Mortal Kombat thread.


Well-Known Member
As someone who has been buying MK games (would more likely collect PS2 games someday) along with Injustice, I honestly think NRS has been making dumb decisions with some of the female defaults (mainly the ninjas) that go with for this new installment in some cases its even more downgraded than what MKX had (which started a dowhill of skimpy designs). Mortal Kombat in the past had female designs that made them look pretty sexy from skimpys & bikini designs like Mileena, Sheeva, Jade, Li Mei, Skarlet etc. But having modest designs wouldn't be too bad as alternatives like some from the PS2 generation (like Sonya, Frost, & Ashrah for example), whether for veterans that fit or even better newcomers to the franchise.

For what MK11 currently has within their defaults mainly Skarlet, Jade, and Kitana is a big downgrade compare to past titles (including MKX that started this "realism" trend) when it comes to outfit selection (which you could check Mortal Kombat Wiki to see from the past) which feels like they're trying way too hard being modest, or along with not giving costumes of what they use to wore.

Like Skarlet, when I saw her main costume I was like "Skarlet... what have they do to you?" would mainly prefer her MK9 design (maybe it could've been better as some sort of Desert Pack just to cater to every taste). When I was looking at the game customization (which is a downgraded version of Injustice 2 gear system, but can't change around outfit designs), all Skarlet has is just bodysuits (one of them could've been better if was similar to Frost alt from 3D era & Jade MK9 design). Skarlet overall was given an unnecessary redesign.

Next we have Jade, her first costume look decent although extra cloth underneath her armor just seem a bit unnecessary (Cetrion main design would be the better one since there isn't extra stuff covering legs), her other 2 costumes is full with not much skin exposure (which would good for people who aren't fans at what Jade wore from the past). Overall compare to the past games, I Jade's outfit selection is pretty bland

Lastly we have Kitana, her main default could've been better as an alternative or DLC. When comes to Old Skool vs New Skool, it just seem like a missed opportunity of not including outfit like MK9 costume 1 or MKX Tournament costume to be along with Liu Kang who looks like his MK3 design (when I think Old Skool, I don't think of Kitana in a bodysuit), then we have her Revenant guess which one I would prefer:
We haven't seen the third one yet, but from the direction their going (along with My reason to boycott) I have no expectation of what we wind up with, but I do expect not having something that looks like from the older designs.

The only female outfit design I prefer from the classic lineup, and that would be Sonya's costume (which there aren't skimpys). One of My issues with the three I list is they've felt way toned down compare what the past installments had, even MKX Kitana & Tanya were better than what MK11 is doing. Maybe I could wait for DLC to see the old designs, these pieces of the interview makes Me completely give up hope which came from the Polygon interview (which I found from OAG): “Beran says his team has taken a more measured approach with the art direction in MK11. That’s especially true of the the game’s female fighters.”

“Our character lead, Brendan George, has been a breath of fresh air of just introducing new ideas. Our design is just getting more mature and respectful. You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin. I think it’s just what the game is about: You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items.

“I’m sure that will disappoint some fans. We don’t have bathing suit fighters, and I think that’s fine. If people are disappointed, I don’t regret making that change by any means.”

Funny thing is that male characters have more skin exposure (mainly shirtless or upperbody not properly armored up), they're not prepared for the fight for of their lives. This entire opinion is BS, and is pure double standard. This opinion should be enough reason into not buying MK11.

What I think MK should've did was take the same approach as Soulcalibur VI direction on how they design their characters from dualshocker interview:

Which Soulcalibur had some modest designs along with skimpy & bikini designs for each of the characters (plus the items from customization). Like MK female ninjas could've had outfits that either look similar or bringing the actual design like MK9 Skarlet, we could've had some female characters that aren't skimpy/bikini designs whether for some veterans or new characters. This is My opinion the whole MK11 female designs.

Everybody here has been nice and polite to you, but you’re really pushing my buttons with your boner culture man child attitude. This has nothing to do with “politics” so I don’t know why your bitch ass is trying to make turn this into a political discussion.
this is a DOA Forum, we like fan service but we care more about the gameplay because that’s what fighting games Are about. That we have a MK sub forum and talk about MK doesn’t mean you have to come here and whine about the girls not showing enough skin. If you tried this on test your might your ass would’ve been banned already (which is most likely what happened). You should honestly be ashamed of yourself, you’re nearly pushing 40 and instead of worrying about your life/family, you’re here whining on a DOA forum about some fictional video female game characters not showing enough skin. How sad must you be to do stuff like this? I seriously want to see your parents react to your posts in this thread. Anyway, the discussion you so desperately try to keep pushing forward should come to an end now. Nobody here will side with your bullshit, so just cut it out, lol. All has been said, so you don’t have to repeat your bullshit arguments because nobody cares. Bitch about this to your peers and take @Awesmic with you. Now,

What kind of environment did I step in lol?
I was prepared to just let it go, but damn. That deserves a reply!

