The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


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i'm gonna assume that's just because english isn't your first language since artistic competencies are totally irrelevant since this is about the two of us talking about someone else's work, rather than comparing our own.

we both know you're the better artist here but that, again, is totally irrelevant to talking about a game's graphics or art style.

Nope, I am specifically talking about our competencies being able to critique a third party's art/art style. It has primarily nothing to do with our own work. Please don't try to paint me as some kind of snob.
Speaking about snobs, it's never a good look to call out a non-native (English) speaker on their lacking skills, just because ones other arguments fall flat.
In what other languages can you hold a more or less fluent conversation beside English?


Premium Donor
What doesn't tbh

I'm a bit of a nymphomaniac but sometimes we have to learn to keep things to ourselves lol
Hey you asked XD I apologize if I am a bit...loose and thin veiled in my speech and especially in my screenshots in the LR photography thread and the thirst crops I did I'm the gif and meme thread, I intentionally seek out the angles and shots I find sexually satisfying to me and try to make it sophisticated but idk if it's obvious or not when I hide it >.> I'll probably do the same thing when T7 drops....can't wait for tight stuff like this:

Plus it's fair game since we can talk about how they look too graphically XD I'm not a nymohomaniac since I'm still chaste tho, I'm just straightforward and no bs when it comes to showing and telling what I like and what satisfies me is all :p


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What a rare occurrence to suddenly have such animated discussions (beside Argentus' and mine) in the thread, that I usually only hold my monologues in. XD


Well-Known Member
Please don't try to paint me as some kind of snob.

No offense man, but you do that on your own.

Nope, I am specifically talking about our competencies being able to critique a third party's art/art style. It has primarily nothing to do with our own work. Please don't try to paint me as some kind of snob.
Speaking about snobs, it's never a good look to call out a non-native (English) speaker on their lacking skills, just because ones other arguments fall flat.
In what other languages can you hold a more or less fluent conversation beside English?

wasn't intended as an insult, I honestly was assuming you were misusing a word, and HOPING you weren't trying to simply, as you put, be a snob about it. Which unfortunately you were.

Nope, I am specifically talking about our competencies being able to critique a third party's art/art style.

Literally the only difference in our opinions of the works has been that I am indifferent to the tech behind it and largely uninterested in regular/realistic environments.

I like more dynamic/stylized stuff, you like more realistic/detailed stuff. That's all there is to it.

It has nothing to do with any supposed "Competency being able to critique". Like with the hair. I point out that the end result looks like crap, but you are more focused on the tech behind it. Its two completely different perspectives. That's why "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is such a common phrase, and why art is so subjective.


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Art is subjective, but "subjective" doesn't mean "whatever." Tyaren is a snob and is applying certain objective criteria to art, but to be fair everyone does (not as much as him, but they still do). To illustrate this point, imagine if I designed a new character for DOA that looked exactly like Marie Rose in a rainbow jumpsuit except had horribly full-brighted green hair and no ears. You'd ask: "Hey, where the fuck are her ears?" and I would reply: "Art is subjective, man. Just because you like humans with ears doesn't mean I have to." You would then conclude that I was either trying to make some pretentious meta-commentary about the subjective nature of art, or that I was just a really bad artist. I can have the opinion that my monstrous design is good, but it's not really snobby if someone says that it's not and that its designer was off their rocker.


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Edit: I'm gonna scratch this post too. Doesn't really belong here but in a PM.
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actually scratch everything i originally had in this post, no more arguing, PM me if you want to continue it.

Back on the thread topic, remember that harlock film i was talking about earlier?

Check out the real star of the film, the ship.

This is the original version


THIS is the updated version from the film, holy shit! :D

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