The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


Well-Known Member
Going to post the Xenoblade 2 and Zelda trailers in here because they look absolutely amazing:

Both beautiful anime art styles. :3

Ahhhhh! :D Breath of the wild looks so insanely good! I'm definitely getting that, also wow I didn't know it had voice acting that's something really different for a Zelda game, I think its cool though. There was just so many references in that trailer that it would be hard to list them all!


Well-Known Member
Going to post the Xenoblade 2 and Zelda trailers in here because they look absolutely amazing:

Both beautiful anime art styles. :3

So excited for Breath of the Wild.

Also i can't think of that without thinking of this comic about it after it was discovered you can have link be naked and wield anything haha



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And Guity gear Xrd gets yet another update. XD

The game looks already so good as a cross gen title, I wished they would stop upgrading this game and finally release a real current gen Guity Gear. Imagine how amazing it would look. =Q=

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
And Guity gear Xrd gets yet another update. XD

The game looks already so good as a cross gen title, I wished they would stop upgrading this game and finally release a real current gen Guity Gear. Imagine how amazing it would look. =Q=
Baiken ♥♥♥


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Abzu is stylistically and technically (with thousands of fish swirling around you at the same time) a marvel to behold. Here are some screens that I took in the PS4 Pro version of the game:






The game is incredibly difficult to photograph well, since everything is moving so fast and you often have this imo really unsightly motion blur. I took 133 screens and only about 15 of those I would consider share worthy. :/
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The amazing art of Horizon Zero dawn gets an art book:


It's already finished and printed and begging to be shipped out...just not before release of the game. :(


Here a new video talking about the environments and the day and night and weather system of the game:



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... Well its okay, The book looks nice as well, Are you going to get it?

I'll play the game first, then I decide if I'm getting the art book or not. I'm done with hyping myself up for a game release and throwing money out the window for stuff that ultimately disappoints me.
It's not that I became more excited and naive than before (well, at least I hope so XD), I think it's games that are getting worse in quality and content and at the same time companies get more and more greedy. You gotta be careful nowadays.

By the way, which open world RPG do you think is overall more beautiful (stylistically and graphically) than Horizon?


Well-Known Member
Yeah hopefully you'll enjoy it though, and to be honest I don't really know about a specific game that overall is more beautiful stylistically etc. There's some that I feel like I just prefer the worlds their set in which helps however graphics Horizon I could agree it wins at. And jokes aside it is obviously a gorgeous game style wise though with the robot animals etc.


Premium Donor
Was away from PS4 today so I finally figured out how to share images from my 3DS! Using some pics from my house, I'll show my love for this game's graphics and cute artstyle:



And before anyone says anything, yes I have my character wearing miniature hats OK? XD There was an eyepatch but I removed it, and i was supposed to give him a low buzz cut in either black, pink, green or the usual brown, but I couldn't since I had already changed his green eye contacts to brown again.


Best song in the game btw!♡
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Well-Known Member
Was away from PS4 today so I finally figured out how to share images from my 3DS! Using some pics from my house, I'll show my love for this game's graphics and cute artstyle:



And before anyone says anything, yes I have my character wearing miniature hats OK? XD There was an eyepatch but I removed it, and i was supposed to give him a low buzz cut in either black, pink, green or the usual brown, but I couldn't since I had already changed his green eye contacts to brown again.


Best song in the game btw!♡
A sink, fridge, and stove in the study awright. The introduction of ACHHD controls for moving house items in New Leaf was one of the best decisions they made with this game imo

I just learned how to do homebrew and all that and how to edit my town and villagers (stuck a few sanrio ones in without importing those overpriced amiibo cards from europe shhh) but I'm having trouble figuring out what I want to do rn with the layout. For some reason even with a save editor you can't stick trees/bushes next to houses or pwp's. >>


Premium Donor
A sink, fridge, and stove in the study awright. The introduction of ACHHD controls for moving house items in New Leaf was one of the best decisions they made with this game imo

I just learned how to do homebrew and all that and how to edit my town and villagers (stuck a few sanrio ones in without importing those overpriced amiibo cards from europe shhh) but I'm having trouble figuring out what I want to do rn with the layout. For some reason even with a save editor you can't stick trees/bushes next to houses or pwp's. >>
Oh sorry lemme explain what I was going for in the rooms xD I realized it kinda looks weird from a visiting view:
☆The first pic is the living room, but I added bookshelves on all corners bar that one, I originally had bookshelves there too but I added the kitchen to give it a more homely feel, like you could just walk in and fry some eggs after farming for bells. That TV I HAD to have, it's my favorite type in the game and very convenient. I added pillar on all three wall corners for an artsy look but not on the right...I used that space for a hidden computer router behind the bookshelves. I also believe there's an AC unit above the fireplace.

☆Second room is mine upstairs, so I went with the rococo theme but it's still a WIP. I have too many shirts so thanks to the update, I hung a few on the wall for decorating and the fireplace is like the living room, just with a bear and a coffee mug. There's a DJ booth for music and I occasionally flip it on to listen to some K.K. Samba or K.K. Dirge.

☆Last one is the guest room, so I went with my favorite set, the minimalist series. I wanted to give the room a clean, friendly vibe so I got that water dispenser and aquifer to emphasize that. Also a TV up on the wall. You can't see the corner but there's a table with a lunch tray too and the Grey and blue radio for music.

And that's how my game is XD although it's more me being garbage at exterior decorating, I buy those special bush starts from the island but I can never place them correctly in a lawn formation. Good news is I have the make the town beautiful ordinance in effect so there's a shit ton of flowers, but it's inconvenient since if you shake a tree or shoot down a balloon, the item is lost if there's flowers all below it -_-


Well-Known Member
I learned from playing HHD that I much prefer making things pretty outside. Unfortunately with the save editor it's not as easy because you don't know how things really look or if something worked right with how you placed it until you open the game. It looks like this


Had to put markings down for how many squares a building or pwp takes up because it doesn't do that automatically, just gives that little black triangle to show you where something is. I wanted to put a couple of my villagers on the beach but so far only one is. Maybe I'll stick that one that's above the south slope on the beach to the left of it. Or maybe I could try sticking my one water-inspired character's house there idk


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Horizon Zero Dawn's PS4 Pro improvements were detailed. :)

- 4k checkerboard rendering, downsampled on HDTVs for a pristine image quality
- improved anisotropic filtering for crisper and more detailed textures
- higher resolution shadow maps

Here are some downsampled (so this is how it will look on an HDTV) 4k images:





Det vil være så vakker! :D
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This is actually cool! O: A mahou shoujo RPG could potentially be real awesome...if it's well done.
I really like the art style and the graphics are okay, I guess. It would probably looked better if it wasn't dragged down by the PSV version. But those sell way better in Japan than PS4s, right? Guess it can't be helped.
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Being a newish fan of Atelier and having loved Nights of Azure I will need to try this game out. I love cute anime girls and JRPGs soooo...

Also would like to remind everyone that a Granblue Fantasy Action RPG by Platinum is being developed for PS4 and I cant wait to see more on that too.