Hey all. Azuardo signing in. Not sure why it took me so long to sign up to FSD, but better late than never, I guess! I'm a reg in the DOA5LR thread at GAF, so I'm sure a few people will recognise me here.
Anyone that doesn't, I'm from Wales and was introduced to DOA with DOA2 on Dreamcast. Never learned how to play it properly at that age, but I fell in love, and rediscovered my passion for it when I got DOA5 a couple of years ago (never owned Xbox, so missed out on 3 and 4). Have mained Kasumi pretty much exclusively, and although I'm nowhere near pro level or utilise everything she can do properly, I think I'm half-decent now. I've hit B rank before in Ultimate, but haven't bothered with Ranked much in LR.
One of these days, I'll study some of these Kassie guides and tournament vids I've saved and try to make that jump to the next level haha.
Anyway, nice to meet you all, and hopefully I'll learn a few new tricks here