Online multiplayer is a complete disappointment


Online has been terrible for me today. It's honestly starting to cost me rounds and in some cases entire matches. It's not very fun, at all.
luckly its just online,,its not real, i got paired up with a guy YUNGK1LLA702 3 times in a row in ranked and it was pure ass and i kept getting him, i just kept pressing PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP wit hitomi, think i even random selected once tell it was over after the first bad there is no back out option at the char select screen with bars/indicators


Active Member
Yeah. I lost to a Christie who followed the same rule as the guy you're talking about. At many points today have I considered flipping tables.


Yeah. I lost to a Christie who followed the same rule as the guy you're talking about. At many points today have I considered flipping tables.
if he did the 1 button action dont take it personal, it just means there as over it and want to move on to the next match as you and i was the asshole on the next 2 matchs that kept pressing ppppppppppp tell it was over only to get him again,,,,,,,he got 3 free batchs of points while i smoked a cigg and mashed 1 button. is what it is

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
Online seems to run smooth but counters simply don't work at all sometimes. It's not like DOA4 where moves like Kasumi's 6P2K were impossible to catch, now it's just everything. It seems very hit and miss.

I think lag just manifests differently in this game than in DOA4, so some people just think it's not there. Although it's likely not everyone is suffering with it.


Active Member
Online seems to run smooth but counters simply don't work at all sometimes. It's not like DOA4 where moves like Kasumi's 6P2K were impossible to catch, now it's just everything. It seems very hit and miss.

I think lag just manifests differently in this game than in DOA4, so some people just think it's not there. Although it's likely not everyone is suffering with it.

This. Thank you, that is EXACTLY how I feel about it.


Hmm it could also be the 360 controller contributing to the miss counters or could be you just really have to have on the spot counter reflexes to catch hit's in 5.

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
Hmm it could also be the 360 controller contributing to the miss counters or could be you just really have to have on the spot counter reflexes to catch hit's in 5.
Counters come out at 0 frames just like in DOA4, if you are being combo'd and your counters are simply not coming out then it's lag. I played DOA4 on the 360 pad with no problems.

I think they may have chosen to throw counters under the bus for the sake of having the matches running smoother.
quick question as ive never seen the setting before. But what does "nearby" mean. Does it mean nearby to me personally or to my region. Like, does it means it will keep me to connects close to the west coast, or does it mean that I will be getting people from mexico and canada because they are 'nearby" my region. Basically for the best optimized match ups, should I be doing Same or Nearby?


quick question as ive never seen the setting before. But what does "nearby" mean. Does it mean nearby to me personally or to my region. Like, does it means it will keep me to connects close to the west coast, or does it mean that I will be getting people from mexico and canada because they are 'nearby" my region. Basically for the best optimized match ups, should I be doing Same or Nearby?
i cant say , but i know same works better for me and set rank from f to c+ for matchs and get one every 20-30 secs in ranked as im only a learning e+


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I've tried to get an online match ten times (Throwdown, lobby and ranked) and all ten times I was unable to connect to the opponent or enter the lobby.

No disrespect to anyone, but a lot of replies on this thread suggest that wireless connections are the problem (i.e. the devil). Sony and Xbox have wifi functionality on their consoles for a reason. Some wireless connections are superior to some wired connections. One can say that wireless connections are no good for fighting games, their wireless connection allows them to play other fighting games as well as other games in general online with no problems whatsoever then the problem obviously lies within DOA5's netcode.

Whatever the case Team Ninja is aware of the problem and will release a hotfix ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
From what I played yesterday, I can't relate to this disappointment most of you speak of at all.

I've been having smooth connections, and on a wired connection, no less. I dunno if the netcode has been improved recently or not, but it is what it is for me. Then again, I've only been playing within the region.
I've tried to get an online match ten times (Throwdown, lobby and ranked) and all ten times I was unable to connect to the opponent or enter the lobby.

No disrespect to anyone, but a lot of replies on this thread suggest that wireless connections are the problem (i.e. the devil). Sony and Xbox have wifi functionality on their consoles for a reason. Some wireless connections are superior to some wired connections. One can say that wireless connections are no good for fighting games, their wireless connection allows them to play other fighting games as well as other games in general online with no problems whatsoever then the problem obviously lies within DOA5's netcode.

Whatever the case Team Ninja is aware of the problem and will release a hotfix ASAP.

I hear what you're saying, but you can't say that DOA should be great on a wireless connection because other games are, each game runs on different game engines and each have different net coding. There is no standard netcode that all fighting games use, so assuming that DOA has to and should run great on every wireless connection is asking a bit too much. Remember you may have a great ISP and a great wireless router, but what if someone you challenge has a modest ISP and an ok router? It's all about eliminating any possible hic-ups during online play.
But IF they can improve wifi play then great news for everyone, but I ain't holding my breath.
Some people expect to play games on the lowest tier DSL using wifi and wonder why they have lag, not saying that anyone here is doing that, but we all know that some people somewhere are playing these games that way.
I had a friend that used his 3G connection on his iPhone to play on Xbox live for a good two months.....


3d games from things have read from Harada on tekken 6 is 3d moves alot more info back and forth and is hard to work out, did not really work for them on tekken 6 and soul calibur 4 , but they figured it out for tekken tag 2 and scV. This is TN first FG since doa 4, what other online based net code game have they done? NG3 multiplayer. i think they did well for not being say capcom who only now finally worked out there own rollback netcode with problems along the way. 4 iterations of sf4. 2 marvels and finally they got it n sf xtekken that people have bad feelings about, but not based on netcode.


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DarkRios III said:
I hear what you're saying, but you can't say that DOA should be great on a wireless connection because other games are, each game runs on different game engines and each have different net coding.
What I was getting at were the guys who were saying that the netcode wasn't the problem when it clearly is.

DarkRios III said:
There is no standard netcode that all fighting games use, so assuming that DOA has to and should run great on every wireless connection is asking a bit too much.
Of course there is no standard netcode that all fighting games use, no one's denying that. But if a netcode isn't provisioned to allow online play over wireless internet that is adaquate for lag free online play then the netcode is bad and not the wireless connection, hence my point.

DarkRios III said:
Remember you may have a great ISP and a great wireless router, but what if someone you challenge has a modest ISP and an ok router?
Then logically the person with the modest ISP and ok router's internet would be a sort of a lowest common denominator for the smoothness of the match, but that's beside the point, which is that DOA5's netcode isn't provisioned to allow online play on wireless connections on PS3 properly.

Home Consumer

New Member
For every single person using wireless = WIRELESS WILL GIVE YOU A BAD CONNECTION

This is not a suggestion, a feeling, or some superstition. It doesn't matter that wireless has worked for you in other games. Do not use wireless in a fighting game. Even if you thought your experience was good with wireless, it would have been better with wired.

I really hate for this to be my first post on the forum, but it's got to be said firmly for everyone's benefit: do not use wireless when you want to experience the smoothest connection possible.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
It's good to me now especially if I go "nearby" when looking for a match. The shitty part is the amount of Kasumis and Ayanes. I played about 60 matches this morning and 50 of them were against Kasumis with the white dress and sandals.


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I finally played my first match (ranked). It was very smooth allowing me to destroy some poor fool. I still can't enter lobbies, create lobbies, or accept Throwdown Challenges.

PS3 user.