The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Ah, so its not Future Diary. That kind of subject matter still doesn't interest me in the slightest though.
Eh. I like psychological thrillers, murder mysteries, conspiracies, etc. This one is decent so far, if predictable.

Better than whatever primetime crap is on TV at least...

An actually interesting series would be, oh what was it again? Oh yeah
Saiteihen no Otoko, aka, Scumbag Loser.
Its about a poor fat slob who is obssessed with smells. Like his opening scheme is sniffing stolen panties, and he can ember people by smells. But then his childhood friend returns from a coma she's been in for seven years and asks him out.

And then holy fuck shit gets real and I can't explain why its interesting without spoiling anything but it is Not what you think, at all.

Back on topic, I wouldn't mind it if DOA got a fucking horriterrifying slasher style character.




Well-Known Member
it has a certain style to it, but I wouldn't delve into it

I don't remember the last crazy/maniac/psychopath killer in a game that doesn't just surpass the gross level in gore or is just too cliche or stereotypical that kills the character
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Well-Known Member
Saiteihen no Otoko, aka, Scumbag Loser.

Just looked that one up. Like, dang man, that's one messed up manga... and really creepy. It's also unlicensed (as far as I can tell) and I don't read scanlations. All of which place it firmly into the "I'm never going to read that" pile.


Well-Known Member
it has a certain style to it, but I wouldn't delve into it

I don't remember the last crazy/maniac/psychopath killer in a game that doesn't just surpass the gross level in gore or is just too cliche or stereotypical that kills the character
Its all stereotypical, after all a murder is a murder, the differences are in presentation. Make em creepy with too many teeth, unfocused eyes, inhumanly wide mouth, etc. And for win pose, have that girl with a normal face suddenly grab the camera without looking at it, pull it on closer as she turns towards it, with that toothy grin growing eerily wider and wider until it looks like her head is splitting in half by the time the camera is right up to her face. Have a lot of her attacks be vague and hard to see exactly what happened...

Make it more than JUST maniacal laughter, is what I'm saying.


Well-Known Member
Its all stereotypical, after all a murder is a murder, the differences are in presentation. Make em creepy with too many teeth, unfocused eyes, inhumanly wide mouth, etc. And for win pose, have that girl with a normal face suddenly grab the camera without looking at it, pull it on closer as she turns towards it, with that toothy grin growing eerily wider and wider until it looks like her head is splitting in half by the time the camera is right up to her face. Have a lot of her attacks be vague and hard to see exactly what happened...

Make it more than JUST maniacal laughter, is what I'm saying.

Pulling the camera toward themselves eh, I'm pretty sure that's been done before. I just don't know where.

As for the "toothy grin", it wouldn't really work with the DOA character design. DOA has a ton of "nice"(for lack of a better word) faces and I don't think they would break the mold and experiment.

Even the Joker from The Dark Knight Rises just has a scar on both sides even with his portrayal in the cartoons with his maniacal signature wide mouth laughter.

I think a character like Vaas from Far Cry 3 would be a better fit


Well-Known Member

Ah thanks. An example straight from DOA. I think I've forgotten all about the story mode already

Don't forget Deadpool from MvC3.
And Reptile from MK9.

And everyone else from everything else.

Deadpool is too funny. In a cateogory of his own. bang bang bang bang bang bang - deadpool super, ah the mvc3 memories. I wouldn't classify him as more than just a psycho, and not even in the scary sense either
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