Honestly, I'd comment on your passive-aggressive behavior towards me and my attempts towards trying to give any information on the wiki, but I'll just leave it with this bit:
Since you're so much more well-versed in Japanese than me, how about instead of doing non-constructive criticism of my attempts at translating Japanese, you actually register to Dead or Alive Wiki as a member and do the translations yourself? I'm serious, I actually WANT people far more skilled than me in Japanese translations to actually do the translations, especially when the wiki itself is actually very lacking in that regard currently. Besides, that would put your skills to far better use than constantly putting me down because I'm not doing a good enough job. I mean, yeah, sure, I'm not the best translator there is, I'll freely admit that, and not for lack of trying because I actually have attempted to take Japanese courses in college, heck, I've even tried learning via Rosetta Stone, but at least I'm actually trying to do something that very little others are actually doing on that wiki, or any wiki for that matter.
Either way, I've already updated them with the official translations. That was actually one reason I'm glad there's a Steam version.