Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


Active Member
I bet there are several labs backed by big pharmaceutical companies racing to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 right now. Charities providing food and medical supplies might be a better destination for a share of the profits.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
revival pack...nurses...good marketing
Man what meme.jpg


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Come on, KT, prove me wrong for once. Catch me completely off guard by making the hair color feature unlockable with the in-game currency everybody is drowning in. That would be a pretty epic turnaround instead of just making a total scam just a bit less total scammy.


Premium Donor
Come on, KT, prove me wrong for once. Catch me completely off guard by making the hair color feature unlockable with the in-game currency everybody is drowning in. That would be a pretty epic turnaround instead of just making a total scam just a bit less total scammy.
That's what I want xD whatever set up they're using better be worth ir since this is gonna screw up the SP5 schedule. They better be gonna go all out because at this point they're losing supporters and I've no real hope at this point for the content
Imagine if we have to wait this long... for a system where each colour still costs 1 ticket but you can keep it. Ewww. Exciting.
I'm kinda scared at what they'll do you xD


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Finally, but I guess they couldn't get away with saying there was a fix coming and just ghost us about it forever. If the next update was about something else, I'd be pushing for a strong "reminder initiative" and rally the troops again. But even though this is another positive step, I'd advise anyone not to set their hopes up for disappointment. I set the bar at "this should not cost (real) money and it should be for all platforms", which should be a low bar, and if they can't meet it I'll be letting them know. On top of that, we're being really patient. But I can't help but think that by fixing it one way they'll screw something else up.

Okay guys, you're right, that was a bad idea. :(

Maybe, maybe not. I was actually thinking the same kinda thing a few days ago, while watching news about how people were showing appreciation for front line workers and for some reason I remembered DoA and how we're supposed to be getting a fix, lol (I'm like, how long has it been now?). Actually, I was thinking "What if they get tone-deaf for the next set and make it the nurses set? That might actually look bad right now..." It'd be funny if they had been planning for that set to hit now for weeks before the pandemic came up, but they just got tone-deaf and released it now anyways. I think the only way they could bring that set back right now is if 100% of the proceeds (or the max they can do) will go to helping frontline workers in some way. Sometimes it's good to do something legit for publicity and to help their image rather than just go after profits all the time (I remember when AkrSys put out some merch for purchase where the proceeds went toward's the Japan earthquake relief, that was great), and even though the nurses set wasn't one of my favorite sets, I'd buy it for sure. But what might happen is that, either way, they might still get headlines about "Dead or Alive 6 sexualizing nurses during a pandemic",or something :p yeah, probably better to not to bother releasing the set at all, charity or no charity.
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Well-Known Member
It'll be the Nurses set and they'll reference the virus in advertising but not give anything to charity lol. At least, that's the worst thing I could imagine so it's probably pretty likely. 'Concerned about coronavirus? Spend some time with angels in white to ease your mind!'


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@Dionysus - If they went that far I'd have to think they were intentionally looking for bad publicity, lol. Only worse thing I can think of is if they put in sick mask DLC which costs a ticket each (comes in different patterns and colours).


Well-Known Member
Yeaaaaah if it’s really taking the team so much time to implement the “changes”, I’m expecting a color slider, a full redesign of the wardrobe mode or something!! It has to be more than just adjusting prices.
You'd be surprise how long getting through internal bureaucracy takes. Unless the coding of the game already supported something like that, or it was already in the works, that sort of thing would take even longer to approve, coordinate among teams, etc.


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News Team
You'd be surprise how long getting through internal bureaucracy takes. Unless the coding of the game already supported something like that, or it was already in the works, that sort of thing would take even longer to approve, coordinate among teams, etc.

Nobody is denying it could take time to approve in this bullshitter world, what people don't understand is the alleged "hard work" that's being put in.


Well-Known Member
I do think it was probably nurse costumes and they are using the “changes” as an excuse when really they know that releasing nurse fetish outfits while the covid-19 things is really hitting a lot of countries hard right now is of poor taste. They don’t want to receive backlash for copy and paste costumes that’s they’ve had ready to put in the game for months. That’s why mid-April is the new release date instead of what was likely supposed to be this Tuesday or even last Tuesday. It’s not like they hadn’t finished the costumes.


Well-Known Member
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It’s pretty funny they wanna release nurse costumes during an outbreak lmao, watch the caption be like “Fight off corona with the lovely nurse costumes for the girls of DOA6!”