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Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I did MLP cosplay as Rarity (Cause i'm a pegasister ^_^;) I did enjoy that cosplay and the fandome is very nice (Depends though) and have done Margaret from Regular Show, creating the tail & wings for cosplay was very fun though, took a lot of time. I plan to do either Wonderwoman or Harley (One of their Injustice costumes) soon, and do have some DBZ, SwordArt Online & League Of Legends (Maybe), Still planning though.

Nice. I have no clue how a MLP cosplay would look like. I've only done two cosplays before: Faust from Guilty Gear and Bass from DOA.


New Member
Nice. I have no clue how a MLP cosplay would look like. I've only done two cosplays before: Faust from Guilty Gear and Bass from DOA.

Well you'd pretty much dress yourself based on the personality & colors of the pony you chose, like most guys choose rainbow dash so they'd get a rainbow wig, make wings & wear blueish sports clothing cause she's the most athletic pony on the show, as for Rarity, she's super fancy.. like.. super fancy & spoiled. So i pretty much dressed nice, form fitted dress that was pencil thin, heals, purple wig, unicorn horn. It's pretty fun. I love Faust, use to be my RP char back in the day when i went to chats. Do you have any pictures of your cosplay?

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Link? I love seeing other peoples cosplay Lol




New Member
You can view it in action during the commentary on the early videos in the playlist.

Noice, I'm about to check it out.

I was hoping someone would come as a DOA character at the convention I was a saler at back in March but they all came as other things.. Along with a character from Soul Calibur.. & Dante of course.

I THOUGHT about dressing up as Lisa but I'd be busting out my attire.


Hi guys

I'm now to the site and just thought I would introduce myself. I'm 32 year old husband, father of two kids and I have been a passionate fans of fighting games since my early teens (it all started with SFII:WW). I can't say I have been a long term fan of DoA, I had shown some interest in the first game because I was in my teens and there was the "physics" but other than that I haven't paid any real attention to the series before now other than a brief flirtation with DoA4. However, I am spending a lot of time with DoA5 and DoAD and having a blast with both of them.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Welcome to FSD. Hopefully we see you posting around a bit and maybe heading out to a tournament down the line. Bring the family lol.


Well-Known Member
Well, might as well enter the fold myself. Just wanted to say hello and thank you all for the awesome info you put out there for people who would like to get better at this game. Considering I've been pretty actively lurking these forums the past few days, I thought I might as well join the site.
I think I've met some of this sites residents online as well, and they probably were the best matches I've ever had in this game, even if some of them lagged like crazy.

I don't know how active I'll be (just got my gaming pc back from repairs heh) but I'll be sure to at least give kudos for usefull and insightful posts from time to time.
And here's to hoping DOA5 Ultimates netcode is worth a crap!