Except here's the problem with your logic and those on GameFAQs, the DOA Reddit and R/Kappa who believe they are the majority:
They aren't. You don't seem to realize that as much as they are the ones who complain about the fanservice being the series' core identity(which makes about as much sense as nothing at all) and thus stifling it in any matter is wrong... You miss how little it actually matters to those who play it... because they love the series for everything else.
I think you are underestimating the casual crowd. They definitely are not the minority of consumers for this franchise.
You could see this proven when the reveals at the beginning did not please people, literally every forum had negative stuff to say about doa (steam, reddit, twitter, facebook, youtube, gamefaqs etc etc)
Now that we've seen Honoka/MR etc more fanservicy stuff revealed, this negative stuff has been reduced. You could say that the general reception for news has been more approved now that we have both of "this and that"
But one thing is certain is that the whale consumers for the dlc that will eventually come out are the casuals, that is plain obvious. And TN will bring out the dlc train out again (If not at launch, at least when koei realizes that less lewd stuff isn't selling as well lol).
I'd say your avarage doa player expects at this point to have fanservice in their game. How much, hard to say at this point after the doa 5 dlc extravaganza lol.
But ye, that's just common sense at this point
"Fiona is described as a soft and fluffy, big-breasted princess."
and ye I doubt she would be the new character lol, It's things like this that kinda undermine the whole "we're serious fighting game".
I know the ppl who work VV are not the same that do on DOA6, but It's essentially the same franchise.
People care way too much about fake tities.
People care about boobs xD