Is your hype dying?


Active Member
When I said offline I was referring to the tournament scene.
Ein seemed popular in tourney play. Was Gen-Fu played a lot? Eliot? I didn't see too many characters as a whole played in the tourney scene that wasn't a ninja.

I'm watching streams of people that own the game, and it looks fine on 360 and nothing like those shots.

Well I hope you're right since it would be a heartbreak if the game looked like that for real. But, do you have any links to stream and screenshots of people who have the finalized 360 version for me to see?


Well-Known Member
Yes. That's the 360 version. My friend actually took those and showed it to me first. No video of the game in motion or still yet has looked that bad. Those jaggies could stab you to death.
Stills 9 out of 10 times look worse than in motion. I mean, Uncharted 2 is considered one of the best looking games this gen, and this is how it looks in stills. Don't be too quick to judge. During gameplay you won't have time to count the jaggies anyway, and the 60 fps motion will make all the jaggies a lot less apparent.

It is notable though that those screens have no AA whatsoever, while DOA4 had MSAA 2x. Don't know what TN went for. It could be dynamic AA or dynamic resolution or both. FXAA could in theory easily be implemented with minimal impact on performance, but then again, 16.7ms is not really that large a window to render things and even 1ms can be the difference between a choppy framerate and smooth gameplay.. The screenshots at least show the game is rendered at native 720p instead of sub-HD. I guess they had to sacrifice something to render the new models.


Active Member
Stills 9 out of 10 times look worse than in motion. I mean, Uncharted 2 is considered one of the best looking games this gen, and this is how it looks in stills. Don't be too quick to judge. During gameplay you won't have time to count the jaggies anyway, and the 60 fps motion will make all the jaggies a lot less apparent.

I'm aware of the still vs in motion thing but it's never seemed that drastically different to me before. Could be remembering wrong though. But again, the stills were taken since as I said, the final presentation was noticed to be low quality even in motion.

This isn't a make or break thing for the game. But it's shocking if the difference is that drastic.


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, has there been any side-by-side screenshot comparisons released yet for both versions of the game? I've got the PS3 edition on pre-order & want to see how it compares to the 360 version.

As for hype levels, I am super pumped & can't wait to get into it.


Active Member
This game could look exactly like DOA4 because what i mostly care about is the gameplay and netcode. Dont get me wrong theres the initial wow factor when i first start playing the game but that only last until i face my first real opponent. Thats because ill be to busy trying to kick your ass then being interested in how nice my character or the backgrounds look.


Well-Known Member
Ein seemed popular in tourney play.
Aside from Offbeat Ninja I don't know of many Ein players in the offline scene but he was pretty popular online and has been an overall solid and even fairly popular choice throughout the DOA series (sans DOA3).

That's one of the reasons I was so surprised at his absence, for story purposes? People chose him for competitive purposes which if I recall is the point of fighting games as a whole.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure the PS3 & 360 will look more of the same anyways besides, these screenshots don't even show DOA5 graphics justice. ;)


Active Member
Aside from Offbeat Ninja I don't know of many Ein players in the offline scene but he was pretty popular online and has been an overall solid and even fairly popular choice throughout the DOA series (sans DOA3).

That's one of the reasons I was so surprised at his absence, for story purposes? People chose him for competitive purposes which if I recall is the point of fighting games as a whole.

Eh still seems tacky. These comments I found pretty much hit the nail on the head with some of the things in this game.

In response to someone asking how they could leave out team battle and tag survival:
"The same way they forgot costumes, characters, and apparently arcade endings. They forgot this was supposed to be DOA5"
"must've been bit by the Project Soul bug"

Pretty humorous comments.

Yeah definitely disappointing with that news and others. Here's hoping I'll have fun with the game still in terms of fighting for at least a little while. But DLC is an option too and hopefully some updates will add some of that MUCH needed stuff and patch the currently crappy netcode.


Well-Known Member
Since I haven't really played DOA since 2-HC (I played 3 for a small time), I'm pretty excited for this one. They look to have done some interesting things with the system. No Leon nor team battle is kind of annoying, though.

Edit: Just to add, me never owning any of the Xbox consoles had something to do with me not following the series as much.


Active Member
Honestly, with all of the spoilers/reviews being released along with previews/the bad online impressions/ and reality itself,

My year-long hype for DOA 5 has taken a couple of pokes, and a low hold here and there.

I was just wondering if anyone else's hype has been soiled at all?
Is this thread really necessary, 2-3 days before launch? This is when we're supposed to be super psyched, and hyping it up more than ever. :bayman:


I'm seeing mixed reviews about the online play, it's so bad here and it's very good there. Until it reaches the 25th I'm expecting TN to put in effort in the online play. Besides I don't think they worked with Sega just for the 3 VF characters, there's a bit more than just that.


Well-Known Member
I don't care what the reviewer's think about DOA5 they can give it a 5/10 all they want, but that won't stop me from supporting the game. People who got their copy's early are impressed and very pleased about the gameplay. I may not be hype like I was before, but I already know when I walk in to Best Buy, I will have butterflys like crazy and my heart will beat very fast from excitement. lol :eek:


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm still pretty pumped for the game because of a multitude of reasons:
-I have completely avoided all spoilers and leaks.
-There has been a drought of any Ayane-related content for a long time
-It's my first DOA game

Don't worry, there will be quite a few folks, including myself, workin' hard in the lab finding new tech for the purple hair Kunoichi.

Also, welcome to the community.
I am plenty hype for the game, I just worry about the netcode issues as that will by my primary mode of play.

Hell I took the day off work for this game, I have never done that before for any videogame.


I think my hype has died down a little bit, but only because of the costumes/titles/achievements situation. I know those things don't bother a lot of people, which is fair enough, but the costumes especially, to me, are important. So long as they release a decent amount of DLC, I'll be happy.

Those grinding titles and the corresponding achievement is just lame, though. I mean, seriously...who is going to have the patience and ability to win 69,000 online matches, the majority of which being with characters that they can't use/don't like..? Ridiculous. The DOA5 online presence will have most likely died by the time anyone comes close to that.

I'm definitely still hyped though. I've waited a long time for this. The three days between the US release and the European release are going to be torture.