I am not the only person for whom this is a legitimate issue. There’s a reason that so many people think as I do. No amount of shouting will change that. Test Your Might has already been graced by my presence (lol). The only difference there is I had many allies. Here the only “ally” I had has been excommunicated apparently (sorry bro, I know you don’t support my opinion most likely, but as the new Hitler, you get hit with the fallout just for not immediately condemning me, lmao!)

What you are calling “boner culture” is simply “gaming as it has always been.”
Have you not played any MK before X? I’m guessing you have, so you’re well-aware of convention. Why act like I just made all this fanservice stuff up? What I like is grounded well within established tradition. It’s the feminist, anti-fanservice movement that is the problem. It was never in MK. Now, at least an effect of it is. I don’t like that, and many others don’t as well. No one has to agree, and I welcome other opinions, but I’m not bringing up someone’s cursed, dead relatives from long ago, lol. Open discussion won’t hurt the fandom any worse than NRS has. Especially since the litany of games that have been censored has grown so massive :(.

And my position doesn’t even require equality. I’m asking for ONE costume for like three characters. Jade is the first black girl in gaming. It should be well understood why I would want a sexy outfit, especially since I can’t date for a while for the sake of my children, who cannot cope with the loss of their mother. It’s nice to have SOME feminine interaction in life, lol. .
I value gameplay just as much as fanservice. I like both. But I like the whole deal. The entire MK culture. The action figures, Shaolin Monks, Sub-Zero mythologies, the pissed off preachers from 1995 (lol), the reaction shots of some dude’s moms watching a grotesque fatality for the first time.
Finally, both my parents have passed, but I seriously doubt they would even be able to understand my posts. My father I never knew, but was a typical convict. My mother was not one for reading. As for me being almost 40. Yes, I’m sorry. It’s true, unfortunately :(. I can still lift the same amount of weight, but not as long as I used too. Right now my back is killing me because of idiotic use of the Calf-Press. So believe me I’m well aware of my age lol. I went out on a date with a girl in her early 20s. When my kids flipped out, i actually welcomed it. I was exhausted just from a night of mild drinking lol.
I have five children, four of them boys who love fighting games, and the last thing I would want is to have any kind of censorship, especially any possibly anti-male censorship, infecting their games. They are hard chargers like their dad. They play football, punch each other in the arm, make adolescent jokes, etc. Video game tiotties have always been part of such a thing. Having lost their mother at such a young age, the last thing they need is to be preached to about “toxic masculinity” or to have their little male instincts pathologists.
When it comes to whether or not I’m a loser, that actually made me chuckle. I do like to sleep a lot and am quite lazy. But I do have some achievements. I’ve actually been to Koei HQ! I’ve actually been in Kou Shibusawa’s office. I’ve even met Ishihara (through Bob Sapp lol). My late wife was from Karatsu City, in Kyushu (Saga Prefecture). I met Yoshihara once also. I served as a field artillery officer for a little over a decade, with a tour in Afghanistan and Iraq, each. And a silver star. After that, I earned a PhD in history, and have consulted on a game before (won’t say which). I only started playing non strategy games again when my older kids got into fighting games. My oldest child, my teenage daughter, only cares for the Sims.
When you’re older, you will have your own accomplishments and I’m guessing they will be much greater than mine, because of your passion. You seem like a smart kid, but maybe a little too passionate? I can’t say that, though. I was the same way at a younger age. I remember I threatened to fight a guy in the dorms because he called my Morrowind Character a “gaytard.”☺️☺️

As someone who has been buying MK games (would more likely collect PS2 games someday) along with Injustice, I honestly think NRS has been making dumb decisions with some of the female defaults (mainly the ninjas) that go with for this new installment in some cases its even more downgraded than what MKX had (which started a dowhill of skimpy designs). Mortal Kombat in the past had female designs that made them look pretty sexy from skimpys & bikini designs like Mileena, Sheeva, Jade, Li Mei, Skarlet etc. But having modest designs wouldn't be too bad as alternatives like some from the PS2 generation (like Sonya, Frost, & Ashrah for example), whether for veterans that fit or even better newcomers to the franchise.

