Official Dead or Alive Xtreme Thread


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Got into the game, I've been playing non stop the last three days so I'm a level 12 owner and Kasumi and Momiji are my highest lv girl(Kasumi is level 35 and Momiji is level 30.)

So far I unlocked Sayuri, Helena, and hitomi so far but I'm still trying to beat the last volleyball cups so I can get to S rank(I'm currently A)


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I want to see more of her storylines with other Venus. She has potential for good interaction.

Got into the game, I've been playing non stop the last three days so I'm a level 12 owner and Kasumi and Momiji are my highest lv girl(Kasumi is level 35 and Momiji is level 30.)

So far I unlocked Sayuri, Helena, and hitomi so far but I'm still trying to beat the last volleyball cups so I can get to S rank(I'm currently A)

Sayuri is my favorite, but Yukino, Shandy and Reika just have a certain touch to them. Team NINJA has always been good at crafting characters, but I have really liked the newer releases.


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DMM Games:




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I want to see more of her storylines with other Venus. She has potential for good interaction.

Sayuri is my favorite, but Yukino, Shandy and Reika just have a certain touch to them. Team NINJA has always been good at crafting characters, but I have really liked the newer releases.
I feel that since Nanami most girls have been hits but Reika was actually not designed by Team Ninja. She's great tho!

Going on TWO YEARS and still no FTP Yukino.
On DMM? That's rough.
I've been waiting all year but if the global team stops trolling with the underwhelming banners, she should be added sometime this month to the F2P pool.


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I feel that since Nanami most girls have been hits but Reika was actually not designed by Team Ninja. She's great tho!

On DMM? That's rough.
I've been waiting all year but if the global team stops trolling with the underwhelming banners, she should be added sometime this month to the F2P pool.

No, not on DMM; the NA Steam version is what I play.

So, I did not actually know about the release of the Famitsu interview which I found interesting and QUITE lengthy for DOAXVV. However, do you have any more information on the actual team? Because in theory she was designed by Team NINJA and Koei Tecmo has a subsidiary in Singapore which would still be Koei Tecmo using Team NINJA assets. Not to mention the storylines and anything Japanese are automatically taken care of by Team NINJA Studios. So, by that merit, wouldn't that mean that Reika is still actually all inhouse? Not outsourced like Dead or Alive 6?

VERY interesting read through and I thank you for bringing the interview to my attention. IF Team NINJA is collaborating with their different teams across the globe to finish jobs and manage time, I would see that as very forthcoming that something big is being made right now. The question is: when are we going to know about it? and why does production seem extremely slow this year despite management of games in different KT divisions?
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This time, Kokoro was chosen. The owners always make predictions such as "Is this the next one?", but this makes it even more difficult to predict.


 As I have said before, I am delivering the girls in the order that I have the ideas for them. However, it is really difficult to come up with a girl for the DOA series, and I am still worried about how Kokoro will be received. I can't afford to disappoint the fans of the DOA series. There is a good chance that I will receive comments like "It's not what I expected."
Also, various charms have already been drawn, including the series title and guest appearances. With that premise, I always feel that it is not easy to deliver the true charm of the girls as a TC to the owners and have them love them, but I will never give up and will continue to search and make it into a shape.​

A new girl, "Reika," was added to the international version. We asked about this during the live broadcast, but could you tell us again how she came about?


 The international version releases events about one year after the Japanese version, so for international owners who already know about them, it's not as much of a surprise.
So the international development team told us their enthusiastic request to "create a surprise that has never been seen before," and we decided to create it.
There have been swimsuits that make their first appearance in the international version, but they were excited to finally create an original female character for the international version, so I thought I'd take on the challenge myself, and Reika was born.​


What's more, I was very happy that only the first episode was released simultaneously in the Japanese version.


 Since this is for the international version, it was decided to delay the release in the Japanese version, just like the swimsuit. However, this time it's not a swimsuit but a "girl", so owners who play the Japanese version will be more eager to get it than the swimsuit. Since this is the first case, owners of the Japanese version will have to wait without any idea of the basis for "When will Reika appear in the Japanese version?"

 And every time the weekly maintenance is over, the first thing they will feel is disappointment, like "Reika didn't appear again...". If that feeling arises, they will feel disappointed with all the content of that week, and I don't want to have to repeat that experience. Therefore, we decided to align the timing of the release of the first star outfit. This was a last-minute, sudden decision.​

Thank you, Sakuda! When you say that the international version team is in charge of development, what percentage of the development is handled by them?


 The international team is in charge of everything except the parts that involve Japanese. From the original character concept to the design, names, and modeling, everything was created by the international team. Japanese staff were also involved in the dialogue and storyline to ensure that the characters are appealing and don't feel out of place in Japanese, but other than that, they only supervised the rest.​

When I heard that the international team in Singapore was creating the character, I assumed that a girl with an international feel would appear, so I was a little surprised that it was a Japanese character.


