Welcome to all the new members! I hope you enjoy your stay here, make friends, and have some fun along the way.
Ruckus, to briefly comment on your post. I have been friends with Bill for a long time now. Geographical regions helped that of course, being on the East Coast and one state away from him. I imagine similar reasons were done for the owner of DOACentral and his friend MASTER, as they were in the same state as one or another. I liken it to just an East coast vs West coast thing.
I've also been a long time friend of the owner of DOACentral. Neither he or I believe we are in a "good/evil" competition with each other's sites. Bill's description of the situation is merely his view on it (and apparently many others as well with similar views).
DOACentral has helped this community a lot. It hasn't been all negative like Bill's story suggests. If it wasn't for DOACentral, Tecmo would not have known people take the game serious as a fighter. They told me this personally at an E3 event the owner of DOACentral arranged between Tecmo and 10ish of the community members including me. They stated it was because of DOACentral that they were marketing DOA4 as a hardcore fighting game - shying away from the fanservice typically being advertised as. The owner of DOACentral has put a lot of his own money, time, and effort into the community. I think there are some areas in our past that he didn't realize how the community as a whole would see it.
During a lot of Bill's told history it should be noted that many of us in the small community were young. I was going through college at the time of CGS and decided to rather focus my efforts on my education than follow what was going on with the e-sports. Personally, and people can verify this, I went on record saying CGS wasn't going to make it past two years.
Even after all of the history in this community, and Virtuapai and myself split off to make our own site, the owner of DOACentral was kind enough to pay for my airfare to his seventh annual Dead or Alive In Dallas event. Being able to attend DiD7 will give me my second chance to talk with Team NINJA, something that didn't pan out when I was in Japan by myself with a French DOA friend of mine.
Lastly, Bill's thread on DOACentral was not removed or deleted. It was moved to a permission only forum they call the "FLAME Board", as the owner believes the discussion is an attack on the site - which technically it is.
Now, I don't want to derail this thread as this is a welcoming thread. So if anyone wants to continue this discussion, they are free to make a thread about it where people can focus on that subject if they so wish.
Wow, that's quite abit of new members so quickly. Welcome to FreeStepDodge everyone!
I believe it's been 10 in the past week.
Yo, my name is Malice. I'm in Philly with Hubbs. I'm going to try and get into 3.1 more.
Welcome man. I forget if we met up at Hubbs' recent gathering or not. If we did, I wasn't formally introduced to everyone, and if we were - sorry.