DOA5LR Season Pass 7 & final upcoming DLCs

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Premium Donor
Yup, just some evidence of it in action...

That's so weird XD but hey DOA doesn't make much sense regarding other stuff so it's fine.
It's possible to add retextures like details to the costumes. In PC the moders make it a lot. An example:

Oh I see! Btw is this your Twitter account? I think you liked my tweet and I noticed your text patterns seems similar

Also only three packs.... sigh :-/


Well-Known Member
Okay the taunting to change them I wasn't expecting. I thought you'd change them similar ways to how you choose glasses in the character select screen but whatever. Also yeah @UpSideDownGRUNT it is 3 packs this season pass but everyone is for 35 characters. Crazy how long DOA5 has been supported for and this seems to be it's dlc coming to an end? I guess It will be moving on to doa6.
I get the feeling this isn't the end still, it could just be the packs are going to be more spaced out from now on.

Unless they announce DOA6 at TGS I don't see dlc stopping any time soon and even DOA6 probably wouldn't stop it.

I.e. don't get your hopes up yet lol


Well-Known Member
This pass only has 3 packs? Is that how it will be from now on? No pack on September and November so a new pack every other month? If this is also what will happen for the pass after then they really are slowing down on making dlcs. They probably ran out of crossovers so they want to take their time making stuff.


Premium Donor
Yes, it's mine.
Ok just wondering, I'm the "Maso_Prince" account that posted the Eliot pic btw

Also artmic arcade just posted the season pass bonus costumes, it's gonna only be 105 costumes and that'll be nothing since these three packs are full character ones. I'm hoping they stick to the full character packs with enough space in between releases to digest what we just got. It'll let me focus on DLC from other games


Well-Known Member
Yup, just some evidence of it in action...

Didn't you buy costumes of others characters?

I want to know how the Virtua Fighter characters will change the textures during the fight no to need Power Blow or Power Launcher. Also I want to know if the coat of Jacky, Brad, Bass and Rig will be removeable too or only Eliot's one.
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Well-Known Member
These are the swimsuits which Team Ninja selected to PC:



Rachel in Chichibu rather than Ashigara, Brad in milk-and-water black coat and trunk rather than white and pink and Zack without the hat and binoculars... We don't have double swimsuits and we still are with some worse textures. Team Ninja is calling the PC "trash" indeed.

I prefer Phase-4 in Manx rather than in Bombay.


Well-Known Member
Wow the whole pack is 36 USD? Man that makes the season pass worth it. But only 3 packs and idk what's for December. No September dlc according to the season pass.
October is obviously Halloween dlc

Zero Beat

Well-Known Member
Just went through everyone's costumes, and every guy, guest character, and Alpha don't transform. They're not destructible either. So that sucks.


Well-Known Member
In terms of DLC TN should have done this transform since LRs release. Two colors is a nice option though the price sucks. It would have been better if it was details rather than taunting.


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