Modding Questions and discussions thread


New Member
Hi all,

I'm having some troubles to swap a part of an outfit.

Long story short, I added wet effect for a none-wet object, and I suspect that the material does not use alpha channel as specular map. Under some lighting circumstances, the object appears dark.

Does any one know which setting could change material to use alpha channel as specular map? Thanks!
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New Member
Hi guys. I have a question about accessories.

I want to apply Raidou's necklace in ninja costume to another costume.
But when i did, it enter into the body..

How can i fix it?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. I have a question about accessories.

I want to apply Raidou's necklace in ninja costume to another costume.
But when i did, it enter into the body..

How can i fix it?
You have to use Blender to transfer weight from the second costume to the necklace


New Member
Someone know how to extract costumes from official DLC? i have the file of the senran kagura DLC, but i just want to use mila's costume on autolink, how do i do that?


New Member
Hey guys, sorry about the noob question but.. why there's no video tutorial on how to mod in doa 5? unfortunately my language is brazilian and.. well.... my english is very bad so i have difficulty in learn how to do x or y...
i know how to swap things in lnk reshuffle and add Dlc with DLC Tool but... that's it.. (my QI is very low so.... :( )
maybe most of you guys have learned all that stuff with just a few english words but i can't do that..
So i am asking for anyone to make some tutorials in videos for a more easy undertand... or something like that?
like The basics and later a more advanced..
sorry again for all the trouble but.. i want to make mods too... ^^


Premium Donor
Hey, can I request another no HUD image of someone? Can you please do one of Kasumi in her violet string bikini with loose hair please if you can? :-D


New Member
Hi everyone :)
I'm trying to change the selection menu music. I've located the correct sound file "ID1E_8]]L98DJ0B2C0MPB]7R{H_00009.ogg" using the kvs2ogg tool, but when I try to find that audio file in its container file "ID1E_8]]L98DJ0B2C0MPB]7R{H" with the SoundSwap utility, it isn't there: it only shows 7 (I'm looking for the 9th) of the 24 ogg files that I found with kvs2ogg and one ATSL file (whatever that is)...
Can anyone shed some light on this?
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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone :)
I'm trying to change the selection menu music. I've located the correct sound file "ID1E_8]]L98DJ0B2C0MPB]7R{H_00009.ogg" using the kvs2ogg tool, but when I try to find that audio file in its container file "ID1E_8]]L98DJ0B2C0MPB]7R{H" with the SoundSwap utility, it isn't there: it only shows 7 (I'm looking for the 9th) of the 24 ogg files that I found with kvs2ogg and one ATSL file (whatever that is)...
Can anyone shed some light on this?
as I recall the ATSL file is some sort of container file, which itself contains several KOVS tracks. kvs2ogg probably just scans the file for the 'KOVS' signature, thereby showing also the KOVS tracks inside the ATSL container.
For just extracting the ogg tracks you can easily ignore how exactly that ATSL container works, but to allow replacing the KOVS tracks inside the container, you would need to adapt the container to the new track.
And I never got around to work out how exactly that works.


New Member
I see. Thanks for the info IMMI.

Does anyone here know how to swap files in an ATSL container? Probably not: since IMMI is the author of the SoundSwap tool, he's probably the highest authority in this field...

IMMI, wouldn't it be possible for you to make the SoundSwap utility do the same as kvs2ogg and "blindly" look for (and replace!) KOVS files (if I made sure the length or size was identical)? I know nothing about programming, so forgive me if I'm saying stupid things...

For my TC mod, I really need to replace the menu music...


New Member
Someone knows how to use the _Sound Folder in Autolink? i can´t find info about that folder and how it works


New Member
uMod lags up the character select :( It's not a big problem, but I have over 150+ textures loaded onto uMod. When I start it and go into DOA, everything is fine until I get to character select, then each character takes about 15 seconds to load. Also, if I try to load any more textures while the game is running, it crashes.

But in game, fighting and all, it runs smooth.


New Member
I've been working on a character mod for Nyotengu, it's almost finished, as I just have to finalize the textures and import the optional items, but I keep running into a couple of issues and was wondering if someone might be able to help out.
The optional items are a sword and scabbard, I can import them fine by replacing unused meshes, but nothing I do seems to work when I try to swap them out with her original weapons. She has one for each hand, which the game seems to switch back and forth at times by making the one of the two invisible, but it doesn't work with the regular meshes. I've tried using the TMC Polygon Insert Tool as well as LR Studio, with the former the weapons do not show up under destination, with the later it always gives a swap error, regardless of the source costume used.
The other issue is more of a question, what is the trick to adding optional items (glasses). The TMC Object Tool seems to have options relating to this, but I can't manage to assign them to the mesh I can import the models to, is there a tutorial that explains how to go about this?
Lastly, is the Polygon Tool necessary for making these changes? (I've been using LR Studio for extracting the meshes up to now.)

If I can't get either of these to function, then I can always work around it by having the sword in one hand, along with another version that excludes the sword and scabbard, so that's not too big of an issue.
I'm pretty new to this, so any advise would be greatly appreciated. ^_^


New Member
Nyotengu Dominatrix costume


always weird lighted on bottom to back part
only on this costume

any chance it's graphic card problems??
After changing latest Geforce (gtx1060)
have this problem

how can i fix ???


New Member
Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I tried importing Ayane's bandana onto Phase 4's head (while using Tina's hair) and yeah, as you can see, it's clearly..broken