Omg I've actually heard Humble! For once I know one of the songs lol! XD Also Chapstick showed me the Bon Apetit video... Katy's into some crazy stuff. And I guess I've technically known a bit about No frauds but that's really from LovelyTi and you. And lol yeah I kinda forgot about this thread too.
Also I've kept listening to really old music recently more than recent music I'm talking like "Saturday night" to like "Yes sir I can boogie". This 70's and 90's were great for music. Although I have also been listening to semi recent music.
The best rap song imo, this kept me motivated and always working hard. The darkest rap song imo, the second part where the beat changes gives me chills, like OH MY GOD
I love dreamdoll<3 I'm a DOG, I'm a freak, ask your _____ about me
This song makes me laugh but I love it XD *Hawk Spits*
The darkest rap song to date. Only liked it for the dark beat and Nicki's dark verse, omg she needs to do more like this<3
The best diss track, I looove Bianca Bonnie. She's so cruel xD
Better than Bodak Yellow, This is hands down Cardis darkest song to date. Bronx New York is a BITCH