The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


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I put Ayame's shinobi outfit in black and red on Ryona for her normal outfit bc I feel like it fits her personality somehow and those are the colors of her default


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No, none of the previous Mass Effect games were this bad. They were never great with facial animations, but at least the models themselves weren't distracting to the point that they were an obstacle in the way of immersion.


Premium Donor
I put Ayame's shinobi outfit in black and red on Ryona for her normal outfit bc I feel like it fits her personality somehow and those are the colors of her default
For me it was the sailor outfit in the default color with Ikaruga's hime cut but eventually I kinda grew out of it and went to Kagura's hair with one head Strand and pigtail extensions with the cheongasm in it's that one I screenshotted XD


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No, none of the previous Mass Effect games were this bad. They were never great with facial animations, but at least the models themselves weren't distracting to the point that they were an obstacle in the way of immersion.
and @Jadeinchains and @Chapstick

I found out today that Andromeda was actually not developed by the studio that also developed ME1-3 and Dragon Age. The studio developing Andromeda is a pretty new one, Bioware Montreal, formed just a couple of years ago and Andromeda is also actually the studio's first game ever. So, no wonder... The real ME and Dragon Age team works on different projects as Bioware Edmonton.


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and @Jadeinchains and @Chapstick

I found out today that Andromeda was actually not developed by the studio that also developed ME1-3 and Dragon Age. The studio developing Andromeda is a pretty new one, Bioware Montreal, formed just a couple of years ago and Andromeda is also actually the studio's first game ever. So, no wonder... The real ME and Dragon Age team works on different projects as Bioware Edmonton.
Well they probably screwed themselves out of doing any more big titles


Well-Known Member
and @Jadeinchains and @Chapstick

I found out today that Andromeda was actually not developed by the studio that also developed ME1-3 and Dragon Age. The studio developing Andromeda is a pretty new one, Bioware Montreal, formed just a couple of years ago and Andromeda is also actually the studio's first game ever. So, no wonder... The real ME and Dragon Age team works on different projects as Bioware Edmonton.

... *sigh* So not only are none of the locations,characters etc from the mass effect games I loved in this new one but it isn't even created by the same people... I've heard people talking about how the ally's aren't even good either. I wasn't a fan of ME3's ending ( no one was so that's not shocking ) but at least It still had the same people that started the series behind it...


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This thread needs pics! :D
Not by me but some of the best I found others took of Horizon:










Well-Known Member
Wow those look really good! The bottom one looks like a poster or something! I'm gonna use them as inspiration, I love those corridors in the cauldrons, they remind me of something HR Giger would create! :D

Also speaking of Giger this game coming out called "Scorn" has a similar to his artstyle with strange alien architecture that might be alive etc.


Well-Known Member

It looks incredible!

Also I did a little comparison of what it looked like in the trailers to what it looks like in game in ME:A


in game


Well-Known Member
Yeah it looks really good, I don't think there's a single thing in the trailer that isn't made of some type of flesh, even the helmet and gun are. Also a game that's coming out and is also a horror game is Allison Road! It's graphics are great and it looks really creepy -

I'm happy to see that horror is coming back! :)


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I can't wait to crawl around in first-person at the speed of a sloth opening every drawer for a key that is hidden behind a jump-scare.

That said, the graphics are actually good.

Lol hopefully that's not the extent of it's game play, Also I'm hoping it will go the side of mind screw or since it's inspired by P.T which is Silent Hill hopefully its like when you hear a huge sound coming straight for you... and then nothing happens but it freaked you out. They'll probably be jumpscares to an extent but that will never beat something that's genuinely scary and stays with you for the rest of the night makes you turn the lights on.


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It's pretty much the standard for "horror" games these days. It's what the livestreamers and their drones have latched onto. Amnesia, Slenderman, RE7, Outlast, Goat Simulator; same dealio every time.

"I don't get the joke!"


Well-Known Member
It's pretty much the standard for "horror" games these days. It's what the livestreamers and their drones have latched onto. Amnesia, Slenderman, RE7, Outlast, Goat Simulator; same dealio every time.

"I don't get the joke!"

I actually like re7 but I can agree that jumpscares are definitely what these people have grabbed onto sadly *jump scare happens* "insert completely over the top scream here" *repeat*. I like Amnesia but it started the careers of some truly terrible youtubers ( it should be obvious which ones ) who's entire channels were just to do that over and over again.

Still even with that for people that actually appreciate it I'm happy to see that actual horror is making a come back but In a first person form rather than fixed camera. For Allison Road even before the "monster" appeared it was that type of tense were you want to look away from the screen.


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I have to appreciate F.E.A.R. for creating a very unnerving and unsettling atmosphere despite the player being a super-powered military man with enough firepower and bullets to fund a small army. Nowadays the logic seems to be: "It's only scary if the player can't do anything." That's not scary. It's annoying. It works well for the livestreamers and Let's Players because they're doing about as much as their braindead audience (nothing). But if you actually like to play video games instead of watching them, it's a painful experience (like when you run into a 3-foot fence and your character refuses to vault over it to safety).


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After all the commotion around Horizon, Naughty Dog thought they'd share some screenshots of their upcoming Uncharted 4 expansion:



Oooh...this is going to be absolutely beautiful! :D
India is such a beautiful country, nature, architecture, colors and all.


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I still can't believe anyone finished Uncharted 4 and are now ready for more. Not that it's a bad game (and it's graphics are amazing), but it's so-fucking-long.

But yeah; pretty.