IGN's 12 Days of DOA5

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Well-Known Member
Bass looks amazing.
Lisa looks like ass again. Sidesteppable OH? Bye Lisa.
Some matches were kinda dry and boring to watch.
The Leifang player didn't really do shit. Her english voice sucks.
Eliot looks solid.


Well-Known Member
Well, that much is obvious. It just looks strange because Rig goes all the way around Bass, instead of just stepping to the side.

Looks the same as DOA4 sidesteps actually, except in that game only certain characters had specific sidestepping moves. So depending on how much the attacking character keeps going forward, you'll either be at their side or at their back. It's not a glitch


Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
It'll be many people's first.

Yeah, no doubt. I feel I picked the best community to join for learning all of it.

Looks the same as DOA4 sidesteps actually, except in that game only certain characters had specific sidestepping moves. So depending on how much the attacking character keeps going forward, you'll either be at their side or at their back. It's not a glitch


Huh. Somehow I never noticed that. I didn't think it was a glitch regardless.


im off to slay the dragon. ill try to echo some of the concerns here, but im pretty sure theyve been reading this thread anyway.


Well-Known Member
May I ask at what time(Hour) will the tournament stream be? (please specify the timezone dont wanna miss it)​


Well-Known Member
May I ask at what time(Hour) will the tournament stream be? (please specify the timezone dont wanna miss it)​

There's an info link in the OP

"Start Date: Aug 18, 2012 04:00 PM
End Date: Aug 18, 2012 10:00 PM
Time zone: America/Los_Angeles -07:00 PDT"


New Member
Can Jann Lee manipulate time in this build? just wondering how he skipped from 41s->35s in Jann Lee vs Hayate#1 (@3:04). Nice damage too !
Likely something was cut from the video like a missed Powerblow or something else (glitch) ?

Anywway, who is playing in these vid's ? is it Dr.Dogg vs ?


Active Member
Since i havent done so in this thread, i would like to point out that the recovery of the holds is too fast, and it still allows the player who got hit to hold in the first few frames after the stun and thus to recover in time to block the next attack.

By holding he bypasses stun status and blocks the next attack which should actually link, due to the hold being unsuccesfull. Rikuto, itd be great if you could pass this concern along... you can see it in an Ayane vs Lisa match, and also in the Rig vs Eliot match.

I hope that gets fixed


Well-Known Member
I actually noticed that the recovery is still slower than DOA4's and people were getting punished pretty consistently, not to the extent of the Alpha build but still pretty good.

Counters are still nerfed big time damage wise and the recovery is still better than DOA4's on top of all the improved systems and unholdable stun situations.

I understand the need to nerf counter recovery but It doesn't need to be nigh useless, if I low counter (even in stun) in order to avoid an opponent's high attack, I should not still get hit by the mid attack that comes after it, that makes no sense.


Active Member
Why shouldnt you be hit with the mid attack after that? If youre in stun and you think a high attack is coming, then you should only be able to high counter to get out of the situation.

The problem with the low hold is that it is too strong, it gets you out of the high attack, it gets you out of a low attack (you hold it), and it gets you out of high throws. Suddenly, the attacker, who just did the right thing by hitting you and stunning you, has his options reduced to low throwing or doing a mid, you realize how strong the low hold is?

Add to that, that if you low holded in the first few frames after you were stunned, you recover fast enough to hold the following attack, like im not saying you get stunned, hold low vs a high, and then recover to block mid. The problem with the actual build is you get stunned, you hold inmediatly after the stun hits, and you recover to hold the inmediate next attack. Say you get stunned and the next attack is a mid.. right now, if you hold on the first few frames after getting stunned you will be able to block that mid.

That is where i see the problem

Black Dragon

Active Member
TN's probably got a week or two before the game goes gold, so suggestions may need to be quick compromises, maybe.

