Ninja Gaiden Thread

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
oh god such badass-ery in this one, I should be a photographer

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Quoted from Ninja Gaiden Facebook:

"We hope our fans accept this. When people make a change, maybe we can say "evolve""refine""extend""explore""try"there must be some pros and cons. We can't stick to Mr. Itagaki, we respect him in game development, he created such great games, NINJA GAIDEN & DOA and he left those to us. It's always the challenge for us to create any games that people acclaim and say "this exceeds Itagaki's game" under the name of Team NINJA. We all know it's damn tough thing, but without making any movements, we are just gonna die."


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
So basically they're saying: "We know it's like impossible to top what Itagaki did without him on board, but we're trying because we need to make money to put food on the table." ? Really?

First of all, that's very sad and depressing to know that TN holds themselves in such low regard. Second, it's bullshit! DOA5 is the best game in the DOA franchise, hands down! Sure, their attempts at Ninja Gaiden haven't been as admirable, but without Itagaki, they do have the advantage of listening to fan feedback and adjusting accordingly. They can make a superb Ninja Gaiden 4 if they listen to what the fans want, but not with this defeatist attitude.

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
So basically they're saying: "We know it's like impossible to top what Itagaki did without him on board, but we're trying because we need to make money to put food on the table." ? Really?

First of all, that's very sad and depressing to know that TN holds themselves in such low regard. Second, it's bullshit! DOA5 is the best game in the DOA franchise, hands down! Sure, their attempts at Ninja Gaiden haven't been as admirable, but without Itagaki, they do have the advantage of listening to fan feedback and adjusting accordingly. They can make a superb Ninja Gaiden 4 if they listen to what the fans want, but no with this defeatist attitude.

you should reply to the thread with that message!

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
You mean quote myself here?

no, like on the facebook page of team ninja where there is a box saying "write something" and you can post it cuz then everyone will see the post and more chances of team ninja seeing what you wrote


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
oh yeah ninja fortress and villiage are two different ones. either way no, the only place i cant stand is the water level, the warehouse gets an honorable mention for being a complete waste of time and resources