LOOKING FOR DETAILS... List and details of tournament players, active and non-active.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
-Currently Inactive-

Alias: Cr!mzon, HaZe Crimzon

Years active: 2012-2013

Character Mains:
DOA1 PS1: Zack
DOA2 PS2: Zack
DOA3/.1/.2: Zack
DOA2U: Zack
DOA4: Zack
DOA5: Jann Lee
DOA5U: Zack
DOA5LR: Zack

Character Subs:
DOA1 PS1: Jann Lee
DOA2 PS2: Hayabusa
DOA3/.1/.2: Leifang
DOA2U (This is where I experimented the most): Jann Lee, Hayabusa, Kasumi, Helena, Leifang, Bayman, Leon, Tina
DOA4: Jann Lee, Hitomi, Hayabusa, Bayman
DOA5: Leifang, Helena, Jann Lee
DOA5U: Kasumi, Hayabusa, Rig, Rachel, Helena, Jann Lee
DOA5LR: Helena, Bayman, Momiji, Brad Wong, Gen Fu.

2nd Place at Ultimate Clash 4, London at 13 years old. Though there were only like 8 of us, it was really fun.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I updated my info for DOA5U and DOA5LR @Tones or is there whole different thing for DOA5LR a lot has happen with me Local tournament wise I can update that also


Well-Known Member
I might as well throw myself in for this.

Currently active.

Alias: KING JAIMY, King Jaimy, Kingjaimy and all other possible variations.

Years active: 2004-2013 (casual); 2014-present (casual + competitive)

Main character (DOA5LR): Rig.
Sub characters (DOA5LR): Momiji, Jacky, Honoka.

Offline Tournaments
- 5th at Stun Academy 2 (September 2014)
- 4th at Winter Session (January 2015)
- 7th at Stun Academy 3 (July 2015)

Future Goals
- Place in the top 3 in a European tournament.
- Teach my sister everything I know, so she can make it at least out of pools in a live tournament.
- Be the best Rig player of all time.

Other Achievements
None that I can think of, at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Currently (Semi-)Active
(I play but don't participate in tourneys due to lack of time)

Game Handle XboxLive: nightantilli
Game Handle Steam: Antilli
Alias: NightAntilli
Locale: Curaçao (Caribbean) (past = Netherlands)

Years Active:
2003-2006 with Dead or Alive 3 (not competitive)
2005-2006 with Dead or Alive Ultimate(not competitive)
2006-2013 with Dead or Alive 4
2012-2013 with Dead or Alive Dimensions
2012-2013 with Dead or Alive 5
2013-2015 with Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate
2015- present with Dead or Alive 5: Last Round

Character Main:
Dead or Alive 3 - Tina
Dead or Alive Ultimate - Tina
Dead or Alive 4 - Kokoro
Dead or Alive Dimensions - Kokoro
Dead or Alive 5 - Leifang
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate - Leifang
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round - Leifang

Secondary Characters:
Dead or Alive 3 - Hitomi, Kasumi
Dead or Alive Ultimate - Hitomi, Kasumi
Dead or Alive 4 - Leifang, Hitomi, Hayate, Ein
Dead or Alive Dimensions - Leifang
Dead or Alive 5 - Kokoro, Hitomi
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate - Kokoro, Hitomi
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round - Kokoro, Hitomi, Momiji, Honoka

Tournament Achievements:

Offline Tournaments:
Online Tournaments (DD/MM/YY):
12-8-2011 Dead or Alive 4 Online Tourney » 2nd - Leifang (Hosted by 'Project Bokuho/TenshiKasumi')
18 Dec 2011 Dead or Alive 4: Express run! » 1st - Leifang (Hosted by 'Project Bokuho')
4 May 2012 DoA4 Character Tournament » 2nd - Leifang (Hosted by 'Gehaktbal')
25 May 2012 DoA4 Online Tournament 3 "Test Your Might" » 2nd - Leifang (Hosted by 'Project Bokuho')
Oct 6, 2012 DOA World Series "Proof of Concept" » 2nd - Leifang

*Note: There have been more but I don't remember them since I never bothered to write them down.

Offline Tournaments:

Online Tournaments:

2012 Dead Or Alive Dimensions Character Tournament » 3rd - Kokoro (Hosted by 'ThunderNinja02')
2012 Dead Or Alive Dimensions Character Tournament 2 » 2nd - Kokoro (Hosted by 'ThunderNinja02')

*Note: There have been more but I don't remember them since I never bothered to write them down.

Offline Tournaments (DD/MM/YY):
Online Tournaments (DD/MM/YY):

Offline Tournaments (DD/MM/YY):

Online Tournaments (DD/MM/YY):


Offline Tournaments (DD/MM/YY):

Online Tournaments (DD/MM/YY):


*Note: Didn't participate in any since I moved to another country with no DOA scene whatsoever, and crappy internet connections.

Other Achievements:
- Wrote a beginner's guide on how to get good when starting in DOA; Click
- Wrote a beginner's guide on frame data Click
- My Kokoro is well-known, so much so that I inspired E-mann to use Kokoro since DOA4 onwards.
- Even though I picked up Leifang quite late, longer term Leifang players acknowledge mine to be one of the best.
- I was always toe to toe with Gehaktbal.

Future goals
- Stay consistent with Leifang & Kokoro as a player
- Bring Momiji to the same level as Leifang & Kokoro
- Attend my first offline tournaments
- Bring casuals and competitive players together
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