So if possible within crunch time:

1. I'm thinking mid-attack stuns to crouching opponents should be unholdable. Yay or nay?

2. Enable immediate CB if opponent in-stun does a DH IF the current mimum 4 hits apply. Otherwise, go 2-3 hits, max 4-5.

3. Jumping OHs MUST track.

4. No SE from unholdable stuns.


Well-Known Member
Why shouldnt you be hit with the mid attack after that? If youre in stun and you think a high attack is coming, then you should only be able to high counter to get out of the situation.

Which is fine, but if you can crouch high attacks there should be no reason why low holds are somehow the exception to this rule, In addition to that with the new recovery high holds have a much higher risk of either a juggle or a grab doing massive damage. On top of that counter damage was so nerfed there's hardly a payout. At that point the risk of countering outweighs the reward. I understand people's hatred for countering at this point but it doesn't need to go from overpowered to underpowered.

The problem with the low hold is that it is too strong, it gets you out of the high attack, it gets you out of a low attack (you hold it), and it gets you out of high throws. Suddenly, the attacker, who just did the right thing by hitting you and stunning you, has his options reduced to low throwing or doing a mid, you realize how strong the low hold is?
I can't really disagree with this. However..

Add to that, that if you low holded in the first few frames after you were stunned, you recover fast enough to hold the following attack, like im not saying you get stunned, hold low vs a high, and then recover to block mid. The problem with the actual build is you get stunned, you hold inmediatly after the stun hits, and you recover to hold the inmediate next attack. Say you get stunned and the next attack is a mid.. right now, if you hold on the first few frames after getting stunned you will be able to block that mid.

That is where i see the problem
Wouldn't the solution simply for low countering to be un-optional for the first few frames instead of adding a million recovery frames to INSURE you'll be punished if you happen to fail it? The mid attack after the high SHOULD be blocked if the opponent low countered and you did a high attack, that means you missed your punish. The recovery shouldn't be so long that you can just throw out anything and it'll hit anyway.

Some of your issues I agree with, there should be a delay before you're able to counter in overall stuns and the overall recovery on counters should be increased slightly but not to the extent you and others are asking for. If everyone got what they wanted there would be 0 reason to use counters aside from guessing certain strings which 90% of high level players don't even actually finish.


Active Member
Jann looks like an absolute force. Between staying disciplined while he goes into stance and dealing with his dragon gunner shenanigans, he's gonna be a monster to fight.

Didn't like seeing Hayate still using the low counter out of stun to avoid Jann's 9K. I was really hoping they would fix that, because low countering became such a crutch in DOA4.


Active Member
Wouldn't the solution simply for low countering to be un-optional for the first few frames instead of adding a million recovery frames to INSURE you'll be punished if you happen to fail it? The mid attack after the high SHOULD be blocked if the opponent low countered and you did a high attack, that means you missed your punish. The recovery shouldn't be so long that you can just throw out anything and it'll hit anyway.

Some of your issues I agree with, there should be a delay before you're able to counter in overall stuns and the overall recovery on counters should be increased slightly but not to the extent you and others are asking for. If everyone got what they wanted there would be 0 reason to use counters aside from guessing certain strings which 90% of high level players don't even actually finish.

I agree with you, i agree that if i see my opponent hold low and still do a high attack, he should be able to then block the mid, cuz i fuked up by punishing incorrectly.

I think the solution you propose is pretty damn good actually... not only for low holds but for every hold except unholdable ones. Just make holds unable to be performed until an X amount of frames after the stun, (say for example 8-9 so you can still be able to hold the fastest attacks which are 9 frame jabs... if there still are 9 frame jabs like in doa4... not sure bout that). You can even make it like in KOF or P4U so the game "repeats your inputs for certain frames so you dont even have to "just frame" the hold to be able to hold the follow up jab, you just do the hold, keep the button pressed, and the game holds at the first possible "holding frame" (just like kof and p4u). That way you dont add any kind of execution barrier to the game, and you get rid of the problem at hand.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, that would fix all the problems in my opinion. Holding isn't a cheap get out of jail free card anymore, but it isn't made usless in the process.

Hopefully that's the route that ends up taken in the end instead of one extreme or the other. More than likely counters will just be made useless though.
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