Why are people continuously complaining about the SP? You pay $90 for 50+ costumes for almost every character in the cast. You’re not forced to buy the seasonpass. If you want one costume or a character you can buy them separately 1.99 -5.99. There’s honestly no reason to complain anymore because it is optional.
Damn there is so much to complain .
First we PS4 users in Europe didnt have to get costumes seperatly in the beginning (we are in 2019) thats a no go .
Second of course we can complain of costumes that are literally all the same (recolorsand few equipments doesent make it better ) its a lack of work and creativity what DOA was all about when creating art .
the price of the season pass is way to hight for that . its obvious that i dont want to spent 90 bugs for copy paste costumes especially when i dont want to see ALL fighters (male and female) in the damn same boring outfit .
DOA 5 was in the End this way and it was not good even people bought that crap becuase the already paid for the season pass but didi not know whats in it .
so this complaining is right at this time and im happy its not at the end of season pass 7.
As is said before and always will - i have no problem of sexy outfits of a theme costume pass (pirate,wedding. ect. - but it has to be individual .like it was be .
remember every character (also the males) got sexy costumes in the past - but they were not similiar - they were unique to the character
why is this a problem to want back - why is everybody happy with workless costumes we get for overpriced season passes ?
why is there no understanding for those who are not going on a tournament and just playing a game with friends at home .....and i want to play again and again ......but it gets boring cause there is so less to do with this game .
there is literally nothing to unlock (like it was and should be in agame if fighting game or not )
this game has potential and we (i) say what could make it better .
because DOA was good very good - i dont care for a bigger audience or player base that plays.
Again if you put effort in the small things and love what you do -success will come .