For what MK11 currently has within their defaults mainly Skarlet, Jade, and Kitana is a big downgrade compare to past titles (including MKX that started this "realism" trend) when it comes to outfit selection (which you could check Mortal Kombat Wiki to see from the past) which feels like they're trying way too hard being modest, or along with not giving costumes of what they use to wore.

Like Skarlet, when I saw her main costume I was like "Skarlet... what have they do to you?" would mainly prefer her MK9 design (maybe it could've been better as some sort of Desert Pack just to cater to every taste). When I was looking at the game customization (which is a downgraded version of Injustice 2 gear system, but can't change around outfit designs), all Skarlet has is just bodysuits (one of them could've been better if was similar to Frost alt from 3D era & Jade MK9 design). Skarlet overall was given an unnecessary redesign.

Next we have Jade, her first costume look decent although extra cloth underneath her armor just seem a bit unnecessary (Cetrion main design would be the better one since there isn't extra stuff covering legs), her other 2 costumes is full with not much skin exposure (which would good for people who aren't fans at what Jade wore from the past). Overall compare to the past games, I Jade's outfit selection is pretty bland

Lastly we have Kitana, her main default could've been better as an alternative or DLC. When comes to Old Skool vs New Skool, it just seem like a missed opportunity of not including outfit like MK9 costume 1 or MKX Tournament costume to be along with Liu Kang who looks like his MK3 design (when I think Old Skool, I don't think of Kitana in a bodysuit), then we have her Revenant guess which one I would prefer:
We haven't seen the third one yet, but from the direction their going (along with My reason to boycott) I have no expectation of what we wind up with, but I do expect not having something that looks like from the older designs.

The only female outfit design I prefer from the classic lineup, and that would be Sonya's costume (which there aren't skimpys). One of My issues with the three I list is they've felt way toned down compare what the past installments had, even MKX Kitana & Tanya were better than what MK11 is doing. Maybe I could wait for DLC to see the old designs, these pieces of the interview makes Me completely give up hope which came from the Polygon interview (which I found from OAG): “Beran says his team has taken a more measured approach with the art direction in MK11. That’s especially true of the the game’s female fighters.”

“Our character lead, Brendan George, has been a breath of fresh air of just introducing new ideas. Our design is just getting more mature and respectful. You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin. I think it’s just what the game is about: You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items.

“I’m sure that will disappoint some fans. We don’t have bathing suit fighters, and I think that’s fine. If people are disappointed, I don’t regret making that change by any means.”

Funny thing is that male characters have more skin exposure (mainly shirtless or upperbody not properly armored up), they're not prepared for the fight for of their lives. This entire opinion is BS, and is pure double standard. This opinion should be enough reason into not buying MK11.

What I think MK should've did was take the same approach as Soulcalibur VI direction on how they design their characters from dualshocker interview:

Which Soulcalibur had some modest designs along with skimpy & bikini designs for each of the characters (plus the items from customization). Like MK female ninjas could've had outfits that either look similar or bringing the actual design like MK9 Skarlet, we could've had some female characters that aren't skimpy/bikini designs whether for some veterans or new characters. This is My opinion the whole MK11 female designs.
Thank you. You summarize things better than I could.
I just point out, that I am not asking for much, just one costume for three characters.
You should see my sister, she is totally pissed right now because they made Jackie dark skin, when she was excited that they finally had a biracial character. She’s going ham on Facebook lol. She only plays mobile, though.

Anyway, I’d never want to force anyone to choose something just because I like it. They could make it optional dlc. Like the bikinis in DOA (can’t wait for those this time around lol).
They could even ban it from multiplayer if they wanted. I like to relax on an arcade ladder and take in the view, with some Vienna sausages, crackers, and bourbon lol.
They could make it so players could choose whether or not they wanted fanservice. In multiplayer and out. There are many options that NRS could explore, to please everyone!

Everyone being happy is something to shoot for, in my opinion.
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Well-Known Member
You're right!

Dead, old hag.

Reincarnated, old hag. Both of them.
View attachment 28363


And omg the drama! I can't believe I missed it, :( I won't lie though..I skipped past some of it. So not entirely sure what people are saying but I get the general idea so... If I can say my peace non argumentatively.

There does seem to be a concerted effort by netherrealm to have the female characters more covered up in the recent games, I don't really mind. So long as the outfits still look amazing I'm happy. I'll admit I don't understand why they can't show skin and still be bad ass considering Jade's MK9 outfit is the best outfit in MK and is amazing ( I don't make the rules sorry ) -


Don't @ me lol, This outfit might be super sexualized or whatever but I don't care because, 1. I don't think that's automatically a bad thing, And 2. She looks like THAT bitch! In this outfit, Like...your faves couldn't compete.

