
New Member

Southern California DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Players! Jace Hall’s live-streaming celebrity arcade, 1337LoungeLive is hosting a DOA5 Tourney this SATURDAY (July 27) at 7 PM PST in North Hollywood that will be streaming on the front page of, and will feature SPECIAL GUEST Lauren Landa -- the sexy voice of Kasumi, hanging out LIVE with our players!


It’s a *unique* Tourney in that it’s intimate, capped to 10-12 players, and live-streaming on the front page of Twitch. Players get free beverages all night long from our "Ultimate Drink Fridge." The atmosphere is fun and casual but the competition is FIERCE. To check out our broadcast format, visit

**The ultimate winner next Saturday will receive the grand prize – a stunning Dead Or Alive 5 wall scroll signed by the voice of Kasumi.**

Some additional details:
- The studio/gaming space is in North Hollywood.
- It's a Double Elimination style tournament and lasts 2 Saturdays. If entrants make it through to the finals, they're taking place next Saturday.
- We are playing on the XBOX 360

lauren Landa.jpg

THERE ARE 2 SPOTS LEFT in our very special DOA5 tournament tonight, which will be streamed on the front page of and will feature the voice of Kasumi hanging out with the players! Contact with your handle/gamertag before 5 PM TODAY (Saturday) if you want in, and I'll send you full details.

The tournament is in North Hollywood and starts PROMPTLY at 7 PM PST but the Lounge's doors open at 5 PM if you would like to come early to enjoy free drinks and experience the ULTIMATE GAME MACHINE, which has every game ever made for every console ever.

This should be EPIC fun, and we and our viewers can't wait to see who comes out on top.

  • Dead or Alive 5 will take place on the Xbox360 console.
  • 3/5 rounds
  • 2/3 match points for entire tournament
  • Double Elminination
  • Normal Life Setting
  • 60 Second Time Limit
  • Dangerzones are on
  • Random Stage select
  • Metroid Stage is banned(DOA Dimensions)
  • Experimental Playround stage is banned(DOA 4.1)
  • Hayate’s Cartwheel is banned(DOA 3.1
  • Winner Lock – Winner must stay same character, Loser may pick
    - Random character can be chosen, but if the player wins they must choose the same character for the second match.
  • Blind pick is allowed


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Question: If you're capping the tournament at 10-12, then what exactly is the point of holding finals on another weekend? Why not just hold the tournament and finals on the same day? Is time an issue? If time isn't an issue, then I don't see the need to host finals on a different day for a small tournament (the 12 player cap).

I'm also asking because I'm interested in this, but I am also going to be heading out to San Jose for Best of the Battle III for DOA on August 3rd. And I've been planning for that tournament for weeks now. Not exactly in a position to break plans and scheduling so easily.


Well-Known Member
1337LoungeJen I just sent you my gamertag and name on your email address. Let me know once you get it.

Also, am I allowed to use my Arcade stick to the event? It's wired so there won't be any mishaps going on.


New Member
Question: If you're capping the tournament at 10-12, then what exactly is the point of holding finals on another weekend? Why not just hold the tournament and finals on the same day? Is time an issue? If time isn't an issue, then I don't see the need to host finals on a different day for a small tournament (the 12 player cap).

I'm also asking because I'm interested in this, but I am also going to be heading out to San Jose for Best of the Battle III for DOA on August 3rd. And I've been planning for that tournament for weeks now. Not exactly in a position to break plans and scheduling so easily.

Hi! To answer your question, it is both a time issue and a programming detail. Since our tournaments are treated like live broadcasted event, people will tune in to the first weekend, determine who they're rooting for, and we'll build hype as part of our live stream all week for the finals the weekend afterward. The unsaid thing here is, 1337LoungeLive streams every day, so we work all week to inform our audience of all the upcoming events. If you tune in NOW for example (until 9 Pm PST), you'll see us chatting and gaming with Isaiah Mustafa - the Old Spice Guy.

You can absolutely bring your arcade stick!


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I see, and that's understandable. But that is also unfortunate on my end since it'll interfere with another tournament I am scheduled for next weekend. I would like to go, but that time frame just doesn't help me. It would have been great to attend and knock out two different tournaments one week after another, but it's not going to happen for me.

EDIT: I'll go, lol.

The HuBBs

Active Member
This makes no sense how you are capping this game even with that explanation for the streaming schedule. So you just have another setup or two on the side and run matches in the background while streaming the highlighted matches.


New Member
This makes no sense how you are capping this game even with that explanation for the streaming schedule. So you just have another setup or two on the side and run matches in the background while streaming the highlighted matches.

Hi -- we've only got one master setup that is streaming, so everyone plays on the one giant screen and everyone's gameplay gets the audiences full attention.

The HuBBs

Active Member
Again why not get more consoles and set them up on the side? You're not helping your tournament by capping them with a lack of equipment.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
1337LoungeJen Your other thread has been merged with this one. You could've posted the details of the tournament in here as well as let everyone know that there's only 2 spots left to sign up in this thread. I updated the OP with that information. It also would be nice if you could have the short list of players that will be there in the OP. Just post the gamertags so we all can know who's going to be there.

Good luck with your tournament.

  • Metroid Stage is banned(DOA Dimensions)
  • Experimental Playround stage is banned(DOA 4.1)
  • Hayate’s Cartwheel is banned(DOA 3.1)

I just noticed these, you do know that this stuff is not in DOA5, right?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Ikodomo, Harribel, Snakz and myself may be a little late due to traffic (were carpooling). Were on our way to pick up Snakz then we will be on our way.

Steady G

Well-Known Member
  • Metroid Stage is banned(DOA Dimensions)
  • Experimental Playround stage is banned(DOA 4.1)
  • Hayate’s Cartwheel is banned(DOA 3.1
Yeah that stuff kinda threw me off so I decided not to go. I didn't have a ride down there anyways I just wanted to know more info about it. But no offense, I was watching the stream and my main character isn't even unlock, so I'm kinda glad I didn't go.
:sarah: SARAH FTW!!!

Edit: CORRECTION! She is unlocked. Hahaha ;)

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Why are people acting this way?
They are hosting tournaments and mods are in here being condescending.

Can we just pick our words a little more carefully and if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say...don't post?

Good luck to all who are participating though.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
Why are people acting this way?
They are hosting tournaments and mods are in here being condescending.

Can we just pick our words a little more carefully and if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say...don't post?

Good luck to all who are participating though.

I'm a little baffled by the comments of the messenger, but yeah lol

Steady G

Well-Known Member
Btw, I was waiting for Lauren to say something like "I am ready." LOL but she failed me. Unless I missed it. Why you no Kasumi voice!? :(

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
You missed it, I got her to commentate with the voice but she is not good at commentating so it didn't last long. She was cool though.