!! time to take a booze cruise to the future.
Can't wait!

I think I'm a bit out of the loop. Is anyone getting a room at NCR?

Not that I'm trying to stay with anyone (might only be able to make Saturday), but I'd like to know where the afterparty games are gonna go down.