 I was also surprised and asked, "Is a Japanese girl okay?" I wasn't sure if the international version would really be happy with her, but the international version team appealed to us that a character like Reika would be more popular, so we worked on her.​


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I don't understand the fear of disappointing DOA fans (but it's telling how he's talking about "DOA fans" as if we're separate from fans of the game he's working on, lol, literally like DOA's girls are more like guest characters) with how they bring in more of the cut girls or how they treat the ones already in at this point. I mean, it would make sense if they had gotten any backlash for how previous DOA girls turned out in the game, but correct me if I'm wrong, there's been no collective/serious feedback like that. If anything, the thing disappointing DOA fans more than anything is leaving those girls out for so damn long.

As a Tina fan, I was worried about how she'd turn out in this, but I owe her turning out to be awesome mostly on the fact that Tina's character has been established long before this game and the devs were at least smart enough to be as faithful to her history and character design as possible. Also, they made sure she had her seiyuu Yuko Nagashima, which does most of the work when it comes to authenticity. If I have any complaints, it's in the outfits they've given her, or lack of them, but I think I'm in the minority and I don't try to contact them with my complaints anyways.

I'll say it again, Reika really grew on me and is one of the better VV girls. Singaporeans have some good taste it seems, lol.
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However, do you have any more information on the actual team? Because in theory she was designed by Team NINJA and Koei Tecmo has a subsidiary in Singapore which would still be Koei Tecmo using Team NINJA assets. Not to mention the storylines and anything Japanese are automatically taken care of by Team NINJA Studios. So, by that merit, wouldn't that mean that Reika is still actually all inhouse? Not outsourced like Dead or Alive 6?
I think you're getting things mixed. DOA6 outsourced some labor to non-KT employees but the international version of DOAXVV is handled by a team separate of Team Ninja located in Singapore and they're all Koei Tecmo employees:

The international team does not only use assets given to them, in the past they designed 4 swimsuits original to the global version and now Reika. So while her story and voice acting might be completed in Japan, her concept and design was not made by Team Ninja.


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I think you're getting things mixed. DOA6 outsourced some labor to non-KT employees but the international version of DOAXVV is handled by a team separate of Team Ninja located in Singapore and they're all Koei Tecmo employees:

The international team does not only use assets given to them, in the past they designed 4 swimsuits original to the global version and now Reika. So while her story and voice acting might be completed in Japan, her concept and design was not made by Team Ninja.
Yes I got things mixed because IMO you didn’t do a good job of defining what the team was until I actually read the interview. Infact your original comment made it seem like TN had no involvement at all which would be false.

I was the one that brought up it was KT. And 4 swimsuits out of thousands of assets isn’t much at all. They still had to be approved by Team NINJA because it’s their game and it has to fit their signatures.

Who gives a damn about the concept design when they are using the assets Team NINJA made to begin with. You also short side what Team NINJA did. They literally brought the character to life with storyline, voice actor selection, overall attitude and animation for her.
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do you have any more information on the actual team?
Please do not ask me more questions if you're going to answer as rudely as this:

Yes I got things mixed because IMO you didn’t do a good job of defining what the team was until I actually read the interview. Infact your original comment made it seem like TN had no involvement at all which would be false.

I was the one that brought up it was KT. And 4 swimsuits out of thousands of assets isn’t much at all. They still had to be approved by Team NINJA because it’s their game and it has to fit their signatures.

Who gives a damn about the concept design when they are using the assets Team NINJA made to begin with. You also short side what Team NINJA did. They literally brought the character to life with storyline, voice actor selection, overall attitude and animation for her.
Putting a lot of words in my mouth that I didn't type. Feel free to do your own research if you know so much about the behind the scenes of this game.


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Please do not ask me more questions if you're going to answer as rudely as this:

Putting a lot of words in my mouth that I didn't type. Feel free to do your own research if you know so much about the behind the scenes of this game.

I feel like you could have provided better context in your original post. If you're going to bother to take time to correct someone in the first place you typically would do that. When I asked that question, I don't see how anyone could have possibly deemed that as rude; especially when I thanked you for bringing it to my attention within in a few sentences.

Best wishes. No malice.


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Acquired Kokoro, Ayane, Tamaki, and Honoka in venus vacation. As much as I didn't think I'd stray from Kasumi, I learned that stats are really important in matches so for the time being I went to Kokoro and Momiji as a team since Kokoro has alot of power, and I have their SSRs but Kasumi I'm still stuck with her SR DOA5 default so I have her sitting out for now. Kokoro tho is fun to use, I love her "Im a star" win pose xD

I'm still stuck at the final S rank championship tho before I can get to SS. Misaki and Nyo keep dusting me 6-1 because of their POW and STM advantage even with tension bursts, so I'm going back and S ranking previous cup missions for the time being to get items for level ups. So far I limit broke Momiji's SSR to max level 90 so I just need to max it's level up so her STM can eclipse the competition


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I'm honestly a bit disappointed they never tried to add Naotora Ii, she would be an interesting addition imo since I know as a character she's pretty popular

Jackie Chan Fan

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From the interview:

"It's not what I expected."

"And every time the weekly maintenance is over, the first thing they will feel is disappointment, like "Reika didn't appear again...". If that feeling arises, they will feel disappointed with all the content of that week, and I don't want to have to repeat that experience. "
(Replace Reika with OG/cut girl)

At least for me, this is my common reaction. hahaha