I've decided on something. I am going to take what I think, is the best costume for each character from this contest, and all of my fanart will be of them in those costumes, as if they were their main outfit. This costume did supply us with dozens of excellent new outfits for the characters, so even though they likely won't be in game, I plan on still getting a lot of mileage out of them. Who knows, maybe if TN sees the fans adopting outfits as official costumes out of the game, they'll be brought in for DOA6. Now the question is, should I just do what I think is the most suitable outfit for each character (not most well designed, there's a huge difference there), OR would anyone in FSD like to put our own little community votes as to which outfits should become unofficial primary outfits for characters? anyone interested in doing something like that to promote the outfits we feel suit the characters the most? aagain, not which outfits are the most well designed/pretty, but which ones actually fit the character? (that's been what bugs me the most about the dlc, very little of it actually suits the characters they are on)