Official DOA6 Costume Thread


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I just saw Maximilian also did a DOA6 costume rating video (which are imo fun):

I didn't now he was familar with Navelgate. XD

On another topic:
I hope PS4 players are giving TN shit on social media for not being able to purchase single costumes? I guess TN still didn't officially comment why that is or it would've been already shared and discussed here.


Well-Known Member
I hope PS4 players are giving TN shit on social media for not being able to purchase single costumes? I guess TN still didn't officially comment why that is or it would've been already shared and discussed here.

Asian PS4 accounts can buy the costumes individually. The solution to this for you Westerners is to obviously just make an Asian account and buy the game from there ;).


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Asian PS4 accounts can buy the costumes individually. The solution to this for you Westerners is to obviously just make an Asian account and buy the game from there ;).



Well-Known Member
double dipping is hardly the solution I was looking for haha.

Either buy the game again so you can buy the DLC individually and save more money over time due to future DLCs or spend way more long term by buying entire packs or the season passes :p.
Alternatively, you can buy an Xbone or PC version (I actually have an American Xbone version but wont use it since I only got it to have a physical copy of the game)

The 4th phase

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Either buy the game again so you can buy the DLC individually and save more money over time due to future DLCs or spend way more long term by buying entire packs or the season passes :p.
Alternatively, you can buy an Xbone or PC version (I actually have an American Xbone version but wont use if since I only got it to have a physical copy of the game)

it would probably cheaper just buying the pass or the bundles then buying the game again lol. 90 dollars for the game alone where I live haha.


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I swear the white shirt costume for Ein needs to do a comeback as a costume for Hayate. It's literally the BEST costume for Ein/Hayate in the entire series imo. So cool...
Are we talking disco Ein or Denim Vest Ein?


Well-Known Member
Has there been any word from TN on them making the dlc outfits available individually in the west?
Cause I didn't particularly want any of the outfits in Vol 1 of the wedding outfits but miss Lisa better than your fave Hamilton is coming with Vol 2 so I'd really like to be able to buy her wedding outfit.


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I'd really like a human Raidou skin. His cyborg look is imo ugly and kinda dumb. I don't think TN put much skill and effort into the design when they created him as a DLC character for DOA5.
They were pretty lazy yeah, but since when do they put a lot of effort into designing characters?


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Just shared by someone in another forum:


It's slowly setting in that I won't stay as long with DOA6 as I thought/hoped I would. I won't let myself be bullied into buying overpriced season passes or costume sets with content in them that I don't want.
I won't participate in costume contests (excitedly discussing them and actually designing my own costumes) anymore either, I guess. Why should I do that for DLC that I won't be buying anyway?
This is really disappointing... :(


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I guess I 'might' just buy Casual/Halloween/Legacy/Fan Awards, but that's pretty much it.

Which is good for my wallet. Helena never had good costumes except for these categories I've mentionned (especially collabs which did not respect her grace).


Well-Known Member
Wow...that's really sad If that's how it's going to stay for doa6, I'd love to buy outfits for my fave characters but i don't want to have to buy a whole set to do that, ( especially if a lot of the outfits and thereof price is for male characters I don't even play as )... :(

Don't they realize this will put a lot of people off buying the dlc outfits? They'd make more money in the long run I'd imagine if they sold them individually.

I really hope they change their minds.


Well-Known Member
Do they realize they're going to gain absolutely nothing from this? The only sensible explanation besides "KT is being greedy" is if Sony didn't like the sheer amount of DOA5 DLC bloating up the PS Store so they said no for DOA6. Still, if that IS the case, TN should at least make some sort of alternative in-game currency because there is no way in hell i'm going to be buying entire packs if i'm only going to be using like 4 outfits in them.