New Member
Hello, my name is Jordan and I’m a new player looking into getting into the DOA franchise competitively. I’m planning on using Hitomi as my main character since, it’s my first game in the franchise and I hear she’s basically the Ryu of the game, yes I know you hear this statement a lot about her i’m sure due to entry level characters. What I’m wondering is I’m going to a free tournament for DOA6 and if I start learning the fundamentals in DOA5 will they transfer well to DOA6? The reason I ask is I don’t own DOA6 yet, I plan on buying it soon though probably later this month and I wanted to make sure that the broad and generalized DOA fundamentals will transfer from DOA5 to DOA6 when I do eventually buy the game. Also, if that is the case where should I start on my road to learning the fundamentals of competitive DOA?