Soul Calibur Thread


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Are they good those series? Now that I' into jrpg's I'm wondering about other series I should play. I'm already planning on playing Xenoblade at some point but I'm interested in other ones as well.

The Tales of series took a nosedive in overall quality in recent years and if I had to suggest playing games of the series it would be the very good Symphonia (basically the Ocarina of Time of the Tales series), the pretty good Abyss or the again very good Tales of Vesperia, which was the last 90% rated Tales of game. The games after Vesperia are run-of-the-mill ware that had significantly less development time and funding. The latest (western) release Zestiria just reached a 72% rating on Metacritic. So, you mustn't expect AAA game productions like Final Fantasy or Xenoblade. The newest one coming in January to us will be Tales of Berseria. Together with it's prequel Tales of Zestiria it marked the series jump into semi open-world environments. They do struggle with that though as the gameworlds feel empty, barren and restricted. Again you mustn't expect detailed game worlds with lots to see and do like Final Fantasy XV, Xenoblade or to some extend the new Persona 5.
Ah...thinking about the Tales of series makes me kinda sad. :( They were so great and so much fun but then faded into obscurity. Microsoft back then even paid Namco millions to have Vesperia as an Xbox360 exclusive. That would never happen today. Microsoft would be like: "Tales of who? o__O"

If I wanted a Tales of character in SC it would have to be either Kratos, Lloyd or Sheena of Symphonia or Yuri or Judith of Vesperia. I'd vote for Judith, since she has cool fighting style, a great personality...and boobs, lol.

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I'd say the whole Tales series is run-of-the-mil (and generally low budget...) if it wasn't for the gameplay, but that's what makes it charming. Although Symphonia can make me furious with how it tackles racism, I'd love Kratos Aurion to be in a SC game. Or Hubert Ozwell from Graces.

Talim will win.


Premium Donor
Where was this Talim fan base in SC4? :rolleyes:

And yeah hopefully Sophitia wins.
That's what I'm saying! XD Although here's my theory, it may be a good portion of the Japanese community voting for her as well, lolis and moe type characters are currently popular in Japan, and she's still getting votes in the west since she doesn't act like a child, she's still surprisingly mature which makes her very tolerable.

So now it's basically milf vs. loli. Don't like to refer to Sophitia as that, but that is pretty much the gist of it.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if it means anything to you guys, but the final match of the second round in underway.


Let's pray that this is all leading to something. Please...


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I think it doesn't mean anything. They are just trying to keep social media alive. I guess we'll have news sooner or later about an eventually new title, but all this versus game via twitter doesn't lead to anywhere, I think.

By the way, between these two I choose Sophitia. Not only because I prefer her as character and as fighter but also because she is in Soul Calibur series since the very beginning. On the other hand, is hard to understand to me what people see in Talim. Is a character I never cared about at all and honestly, I never found many Talims online... I thought people didn't care about her either but now I realize she is very popular LOL. How could she won against Setsuka?? my bad..

Well, let's wait until Ivy appears in the final battle.. Hohoho.


Premium Donor
Sophitia is more iconic than Talim so she'll win, she's been in since the original Soul Edge. Either way, whatever they're gonna do with this filler contest shit they'll both wind up in whatever PS has planned, it's not a Soul Calibur game without either of them in.