Official DOA6 Costume Thread


Premium Donor
Yeah I liked Rachel's a lot when I saw it early and I like these ones too.
The cute hats are also universal for all costumes too which I like, I wish they would have made maybe the wedding hair, eye patches, and the other exclusive hats universal too but I think them doing that now is definitely a good start. The hat goes really well with Kasumi's white ninja dress too xD


Well-Known Member

I feel like.. these should’ve been swapped like.. both are more fitting for the opposite games(yes I know they are different teams)

Lady Tengu

Well-Known Member
We don't do that anymore. It only brings disaster. lol

Oh my stars, I’ve been gone too long.(Not really it was crazy back then and I’m sure would be chaos now) but the laughs were fun. Now, I love how they brought back Rachel’s “Alma” fan creation skin back (forgot who designed it, forgive me) it’s my favourite so far, sad they killed her Fiend skin.


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So wait, were people jumping the gun when they thought the costume itself was an actual censorship from the get go?
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I jumped the gun when I did research and found out it wasn't the censored eSports Mode version but that they actually censored the costume in the ugliest way possible lmao. Can't talk for the rest.

Will admit, but I also thought it was the case that it was turned on for eSports just for that one picture until I saw another image a bit above of the actual setting turned on LEL. Overall the whole black thing just looks atrocious (least in my opinion). Some people find it cool that adds a sort of edge factor with that Rachel outfit I guess, but it just causes more harm than good to cover it up, least the already made outfits. I mentioned this back when I saw the image of Tina with that black tape on and it was like holy damn, that actually looks pretty fucking terrible. If eSports is really a concern for them, then make outfits catered to it without having to get a black permanent marker swiped across their body.

But now I seen the actual setting turned on for Rachel and it's asking to be meme of the kek city.


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A lot of people give Rachel's default a hard time but I've always loved it since I first saw it.

The reflections on PC really make it pop with some of the stages. I love the recolors and overall design.

I don't like the fiend outfit at all anymore but I am glad that some people do.

The casual 'Alma' outfit doesn't look that good to me, but I've never been a big fan of it. I just like the reference.

Other than those two I like Rachel's clothes. I was amused that they chose NiCO colors for one of her business suit recolors.


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Wait huh? the PC version rounds up to the same output as the console version though except loading times. Unless this was recently changed with improvements to the PC version. Do you have like ReShade on or something?

The game just looks better. I don't know why it's so hard for people to realize. For certain there is better particle effects... shadows are obviously better, lighting is better because the resolution is better and because of that color is also better because I can see things in a clearer detail. I'll take some pictures in a bit and no I don't use injectors or sharpening technology but I suppose I could.

Switching from PC to PS4 for the bigger player pool actually hurts my eyes. It's so sad that people are basing their opinion of the games visuals on the PS4. I'm really not even trying to hate. I game on all systems but the Switch. Which I will buy if I ever decide to get Scarlet since the costumes look as the developers intended them to look. Sony's stench is getting harder and harder for me to handle. I have all PS systems and hundreds of physical games for each if someone wants to call me a fanboy.

As far as updates I haven't been told anything specifically. Obviously the game also performs better on PC from a gameplay perspective. I feel really really bad for people that only have base systems and are trying to get into this game.
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Sexy Momiji

I like the santa bikinis. I don't really understand the complaints (like I've seen on GameFAQs and elsewhere). I remember people were complaining about recycled costumes from DOA5, and that's fair enough, but now we get something new and something that actually shows skin (considering the recent censorship controversy with Rachel) and people still bash on it? Because all the characters have the same bikini? They are simply Christmas-themed bikinis. There's not much diversity you really can have there.

I swear, there's no pleasing this fanbase sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I like the santa bikinis. I don't really understand the complaints (like I've seen on GameFAQs and elsewhere). I remember people were complaining about recycled costumes from DOA5, and that's fair enough, but now we get something new and something that actually shows skin (considering the recent censorship controversy with Rachel) and people still bash on it? Because all the characters have the same bikini? They are simply Christmas-themed bikinis. There's not much diversity you really can have there.

I swear, there's no pleasing this fanbase sometimes.
I haven’t seen anyone bashing them just discussing, they aren’t bad outfits. I think people just have priorities (new game modes, new intros/outros, story modes for momiji/rachel, stages, etc) and we see these important things get pushed aside for dlc costumes (bikinis for the 3rd time) it’s all there is to talk about.
I can’t speak for all the fans but i’m sure there’s a good portion that would rather new stages, game modes, etc>dlc costumes
but I have a feeling devs are going to wait till a DOA6 ultimate to do those things to keep players buying.


Well-Known Member
There's not much diversity you really can have there. do something else. It's not that difficult. Well, maybe for TN it is.

DOA constantly takes pride in homogenizing its characters. It doesn't matter what their personality is or who they are, they're all always down with dressing up as sexy bunnies or matching/interchangeable bikinis or sexy *insert whatever the fuck fetish they'll push out next* and getting ready for their next model photoshoot. What DOA constantly does is directly incompatible with making interesting and memorable characters. Oh, but they're different bikinis from DOA5. They're still bikinis. And they already have two of them in DOA6 otherwise.

But sure, if the only criteria for "good" is that all the women are showing skin and the only criteria for "bad" is not showing skin, the santa bikinis are "good" and everyone should be happy. There's nothing to complain about...

We need some different criteria.
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Well-Known Member
I like the santa bikinis. I don't really understand the complaints (like I've seen on GameFAQs and elsewhere). I remember people were complaining about recycled costumes from DOA5, and that's fair enough, but now we get something new and something that actually shows skin (considering the recent censorship controversy with Rachel) and people still bash on it? Because all the characters have the same bikini? They are simply Christmas-themed bikinis. There's not much diversity you really can have there.

I swear, there's no pleasing this fanbase sometimes.
This kind of thinking is exactly why TN makes - and gets away with making - these copy paste costumes. If there’s “not much diversity” with the concept, then you shouldn’t be okay with having to pay for stale, uncreative designs. It’s not even about showing skin anymore, it’s that they’re all wearing the sam-... actually, you answered your own question!

You’re really telling me that there’s only one (1) way to design a Christmas-themed bikini? And that they’re not being lazy whatsoever? Or that they even needed to be bikinis in the first place? The reason why (some of) the fanbase isn’t pleased is because they’re showing little-to-no effort towards giving us something that we would actually want to spend money on and feel good about it.

They’ve got some of y’all by the balls!! You really shouldn’t be eating up everything they’re shitting out just because “It’s DOA so I must support” or because a costume is showing a little more asscrack than usual.