So yeah, On one side of the coin I don't get why the female characters can't still have more revealing outfits...on the other side of the coin though, The outfits in MK11 are looking great so far, Jade's outfits are gorgeous, Yes they may be more covered up but that doesn't take away from how nice they look. Also some of the outfits actually do still show skin/clevage here and there just less than before. So yeah, Basically I liked the outfits when they were revealing so long as they looked nice and I'll like the more covered up outfits so long as they look nice. :)

Oh! And homework for everyone in the thread! I really want you to reflect on this info because after's the truth. :)
Jade's better than your fave.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
God. MK9’s Skarlet fans are probably weeping.
The Kitana one actually looks pretty good though. It’s better than what I saw.
Yeah I'll just go ahead and say it. They need to just remove the inner ribbed red part of Skarlet's costume in that first one. It would make everyone happy. That's not even being lewd just to be lewd the costume would look cooler with that style of skin showing.

Update: Also, Ponytail confirmed.

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Yeah I'll just go ahead and say it. They need to just remove the inner ribbed red part of Skarlet's costume in that first one. It would make everyone happy. That's not even being lewd just to be lewd the costume would look cooler with that style of skin showing.
It wouldn’t even take much. That’s what is so shitty about the entire deal.
Maybe we can hold out hope that they will make some dlc for us. I’ll buy it no problem them.
That face on Kitana is freaking gorgeous.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Reposting this list because it gives us an indication about who’s left to be revealed:

  1. Jacqui Briggs revealed
  2. Cetrion revealed
  3. Kano revealed
  4. Geras revealed
  5. Frost leaked, left to be revealed
  6. D’Vorah revealed
  7. Baraka revealed
  8. Cassie Cage revealed
  9. Kung Lao revealed
  10. Kotal Kahn revealed
  11. Erron Black revealed
  12. Liu Kang revealed
  13. Scorpion revealed
  14. Sub Zero revealed
  15. Raiden revealed
  16. Kollector reavealed
  17. Kabal revealed
  18. Jade revealed
  19. Skarlet revealed
  20. Sonya revealed
  21. Jax confirmed
  22. Noob revealed.
  23. Mileena left to be announced/revealed. Might be dlc/deconfirmed
  24. Shang tsung announced as dlc but no reveal trailer.
  25. Shinnok left to be revealed/announced.
  26. Shao Kahn preorder dlc
I personality think Kronika Will be playable so its either between her and Mileena.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Reposting this list because it gives us an indication about who’s left to be revealed:

  1. Jacqui Briggs revealed
  2. Cetrion revealed
  3. Kano revealed
  4. Geras revealed
  5. Frost leaked, left to be revealed
  6. D’Vorah revealed
  7. Baraka revealed
  8. Cassie Cage revealed
  9. Kung Lao revealed
  10. Kotal Kahn revealed
  11. Erron Black revealed
  12. Liu Kang revealed
  13. Scorpion revealed
  14. Sub Zero revealed
  15. Raiden revealed
  16. Kollector reavealed
  17. Kabal revealed
  18. Jade revealed
  19. Skarlet revealed
  20. Sonya revealed
  21. Mileena left to be announced/revealed. Might be dlc/deconfirmed
  22. Shang tsung announced as dlc but no reveal trailer.
  23. Shinnok left to be revealed/announced.
  24. Shao Kahn preorder dlc
If we go by this list and MK11 having 25 characters, there’s still 1 character left to be revealed/announced/leaked. I Wonder who that is.
You're missing Noob Saibot ♥


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Edited it.
I have such a hard time believing they wouldn't bring Mileena in. I know Kitana has her sais but we're dealing with alternate timelines. The Kitana Kahn from the story that gets brought in on a throne could be from a timeline where she embraced Shao Khan as her father, developed a strong bond with her clone sister, and when they passed on and she was left to lead Outworld she carried both of their torches.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
So unsexy, I am already slipping into depression! D:

They are beautiful and sexy. :)
I'll need to see some alternates for Frost TBQH lmfao she looks beautiful and cool but... That hair. She looks like she's trying to fit in with Markiplier or Jacksepticeye

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Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
NR really messed up waiting so long for the last big reveals. Now everything is getting leaked by early copies.
Today really should have been their "Here's your big finale reveal! See you in a week with some hints for secret stuff that the idiots with early copies won't be able to get to in time!"


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Today really should have been their "Here's your big finale reveal! See you in a week with some hints for secret stuff that the idiots with early copies won't be able to get to in time!"

Welp, I guess we'll finally see Krypt footage soon. :D They should've shown that off earlier as well.

Here's footage of a beautiful stage that we haven't seen before:
