TFC2013 DOA5U Team Ninja Special Event: NEW SCHOOL VS OLD SCHOOL (vote Veterans HERE!)


Well-Known Member
Rikuto - Frequent name in the top 3 or 8 for majors.

Sweet Revenge - The best of the younger generation of old school players in the DOA5 era. Won 2 majors this year. WinterBrawl and NCR.

Lopedo - Very solid year in competition. Won that 100+ person tourney too.

Master - The most active and dominant out of the 4 DOA legends from the DOA4 era. Won SCR which is a major and smaller events as well.


Active Member
@MASTER- One of the best players in my eyes. He was and still is the insipiration of my DOA gameplay, he made me join this game along side of playing and maining Ryu Hayabusa. I wouldn't be the gamer I would today if it wasn't for him. I wouldn't be happier than to see him and the other Legends fight against the New Generation. Goodluck, Master ^_^.

@Rikuto- One of my newest friends and he has taught me alot in these past few months. He places consistantly high in EVERY tournament he goes to. I trust this vote unlike any other, I know he will not disappoint. When does he ever?

@lopedo Bro you kick some serious ass! Go show them :D

@SweetRevenge117- One of the most underrated playesr in my opnion. Bro you kick some serious ass, its high time you show it. I believe in you, the community believes in you. Now its time for you to believe in you. Go show them how Sweet Revenge tastes like.

@Shade- One of the best Kasumi's I have ever seen. I know your confident within yourself you don't need words of speech, your a man of action. You do what you do best, show them to be afraid of Mugen Tenshin.

@Mr. Wah- Ive watched you play Bass for the first time on saturday/sunday. You shown me that any character is worth playing, never count anyone out until the last punch. I have faith and I know for a fact you will represnt the old generation with pride. Even though im new generation and I'm repping you guys, it just shows how much of an impact you have on us. We greatly respect you and all of you.
Goodluck men.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Perfect Legend

Can't have a team old school without Carl. He's a strong player, and while he may not have performed to potential in vanilla DOA5 I have faith that he'll step it up for TFC.


Well-Known Member
1. Return of the Shadow

We don't need anyone else on the team because he is the team... as well as THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!!

On the real though
1. Perfect Legend
2. Master
3. Lopedo
4. Rikuto
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Lopedo- I just feel that there's a level of bravery to this man you don't find in EVERYDAY DOA players. His mindset is one that I truly enjoy watching as a fellow player

Master- Just a guy who takes his job (DOA) very serious, if the Old school team is lookin for a win, they should def be looking here

Shade Swifteye- MOST SOLID PLAYER i've ever fought. Nothing Else need be said. Where other players falter and stray away from mechanics..this guy is still going to punish and play to a T...EVEN in the heat of the fight.

PL/RIKUTO- IMHO feel they both have the history and he track record to do the damage required to be EXTREMELY valuable to a team like this.

Just my take.....coulda put any of those guys up there though.



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News Team
Rikuto is probably the best DOA player. His Bayman always impresses me, with some impressive speed and real skill. He's also a smart guy and pokes at my curiosity. I want to know more about him, and I want to be his friend. I like to befriend people that are better at the game, and smarter than me.

And of course Lopedo. This dude makes every tournament exciting, and he's always got something to say... and he's right... a lot. He's a loose canon, but he brings some entertainment to the offline scene and he's an incredible player in every way possible. Sometimes he is careless though, and that is his biggest weakness in the tournament scene.

Sweet Revenge is a very fun player to watch because he's great with an assortment of different characters. You never really know what's coming next from him and he typically does well and is a highly respected member of this community with the accolades to back it up. He doesn't really talk shit about anyone, but he's not afraid to show a little sass either. XD

Shade deserves some credit as well. Great player, and he improves vastly with each tournament. I feel for him too, and he has a crowd behind him because he is a great, legitimate player that continues to grow and shows better sportsmanship than perhaps anyone else in this scene.

Honorable Mentions:

Sorwah whom I aspire to be like in this community. He's highly skilled with a specific character, he's a great commentator that doesn't get too excited and expresses no bias, he can cosplay and he promotes DOA better THAN ANYBODY in this god damned community guaranteed. He understands what it takes to be amazing in every outlet of this community. He's very impressive, and I always look forward to watching him fight.

Awesmic is awesome. He encourages me to be better, and I feel good in this because he is a phenomenal player that cares about the new players, and they care about him right back. He doesn't talk shit, he doesn't run-down and bitch about characters like SOOOO many others do, and his image is respectable. He isn't a god, but he doesn't want to be and the newer players look up to his skill level and all aspire to be like him down the road. His tournament matches are great, and he always puts up an impressive fight and can battle with what bugs him.

Nightpup. Maybe you haven't heard of him, maybe you don't know that he has the best Alpha of all time and maybe you don't know that he could wreck your ass into the ground. By the end of facing his Alpha, you will be done calling her a masher because he will outplay you and impress you. Watch out for nighpup, cause this pup has a nasty fucking bite, and he can bark while he's chewing through your flesh. And I love his gt. Say it like a hillbilly, and say it slow.

Emann is Jesus... the master of reads and sexy as FUCK. He's made one hell of a statement this year.

Innocent Vision is a dominatrix, and he studies his opponents and his characters very well.

Chosen1... I don't want to say is a surprisingly good player, but shit, like Shade he has come a long way with his character. He's very entertaining and funny, great at the game and has a lot of personality and is proud of his ability.

These are the people that DESERVE to be in the tournament scene. I have a hard time defining old school for the DOA scene since it is always changing. But these people work hard, and have been working hard for a while now...
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Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Nightpup. Maybe you haven't heard of him, maybe you don't know that he has the best Alpha of all time and maybe you don't know that he could wreck your ass into the ground. By the end of facing his Alpha, you will be done calling her a masher because he will outplay you and impress you. Watch out for nighpup, cause this pup has a nasty fucking bite, and he can bark while he's chewing through your flesh. And I love his gt. Say it like a hillbilly, and say it slow.

Wish he were able to meet up offline for some matches with the rest of the Maryland crew.

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
I think what needs to happen here is that you need to take all of the names submitted for each team, shade, and spin off two polls with all the names.

Every single day pick a winner from each poll and then close each poll.

Then open a poll the very next day with all the same names, save for the one that won the previous day.

In 5 days you'll have your team.

Edit: You could even swap out that TFC banner up there and hotlink to the contest.
Shit, for one of the last spots you could have guys argue their case on Grapefruitmans podcast.

Turn this shit into an event shade!